Holiday Reminder! (Monday and Tuesday next week)

Hi everyone,

I’ve had a few questions about when school goes back next week so I thought it would make sense to make a whole class announcement. The children are off Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th. Everyone comes back on Wednesday the 18th. Hope you enjoy your extended weekend, and well done to the whole P3 class for another fantastic week!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

Maths Learning Walls – Out today

Hello everyone,

Following Monday’s homework announcement, I have handed out maths learning wall worksheets today. The learning walls are a range of numeracy activities designed to support your child’s mental maths agility. These tasks are optional, however if you choose to do them I would recommend focusing on one a week. If you have completed a task, please highlight it so I know which ones you have already completed. It is entirely up to you or your child which task you choose to do! I intend on handing out more sheets as the year goes on to match the level your child is working at.

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

Primary 5 Information week beginning 9/9/19


This week in numeracy we will be looking at doubles and halves within 100 (and beyond) as well as consolidating place value to a million.  For numeracy homework pupils have a times tables challenge card and there has been a learn its letter sent home (click here) to explain what areas of metal maths P5 should be working on and revising.  We encourage at least 10 minutes of metal maths every night to really boost numeracy skills and confidence.


Pupils have reading homework most nights, it is important to hear your child read and discuss their reading with them.  Each group has spelling words to learn for Friday and their dictation test is on Monday.

Please remember to check your child’s homework, we encourage cursive handwriting and best work both at home and school.  If possible please sign their homework diaries.

SCHOOL PHOTOS – TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY – Depending on time taken etc.

Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th of September are a Holiday and In service day. Pupils resume on Wednesday.

Primary 6 – Week Beginning: 9.9.19


I would like to give a warm welcome to the pupils in P6 this year and all parents. It was a pleasure to meet those that were able to attend the ‘meet the teacher’ session a couple of weeks ago and I look forward to speaking with you all at a later date.

I feel that it has been a good start to the new term and I am enjoying getting to know all the pupils in P6! There have been many great lessons and activities that the pupils and I have shared already, such as our trip to Penicuik Cricket Club for a tournament and tag rugby every Thursday afternoon at the school. I have also been impressed with our French accents in the classroom during French lessons and the pupils’ eagerness to learn Mandarin each Wednesday with Mrs Sun.

Our class topic at the moment is the European Union! We are learning about the history, the membership countries, the purpose of it and the pros and cons to being a part of the EU, which we will link to current issues in the UK and BREXIT.

We are also currently enjoying a class novel called, Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. Each week we have been reading a chapter, discussing the main themes and doing class work based around the book.


Homework each week will consist of;

  • Spellings written into our homework jotters on a Tuesday, to be learnt for dictation on a Friday.
  • Reading will be set from the reading books each pupil reads during class time. The pages to be read for homework will be set on Monday or Tuesday and can be seen in the pupils’ reading diaries.
  • Other (Maths / Writing and Grammar / Topic) – This homework will be set in discussion with Mrs. Wallace and I. This will not be every week.

Thank you all for your support,

Mr. Nelson

Primary 3 Homework (due Friday 13th September)

Hello all, I hope you and your families have had a restful weekend!

This week’s homework is similar to last week’s – spelling will be the silent ‘k’ pattern (If your child is doing Read, Write, Ink that homework will be instead of spelling). I have also noted reading homework in your child’s record – due Wednesday and then Friday.

I intend on beginning optional maths homework this week, and will make an announcement when that comes out.

Please note that the school photographer will be in tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday, so please ensure that your child comes in full school uniform.

Thank you!

Mr McGaff

P2 Homework w.b. 9.9.19

Hi all,

The school photographer will be in on Tuesday and Wednesday so please ensure your child comes dressed in full school uniform.

Just a reminder that for the September break the pupils are off Monday (16th) and Tuesday (17th), they return on Wednesday (18th). 

Reading: Please ensure you are going over your child’s words alongside completing their daily reading, as this will help their confidence grow when reading. I will be assessing key word recognition this week so some groups may change stages in their reading books.

Spelling: We will be learning the ‘th’ sound this week, so the list contains words with this sound.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

P7 News W/B 9th September 2019

Hi all,

Last week was very busy with three outings so this week is back to normal!

Independent Study Task – Apologies for not handing this out last week. Children have two tasks to complete by this  Friday please. A measuring  task and a times tables task. I will send this home on Monday.

School Photographer – I believe school photos may be taken on Tuesday or Wednesday this week but I’ll confirm with the children on Monday.

Events this week:

Monday – Music and Choir.

  • Running Club or Basketball for those who signed up (Lunchtime clubs)

Tuesday PE       Photos?

WednesdayPE     Photos? 

  • Drawing Club for those who signed up for this                ( Lunchtime)

Thursday   – Rugby (pm)

  • Explorers’ Club (Lunchtime)

**September Holiday Reminder**

Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays for pupils ( 16th and 17th September) Children should attend school this Friday (13th) as normal.

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt


Primary 5

All the children appear to have settled back into school quickly and are ready to get on with learning. We welcome Liam into our class this year.

Miss Amy Clements is a teaching student on a placement with us until February.

Just to remind you Mrs Cumming will be in class on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Hinton on Wednesday and Thursday, we will alternate on Fridays.

Please ensure that your child has their reading book and diary every day as reading will take place daily (with the occasional exception) with homework given.  All children should have a T-shirt and shorts for PE to be kept in school.

Monday: Music with Miss Grigor and spelling homework given out to be returned on Friday.

Tuesday: PE

Wednesday: Mandarin

Thursday: PE with Mrs Duncan and Numeracy homework given out to be returned the following Wednesday.

Friday: Assembly

Literacy and Numeracy will be taught every day. The class will also be continuing to learn French, Topic, Science, Health and Wellbeing, Maths, Religious and Moral Education, Handwriting, ICT and problem solving.

Every child will be given a times tables challenge card. This is to help them learn their tables and will be awarded certificates on successful recall of times tables facts. Please make sure your child has this with them every day. If your child feels they are ready to be tested on a times table they should let us know.

Next week: The school photographer will be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact us.

We look forward to working with you and your child this year.


Karen Hinton and Lisa Cumming