P4 Homework w/b 4.11.19


  • Spelling:Pupils will write their spelling words on a new page of their jotter on Wednesday each week. At home they should use:


    Write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory.

  • Numeracy & Maths: there will be a Number Triangles activity sheet to complete this week to reinforce classroom learning
  • Reading: most pupils will take reading books home to continue reading from class and this should be returned by Thursday 7th November

Additional Information

  • Friday 9th November 2019 P7 Remembrance Service 11:00am all welcome
  • Friday 15th November 2019 Parents/carers are invited to our P4 Viking Assembly at 12:00pm (see slip handed out 06.11.19 with homework)
  • Friday 15th November 2019 Children In Need, crazy hair or hat optional, please bring in a donation

Many thanks,


Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P1 Homework 4/11/19

Our Sounds: ‘b’ Wednesday will be a revision day of all previous sounds before we move on to the double letter sounds. Please do not move on to the ‘ai’ sheet at home as that will be next weeks homework.

Our Tricky words: ‘of’ and ‘are’

Reading books.

Chips: Spots

Biffs: Kipper’s Birthday

Kippers: The Big Box

Floppys: The Big Box



Poppies will be on sale in the school…a donation of 50p would be appreciated.

Parents are invited to our Remembrance Assembly which starts at 11:00am.

Miss Ramsay

P6 Homework: Week Beginning 4.11.19

Homework Due: Friday 8th November

Similar to last week, the homework is as follows.

Reading – These details are in the pupils’ reading diaries with their copy of the book.

Spelling – The pupils will have the spellings they are to learn this week, copied into their homework jotters. The tasks this week are listed on the paper slip sent home with their jotters. These are as follows;

  • Write each spelling word 3 times.
  • Search for the meaning of any words you are unsure of and copy the meaning into your jotter.
  • Using your spelling words for this week, write a short story that includes these words in it (Two paragraphs).

(use at least 6 words from your list of spelling words).

Writing – Kensuke’s Kingdom Activity sheet. The instructions are on the worksheet that will be sent home on Tuesday 5th November.


Weekly Events/News

Poppies will be on sale in the school. Donations of 50p would be appreciated.

Parents are invited to our Remembrance Assembly which starts at 11:00am.

Many Thanks,

Mr. Nelson

P2 Homework w.b. 4.11.19

Hi all,

The weather is sadly getting horrible and wet as winter appears,  can I please remind everyone that children should come to school with a waterproof jacket.

A little late reminder but children had their flu jabs (nasal spray) this morning.

P7 will be doing the remembrance assembly this Friday and are selling poppies this week to all classes. A donation of 50p per poppy would be greatly appreciated.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We are continuing with short vowels this week, so the spelling list contains words with short vowels.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 8th November)

Hello everyone,

This week’s homework is business as usual – first half of reading book for Wednesday and second half for Friday, and spelling homework due in on Friday too.

From now until further notice, PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please ensure that your child has their kit in school for those days.

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

P5 4th November 2019

Homework for this week:

Spelling: as usual see the purple homework jotter for the sound. Blue group and Red group are to do their sentences and find 5 words that follow the same spelling sound and write the meaning of them -FOR FRIDAY.

Reading: Please see their reading diary.

Numeracy: This will be given out on Wednesday for the following TUESDAY.

Poppies will be on sale in the school…a donation of 50p would be appreciated.

Parents are invited to our Remembrance Assembly which starts at 11:00am.

Many thanks,

Karen Hinton and Lisa Cumming

Scottish Poppy Appeal 2019

P7 have two boxes of poppies to sell this week in school. We suggest a minimum donation of 50p and one poppy per child. Thank you.

Buy a poppy in school this week.


P7  have two boxes of  poppies to sell in school this week. We suggest a minimum donation of 50p and one poppy per child to begin with.

Thank you.


P7 Info W/B 4th November 2019

Hi all,

I hope everyone is fully rested after camp last week. Camp was a great success overall. New friends were made and many fears were challenged and overcome.  I plan to create a PowerPoint of photos which will be shown or shared soon. It was difficult to get photos of everyone from Loanhead as we only had a couple of our own children in our activity groups each day. Hopefully, I can pool together photos from other leaders that were there.

Here is the schedule for the week:


  • Flu Vaccinations
  • P7 Digital Wellbeing Workshop – discussing online safety. Can children bring their phones please as part of this workshop may look at privacy settings.






P7 Remembrance Assembly – 11am sharp. Parents are welcome to attend but please arrive 5-10 minutes early to be seated. Part of this assembly will be presented by two lovely ladies from Bravehound, a charity which trains dogs as companion and assistance pets for veterans suffering from PTSD. We will have a donation bucket at the door for this charity.

Some children will have lines/poems/song lyrics home to practise for the assembly so I will not give out any other homework this week.

Scottish Poppy Appeal– P7 have two boxes of poppies to sell this week. We suggest a minimum donation of 50p and one poppy per child to begin with so that everyone gets a chance to buy one in school.

Independent Study Task – Children have chosen which area of World War 2 they would like to research independently. I will send home more specific information on this soon.


Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt