P1 Homework w/b 11.11.19

Our Sounds: ‘ai’ on Monday and ‘j’ on Wednesday

Our Tricky words: ‘all’ and ‘you’

Reading books.

Chips: Kipper’s Birthday

Biffs: The Water Fight

Kippers: Fetch!

Floppys: Fetch!



Christmas Nativity:

Primary 1 and 2 have began to practise our school nativity and the have been little stars so far, we have learnt 5 of our 8 songs. Our show is called ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ and we are really enjoying it so far. Children were informed of their parts on Monday. Lines will be sent home on Wednesday of this week. Thank you all in advance for your support with this. If you would like to practise songs at home they can be found at:


(We sing them all except Song 2 and 9)

Dates for your diary:

  • Friday 15th November: Children in Need – Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Donations greatly appreciated.
  • Friday 29th November: Christmas Fair, 12:30pm – 2pm. P1/2 are collecting ‘Nearly New Toys’ for the toy stall and the lower atrium are creating a ‘Pamper Hamper’ that can be won at the fair. We will be collecting for both of these things.
  • Monday 9th December: P1/2 Nativity for the parents at 1:3opm in the large hall.
  • Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day – we will  be collecting donations to continue the funding of schooling for two children in Africa.
  • Wednesday 11th December: Nursery – P4 have a Christmas show in school.
  • Tuesday 17th December: P1/2 Christmas Party. Your child can bring in a change of clothes for this and get changed at lunchtime. Santa will also be visiting and parents are welcome to this as it is a great photo opportunity!
  • Friday 20th December: Whole school visit to the church and school ends at 12:25pm.

Miss Ramsay

Christmas Fair Friday 29th November HELP NEEDED

Christmas Fair Friday 29th November 12.30pm – 2pm

This is our main school fundraiser and your support is greatly appreciated.

Donations Appeal – We are looking for toys in good condition, unwanted gifts, bottles for the bottle tombola and chocolate for the chocolate tombola. On the day and days leading up to this we will also be collecting your delicious home baking!

School catchment review

Dear parents and carers,

Two S1 pupils from Beeslack and Penicuik High, Hannah and Emily, visited Newbattle Community High School recently to speak to S6 pupils, Craig and Erin, about the world-class learning environment and its Digital Centre of Excellence. It has been captured  on film to give you more information about plans for education in the Penicuik and surrounding areas. Proposals include a replacement for Beeslack built along the A701 corridor with a Centre of Excellence in STEM subjects and a potential refurbishment of Penicuik High.

•         Watch the video<https://youtu.be/Bevx8AIonxI>

Please remember to come to one of two drop-in sessions about the plans. These are on:

•         Tuesday 12 November:  1pm – 7pm at Penicuik Library in the Penicuik Centre.

•         Thursday 14 November: 1pm – 7pm Loanhead Library in the Loanhead Centre

For more information email:

•         A701schools@midlothian.gov.uk<mailto:A701schools@midlothian.gov.uk>

This week’s homework (due Friday 15th November)

Hello everyone!

This week’s homework will be the same as usual, however from now on I will be posting the spelling lists here just in case they don’t make it home in one piece:


  1. thin
  2. thick
  3. touch
  4. young
  5. double
  6. trouble
  7. country
  8. nourish
  9. July
  10. August

Reading homework should be in your child’s reading record, and this is just half their book for Wednesday and full book for Friday.

We have started fractions work in class, and if you wish to practice the concept of fractions with your child feel free to point out real life examples of fractions to them as this will help them make connections in class.

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

P5 Week beginning 11/11/19

Homework for this week:

Spelling: as usual see the purple homework jotter for the sound. Blue group and Red group are to do their sentences and find 5 words that follow the same spelling sound and write the meaning of them -FOR FRIDAY.

Reading: Please see their reading diary.

Friday 15th November: Children in Need. Children can wear a crazy hat or have crazy hair to raise funds and awareness for this charity. Donations will be appreciated.

The Christmas Fair is approaching rapidly, if you have any donations for this please send them into school: hamper items, good quality second hand books and toys, unwanted gifts, tombola items, chocolate hamper items etc.

Many thanks,

Karen Hinton and Lisa Cumming

P6 Homework – Week Beginning: 11.11.19


I hope you all had a great weekend!

Homework this week is due on Friday 15th November and will be as follows;


This will be a continuation of group reading books and the information is provided in the pupils’ reading diaries. P6 are also continuing to read the remaining chapters of Kensuke’s Kingdom as our class novel.


The new spelling words should be copied into homework jotters and copied 3 times at home. Pupils are then asked to find the meaning of any words they are unsure about and to write a short story (2 paragraphs) using at least 5 of the spelling words.

Health & Well-being – Role Models of Resilience

For our P6 assembly on Friday 22nd November, we will be talking about role models of resilience. These are people that have faced adversities and challenges in their life and found ways to overcome these.

For this reason, I would greatly appreciate pupils’ being given the opportunity to research at home, someone they can use as a role model of resilience. For example, this can be a person from family and friends, a famous celebrity from film/TV or a sports person.

The information should be displayed as a poster on an A4 page and include;

  • Heading – My Resilience Role Model
  • Name of person and a brief background about them (who they are, what they do…)
  • The challenge(s) the person was faced with
  • The strategies that person used to overcome the challenge(s)


Homework for Monday 2nd December

Pupil Talks & Presentations

This term the pupils will have the opportunity to plan and present a talk/presentation on a personal hobby or interest.

This activity gives the pupils a chance to develop their planning, communication and presenting skills, as well as the continued development of self-confidence.

I would expect most pupils to be able to talk for approximately 5 minutes.

The talk can be presented using Power point slides saved on a USB pen drive, handwritten notes, drawings, cue-cards and props/ items from home brought in to discuss.

I have given three weeks for this project to be completed and pupils will be given the opportunity to present to their classmates during class time.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson


News / Events this Week

Monday 11th November: Remembrance Day

Friday 15th November: Children in Need – Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Donations are greatly appreciated.

P7 Info W/B 11th November 2019

Hi all,

Here is the schedule for the week:





Friday: Crazy Hair/Hat Day for Children in Need

P7 Remembrance Assembly – Well done P7 for putting on a very respectful and poignant assembly and thanks to parents who were able to attend. I’d like to thank some children in particular, who gave so much help and input to help make it a success.

AV Team – DR, OM, MBo – Boys, you worked so hard and efficiently behind the scenes. Well done!

PowerPoint – DR and DG for quickly and ably producing a PowerPoint slideshow for the background.

Singers – Everyone sang beautifully but ZM and KT/ MBa in particular, who had a solo and duet respectively.

Memories– Military stories of ancestors from FC, RA, MBa and KT; these were very moving and interesting.

Narrators – EM, EMR and ZM – great job

Wreath Laying Team – Thanks to the pupils from each class who respectfully laid a poppy wreath at our model of the local WW2 Memorial Statue.

Display and backdrop – A huge thanks to Mrs Craig who always goes above and beyond to produce superb displays with the children.


Independent Study Task – There will be a numeracy task sent home on Wednesday.

Children have chosen which area of World War 2 they would like to research independently. I will send home more specific information on this soon.

Reading – We will now start ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ in class.


Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt








Hi all,

Finally, the week of School Camp has arrived! Here follows details of our departure and general reminders about the week ahead.

**Children who are not going to camp arrive and leave school at normal times Tuesday – Friday and report to Mrs Caldwell each morning for registration. These pupils have a unique and fun week to look forward to and Mrs Caldwell has discussed this with them already.**

Monday – Normal school day for all.

Tuesday – The bus pick up time is 09:30 so I suggest the pupils ensure they are in school between 08:50 and 09:10 at the latest. This allows time for last minute toilet stops etc! Children should arrive with their luggage and make their way through the main reception (office) as we will congregate in the music room. It would be helpful if parents would then leave and wait in the carpark to wave us off! Otherwise, it’ll be difficult to count heads and organise an excited bunch of P7s! I appreciate your support in this. The journey should be less than 90 minutes and children will find out their dorms and groups on arrival. Our first meal is lunch before the afternoon activities begin.

Thursday evening disco – this is not a Halloween themed event. Children should bring smart casual clothes for this. No-one should bring anything linked to Halloween please eg. masks or costumes.

Friday – We are due to leave camp at 10am so will be back before the end of the normal school day. Staff will contact the school en route who will end a text update to you all as to the time of our arrival. Children can go home from school early IF picked up by a parent/carer but will remain in school until 12:25pm if not picked up.

Weather – Looking at the forecasts, it is looking dry for the week ahead but COLD! So, make sure your child brings lots of layers, a pair of gloves, warm head and neck gear; not forgetting a waterproof coat and boots.

Reminder – no electronic devices or phones should be brought to camp. Disposable cameras are allowed.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt







P2 Homework w.b. 11.11.19

Hi all,

I just wanted to start by saying how proud I am of the class the past few weeks. They have been working so hard and been completing some wonderful work, especially in their writing! They should be so proud of themselves and their progress so far in P2.

Christmas is approaching quicker than I like to admit, so I will post all the important dates for your diary in this post. Miss Ramsay and I have cast all the parts in the Nativity and we will be telling the children on Monday. Children with speaking parts will be given their lines on Monday to take home to learn. This year we are doing ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ and I can already tell it is going to be so much fun. We have started learning the songs in class and if you wish to practise them at home with your child, then please feel free. Here is the link with all the songs: http://dcsss1.weebly.com/year1/christmas-with-the-aliens-songs-lyrics

(We sing them all except Song 2 and 9)

Dates for your diary:

  • Friday 15th November: Children in Need – Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Donations greatly appreciated.
  • Friday 29th November: Christmas Fair, 12:30pm – 2pm. P1/2 are collecting ‘Nearly New Toys’ for the toy stall and the lower atrium are creating a ‘Pamper Hamper’ that can be won at the fair. We will be collecting for both of these things.
  • Monday 9th December: P1/2 Nativity for the parents at 1:3opm in the large hall.
  • Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day – we will  be collecting donations to continue the funding of schooling for two children in Africa.
  • Wednesday 11th December: Nursery – P4 have a Christmas show in school.
  • Friday 13th December: P2/3 will be going to the local care home to do carol singing. Please could your child bring in a Christmas jumper/Christmassy headpiece to wear over their school uniform for this.
  • Tuesday 17th December: P1/2 Christmas Party. Your child can bring in a change of clothes for this and get changed at lunchtime. Santa will also be visiting and parents are welcome to this as it is a great photo opportunity! I will keep you informed of times when I know.
  • Friday 20th December: Whole school visit to the church and school ends at 12:25pm.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read are written in your child’s green reading record. Please continue to revise your child’s key words with them. Once children can read these off by heart it improves their fluency and confidence greatly.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘ff’ sounds this week (cliff, sniff etc.). Please remember that instead of just writing the words in their jotters, children can write them in different colours, bubble writing, and silly sentences! You can even practise them however you like and just write about what you did.

As always if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me or catch me at the end of the day – L.Waller@mgfl.net

I hope you all have a fab weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller