P7 Appeal For Unused/Unwanted Gift Items

School Fair Friday 29th November

Have unwanted, unopened, as-good-as-new gift items at home?

We would be very grateful if you could donate any of these items for our table at the school fair. Please hand in these items as soon as possible.

Many, many thanks!

Miss Brunt

Eco News November 2019

Litter is a problem in most places and Loanhead is no different. However, we recently contacted Hart Builders to ask if they could help to provide our school with new litter pickers- and they did! Hart Builders, currently constructing new houses nearby, sourced and delivered 20 new pickers to us, which is just fabulous. It means each class now have new pickers and we have some spare. Thank you Hart Builders!

We are hoping to organise larger scale litter picks around and outside the school grounds in the new year.

Loanhead PS are now collecting empty crisp packets to feed the hungry Crisp Packet Monster ( see above). We hope to send these packets away to be recycled using the Walkers Crisps recycling scheme.

Empty plastic bottles in school should all be put into a plastic recycling box. We are planning to collect unopened/unwanted water bottles from the dining room to keep in a ‘bank’ for children to access for sporting events etc.

These are just some of the initiatives we are driving forward. We have many more issues to tackle in 2020 but every little step forward is a step on the road to becoming a truly eco-friendly establishment.

Thanks for reading,

LHPS Eco Team


P6 Homework – Week Beginning 18.11.19



Homework this week is for pupils to rehearse their lines for the P6 Assembly on Resilience, this Friday.

Every pupil should have lines to learn. If they don’t have a copy of the handout given out on Tuesday, can they please be reminded to ask me to print them another copy!

On the handout, each pupil’s name will be at the end of the sentences or paragraph they have to learn for the assembly. These roles were all agreed together during class time.

I look forward to watching the assembly this Friday.


Mr. Nelson

p1 homework 18/11/19

Revising all old tricky words.

Reading books.

Chips: The Dream

Biffs: The Babysitter

Kippers: The Apple

Floppys: The Apple

There has been a little bit of confusion over the list of  stage 2 reading words that were sent home with some children. These were the words to be coloured in once your child can recognise it consistently in different contexts 3 times (Everyone, said, got etc). Children can only move on to these once they are reading stage 2 and they can only move on to this stage when they are able to recognise the words: Kipper, Biff, Floppy, Mum, and, a , Chip, the and Dad.

If your child is reading stage 1 books please continue to revise the words above. We are hoping that some children will be moving stages by Christmas.


Primary 1 and 2 are still looking for ‘nearly new’ toys which we can sell on at the Christmas Fair. All donations are appreciated.

P1 and 2 have also began to create our props for the nativity. We are looking for large bits of cardboard or cardboard boxes.

We are progressing really well with nativity. Miss Waller and I are so impressed with how the children are picking up songs, directions and lines. We truly appreciate your continual support with this at home.

Hope you all have a lovely week,

Miss Ramsay


This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 22nd November)

Good morning,

Primary 3’s spelling pattern this week is the ‘air‘ sound. The words are as follows:

  1. cliff
  2. off
  3. air
  4. hair
  5. pair
  6. stair
  7. chair
  8. hairbrush
  9. September
  10. October

For reading homework, could you please read half of your child’s book for Wednesday, and finish off the book for Friday. Could I also ask that you make sure your child’s reading record and spelling jotter are in school on Friday as I try to get all homework prepared over the weekend for Monday morning.

Some children have been sharing fantastic examples of fractions they have explored with their families at home, so keep it up!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff 🙂

P7 Info W/B 18th November 2019

Hi all,

It’s Scottish Book Week!

Can pupils bring a book (or other reading material) with them to school to read in class- when a special bell rings, we will stop what we’re doing and read!

Schedule for the week:


Girls’ Football (pm)




Independent Study Task – There will be a numeracy task sent home on Wednesday.

Children have chosen which area of World War 2 they would like to research independently. My vision is that P7 will create a fusion of Pupil Talks/Kids Teach presentations and become experts in their chosen area of the war to share with the rest of the class. However, there are only five weeks left of this term. This is extremely busy with other events. Therefore, I would like their presentations prepared for January 2020 and am hoping we will have enough material to put on an exhibition of work for you all to visit. More info to follow!

Reading – We have started ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ in class.


Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt








Hi all,

Finally, the week of School Camp has arrived! Here follows details of our departure and general reminders about the week ahead.

**Children who are not going to camp arrive and leave school at normal times Tuesday – Friday and report to Mrs Caldwell each morning for registration. These pupils have a unique and fun week to look forward to and Mrs Caldwell has discussed this with them already.**

Monday – Normal school day for all.

Tuesday – The bus pick up time is 09:30 so I suggest the pupils ensure they are in school between 08:50 and 09:10 at the latest. This allows time for last minute toilet stops etc! Children should arrive with their luggage and make their way through the main reception (office) as we will congregate in the music room. It would be helpful if parents would then leave and wait in the carpark to wave us off! Otherwise, it’ll be difficult to count heads and organise an excited bunch of P7s! I appreciate your support in this. The journey should be less than 90 minutes and children will find out their dorms and groups on arrival. Our first meal is lunch before the afternoon activities begin.

Thursday evening disco – this is not a Halloween themed event. Children should bring smart casual clothes for this. No-one should bring anything linked to Halloween please eg. masks or costumes.

Friday – We are due to leave camp at 10am so will be back before the end of the normal school day. Staff will contact the school en route who will end a text update to you all as to the time of our arrival. Children can go home from school early IF picked up by a parent/carer but will remain in school until 12:25pm if not picked up.

Weather – Looking at the forecasts, it is looking dry for the week ahead but COLD! So, make sure your child brings lots of layers, a pair of gloves, warm head and neck gear; not forgetting a waterproof coat and boots.

Reminder – no electronic devices or phones should be brought to camp. Disposable cameras are allowed.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt







P2 Homework w.b. 18.11.19


A letter regarding Nativity costumes will be put into bookbags later next week, so keep an eye out for this! I sorted out all the lines last week and every child, who has a speaking part, should have their lines. If they do not, please let me know and I will sort this ASAP. We are starting to make props next week and are looking for spare cardboard, we don’t mind what size it is! Any size and shape would be wonderful!!

Next week is Scottish Book Week and the children will be taking part in ‘Drop Everything and Read’. This is when a bell will ring and everyone has to stop what they are doing and read, no matter where they are!! Children are more than welcome to bring a book in from home for this.

Homework for the week:

Reading: As always the pages to be read are in your child’s green reading record. Please continue to practise the key words for each stage.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘ll’ sound this week (balloon, fill etc.), so this is the spelling list for the week.

Happy Friday!! I wish you all a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P4 Homework w/b 11.11.19


  • Spelling: Pupils have written their new spelling words in their jotter on Wednesday this week. At home they should use:LOOK   THINK   COVER   WRITE   CHECK

    to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory

  • Numeracy & Maths: please continue to practice the 3 x table or if this has been mastered then the table identified during your child’s Learning Trio target setting
  • Reading: most pupils will take reading books home to continue reading from class and this should be returned by Thursday 14th October
  • PE & Swimming: will continue as normal this week on Tuesday and Thursday with the 12th swim session on Friday

Additional Information

Friday 15th November 2019 P4 Viking Assembly,  12:00pm to 12:20pm

If you can make it, we would love to see you in the audience to watch your child showcase their Viking topic learning today!

Children in Need – Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Donations greatly appreciated.

Friday 29th November 2019 – Christmas Fair, 12:30pm – 2pm. P4 will be selling their painted scallop shells filled with chocolate and gift wrapped with personalised Christmas label. A bargain at only £4 per package!

As always, many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy