P7 Info W/B 24th Feb 2020

Hi all,

Last week was Health Week and we explored emotional states through role play in drama. However, there’s still a bit to do in the next few weeks and this will be supported by our upcoming Headstrong programme. Thanks to PC Anderson for delivering a very meaningful and thought provoking lesson about substance misuse and the potential consequences of this.

We should have a block of rugby with Bradley on Thursday afternoons.

Reading will focus on comprehension skills – strategies to rigorously interpret texts both fiction and non-fiction. There will also be some tasks to try at home for the next few weeks.

Schedule for the week:


Music AND PE with Mrs D ( timetable change for one week)


Tommy’s Honour – A day’s programme developing life skills through learning about the golfing achievements of Tommy Morris.


PE for those in school, we’ll still have our PE session.

Independent Study Task = A reading comprehension sheet will be sent home.


Rugby – bring PE clothes to be able to play rugby outside in the MUGA.


‘Loanhead Primary has Talent’ is on Friday evening at the Loanhead Miners Club and tickets (£3.50 per adult/children are free) can be purchased at the school office. The doors open at 6:15pm, for a 7pm start.

That’s all for now!

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt














P2 Homework w.b. 24.2.20


Your child should have taken their Learning Trio report home on Friday but if it has not made its way home, then please let me know and I will get you a new copy.

On Wednesday 25th March, we are going on a trip to Rosslyn Chapel to take part in a ‘Stars’ workshop, which ties into our upcoming topic ‘Day and Night’. The bus leaves around 9:10am and we should be back in school for before 11am. I am looking for a parent helper to accompany us on the trip, if you are available and would like to come along, then please let me know! ( L.Waller@mgfl.net)

This Friday (28th Feb) I am out of class, as I am attending a training course so Mrs Cumming will be taking the class. 

‘Loanhead Primary has Talent’ is on Friday evening at the Loanhead Miners Club and tickets (£3.50 per adult/children are free) can be purchased at the school office, it should be great fun! The doors open at 6:15pm, for a 7pm start.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ea’ sound (makes the long vowel e sound) – for example, tea, meat and bean). Please ensure your child is practising reading these words, as well as writing them.

Have a fab weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 17.2.20

Hi all,

Apologies for the delay in this being posted. I hope you all had a wonderful and well-rested break during the holidays.

This week is Health week and we will be focusing on mental health and substance misuse (for example, what are medicines?).

Just a gentle reminder that all children should have indoors shoes and a full P.E. kit please.

Thank you for attending the Learning Trios before the holidays, it was lovely to work alongside you and your child to create new targets for the term. Your copy of this will be put into your child’s bag on Friday.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Most groups have moved a stage in their reading, therefore their book may be a little more challenging. Please continue to practise reading every night and encourage expression when reading.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ay’ sound (day, today, away etc.) The spelling list contains with the ‘ay’ sound.

Thank you!

Miss Lauren Waller

This week’s homework (due Friday 21st Feb)

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a restful February break!

This week, Primary 3 will be looking more at the analog clock. I would recommend looking at o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to with your child so the ideas are fresh in their mind. We will be looking at these further in class, and then moving onto more specific times and digital as the weeks go on.

This week’s spelling pattern is /er/. There are three different spellings for this sound (er, ir, ur) and we will be practising remembering which spelling goes with which word in class. The spelling list is as follows:

  1. drip
  2. plug
  3. third
  4. winter
  5. bird
  6. over
  7. hurt
  8. butterfly
  9. thirty
  10. forty

Reading homework is the same as usual this week (half the book for Wednesday, whole book for Friday). If you have any questions about homework or what we’re doing in class, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Mr McGaff

P7 Info W/B 17th February 2020

Hi all,

Welcome back. Last week’s weather wasn’t the best but hopefully P7 managed to have a lovely, relaxing week off. This next part of term is about 7 weeks long and as usual, there’s lots to achieve!

What’s new?

This week is designated ‘Health Week’ at Loanhead with a particular focus on mental well- being and learning more about the dangers of substance misuse.

Looking ahead to this term, we have lots of science and computational thinking activities coming up. Science will look at energy and conservation of water; computational thinking will take a look at simple coding, binary, decomposition, algorithms and so on. We’ll have visits from our ICT support staff to hook us up to start using Chromebooks and give children log ins to Glow.

We also have a block of rugby with Bradley on Thursday afternoons so Monday PE sessions will cease for now. We’ll do drama instead.

Reading will focus on comprehension skills – strategies needed to rigorously interpret texts, both fiction and non-fiction.

House keeping:

  • All children should have indoor shoes
  • All children should have a full PE kit to change into.
  • All children should be washing their hands before eating – can you remind your child please.

Schedule for the week: HEALTH WEEK




PE – please bring a full kit to change into.


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.

Maths/Numeracy sheet home – I have forgotten the last few weeks- huge apologies!


Rugby – bring PE clothes to be able to play rugby outside in the MUGA.


Learning Trios Parents Meetings – the report sheets/notes will be sent home.

That’s all for now!

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt














p1 Homework w/b 3/2/20


This week’s sound: er and ar


Chips- Kippers Idea

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday -p1-16

Thursday- Whole book

Biffs- Nobody Wanted to Play

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday –p1-16

Thursday- Whole Book

Kippers- Red & Blue

Tuesday- p1-4

Wednesday- p4-8

Thursday – Whole Book

Independent Readers- 

Tuesday- p1-4

Wednesday- p4-8

Thursday – Whole Book

Miss Ramsay

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 7th February) + ASSEMBLY INFO

Hello everyone,

A massive well done to Primary 3 on their incredible work last week. They set a great example and showed themselves in the best light with their manners, determination and energy!

This week’s homework is whole reading book for Friday (half for Wednesday) and the spelling pattern /k/ which is as follows:

  1. hook
  2. fork
  3. back
  4. brick
  5. deck
  6. flock
  7. struck
  8. rucksack
  9. nineteen
  10. twenty

Today, we allocated roles for Friday’s Scottish Inventors assembly (if your child will not be in on Friday can you please let me know ASAP so we can reorganise roles) and your child should have an annotated script home with them. I am on the hunt for the following objects/costumes if anyone happens to know someone who might be willing to lend Primary 3 them for their assembly:

  • Cardboard (as much as possible for props)
  • Bear costume
  • Horse costume
  • Cow costume
  • 6 lab coats (child size)
  • An old TV

If your child’s role one of the animals or a scientist, can you and try and search out any ‘Scottish’ outfits they could wear on the day? We should be able to find some costumes to use in school, but probably not enough to go round.

Thanks a lot!

Mr McGaff

Primary 5 week beginning 3rd Feb 2020

This week is Miss Clements last week in Primary 5, we are all sad to see her go but wish her all the best in the nursery and primary 2.  Miss Clements will be teaching this week and pupils are learning about the layers of the ocean, note taking and Henri Rousseau.

WRITING -Last week we did some digital literacy on the music video for Titanium, and as a result the writing which came from it is excellent.  Pupils had homework to take this home and edit it – make changes in order to up level it.  Changes should be made in green and their work should have lots of green changes visible – this is an important step in the writing process before publishing.  ALL pupils have this to share with you and I have asked for a parent signature to show that they have discussed this with you.

READING – DAILY home reading for every pupil

SPELLING – Write words 3 times and write 10 sentences to include the words.

MATHS – Pupils have Sumdog challenges and maths targets to work on and if they forget, they should ensure knowledge of all the Learn its – please click the link to see the LearnIts-progresion fromP1-P7. 

LEARNING TRIOS – Take place on Thursday and Friday this week – please email or call if you cannot make your allocated time (k.hinton@mgfl.net)

Have a restful and fun holiday! We return back on Feb 17th and the first week back is our health week on substance misuse and emotional wellbeing.


Mrs Hinton and Mrs Cumming