P7 Homework / Info – Week Beg: Monday 12th October 2020

Hi P7,


PE – This week P7 PE will be on Tuesday 13th October, instead of our usual Monday slot. Please come dressed for outdoors and appropriate footwear.



This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings practice and revision of the latest fractions worksheet for Mrs Caldwell.

Mrs Caldwell will set a short test on Friday 16th for pupils to showcase their fractions knowledge.

Please see the attachments below for your tasks and video clips to help your understanding.

NOTE: I will be providing paper copies for pupils who are still having issues with accessing Google Classroom.

For homework this week, our activity is on Decimals.
This will be related to work we have been working on in class.
Learning Intention: We are learning to revise decimals.
– Rounding to the nearest whole number.
– Rounding to 1 decimal place.
– Adding and subtracting decimal numbers.

Fractions Friday
The work to be revised and learnt is on a worksheet that has been given to each pupil already.

Where do I write my answers?
Complete these questions by editing the google document, or do them on an A4 page, then post a picture of your completed work.

Mr Nelson

🍂 Primary 1 – 8th October 2020 🦔

With just over a week to go until the October break I cannot believe how fast time has flown. 🍂

Reading groups are heard almost daily but groups timings are limited to just 10-15 minutes in school with close teacher contact so it is essential that pupils keep reading their books daily in school.

Reading journals are updated on Mondays and that will be the only day that I collect them all in. 📒

I have handed out the Stage 1 words (pink) and stage 2 words (yellow) today because I realise that adding the words each time we get a new book is perhaps not the best idea in the current climate.  These words should be learned at sight and should  be learned in order to progress through the ORT scheme.  These are for home use so do not need to be brought in. 🟥 🟨

On Friday I will hand out the sounds that we will have covered by the October holiday.  In class each day we go through the sounds and are not word building using these.  e.g. asking the children to lay out the sound cards to make a certain word and then sound it out.  This activity is extremely useful for confidence building and would ideally be completed alongside reading at home. 🟩

Can I also take this opportunity to ask that the Phonics booklet that pupils were handed out in week 2 is completed and up to date.

I will begin target setting with pupils next week and their target sheets will come home once they have had their chat with me.

As always, thanks for your support

Mrs Hinton

P3 Homework – Week Beginning 5/10/20

Primary 3
Miss Ramsay will be off for a couple of weeks so I will continue to teach P3 until she returns. We hope she feels better soon. Please contact me if you have any queries.

Here is the reading and spelling homework for the week:
Stripes: The Blue Eye
Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Zigs Zags: The Broken Roof
Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Spots: Blackbones Saves the School
Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday – Chapter 3
Thursday – Task

Polka Dots: Clive Keeps his Cool
Monday – Chapter 2 & 3
Tuesday – Chapter 6 & 7
Wednesday – Chapter 9 & 10
Thursday – Task

Waves: Six Fish
Sounds and words every day plus
Monday – page 4 -5
Tuesday – page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15

Spelling word list below and in the blue homework jotter. Please also do 3 sentences using the spelling words.
When the letter ‘g’ is followed by the vowels e, i or y then its sound is usually changed from the hard ‘g’ sound to a soft ‘g’ sound as in ‘magic’ or ‘giant’
Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.

Please complete an activity from the grid in the back of the homework jotter.

PE on Wednesday as usual – please wear comfy clothes and bring warm / waterproof jackets as PE is not allowed to be done indoors.

On Thursday we will be having an online drumming session which I am sure will be good fun!
Many thanks
Lisa Cumming and Kirsteen Ramsay

⭐️ P5 Info – 5.10.20

Please remember to bring a warm, waterproof jacket to wear as the winter       weather is nearing and you can bring an extra jumper/hoody to wear in class if you feel chilly!

🔬We will have no science with Mrs Cumming for the next two weeks, so we will try to have some science/STEM lessons in class.

P.E is on Wednesday and we have a ZOOM assembly on Friday!

Homework 📝 (Set on Monday and to be returned on Friday)

Reading 📚- Children should bring their reading record and book to school everyday. Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green record daily.

Spelling✏️- The children will copy their new spelling words on Monday morning.

Pupil Talks🗣- I have uploaded a letter onto Google Classroom with more information for our Pupil Talks. These should be prepared and ready for Monday 12th October. If you have any issues or require anything, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

See you all tomorrow,

Miss Lauren Waller




P7 Homework – Week Beg: Monday 5th October

Hi P7,

This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings practice and revision of our fractions worksheet for Mrs Caldwell.

Homework is due on Friday 9th October.

There will be a Fractions Friday every week now, beginning this week. Mrs Caldwell will set a short test for pupils to practise their fractions knowledge.

NOTE: I will be providing paper copies for pupils who are still having issues with accessing Google Classroom.

Maths Activity
For homework this week, our activity is on Time.
This will be related to work we have been working on in class.
Learning Intention: We are learning to find information from timetables and solve time intervals.

What do I need to do?
1. Read the timetable and look at the time schedule of the tv programmes.
2. To workout the answer you are adding on or subtracting the units of time.
3. Complete the calculation and write your answer on the Google Doc.

Fractions Friday
The work to be revised and learnt for the test is on a worksheet that has been given to each pupil already.

Where do I write my answers?
Complete these questions by editing the google document, or do them on an A4 page, then post a picture of your completed work.

Thanks for your support,
Mr Nelson

P6 Info W/B Monday 5th October 2020

Hi all,

P6 had a  productive time last week and worked very hard as always.  I hope to put a gallery of pictures of their work on Google Classroom  soon.

There’s no major updates for the week ahead, so it’s business as usual. 

 PE is on Tuesday. 

Home Learning

Spelling – Complete and hand in for Friday please.

Maths – A problem solving task will be sent home on Thursday.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt

P4 Homework & Update – October 2020

Dear All,

We have enjoyed a great September learning in our outdoor spaces and will continue this into October. As the weather is changing, it is really important that pupils come to school with a warm and waterproof jacket and appropriate footwear. When we are working indoors,  it is extremely important our classrooms are kept well ventilated so the windows will be open throughout the day. Please ensure that your child also brings a warm jumper/fleece as it can get chilly. 


  • Spelling: pupils write their new spelling words in their homework jotter on Wednesday every week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional second activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Tuesday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Wednesday each week.

  • Numeracy & Maths: please use the enclosed activity sheet to practise work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Tuesday of the following week.
  • Reading: all pupils have been allocated a reading book which will go home twice per week to be read with an adult. It is extremely important that this activity is done at home as only through regular reading practice, will children improve this valuable life skill! Please ensure your child’s reading book is returned to school on the date written on the bookmark. It would also be helpful if you could initial this when you have heard your child read.
  • PE/Health & Wellbeing: this will be an outdoor activity where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on the allocated day each week (see dates below).  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt, fleece and outdoor showerproof jacket. We have no changing areas at present so children will wear their kit for the day.
    Date P.E. / Health & Wellbeing Activity Day
    08.10.20 Thursday
    13.10.20 Tuesday
    19.10.20 to 26.10.20 October Break
    29.10.20 Thursday
    03.11.20 Tuesday
    12.11.20 Thursday
    17.11.20 Tuesday

Additional Information

Leaf Identification – P4 have enjoyed taking part in outdoor learning activities, particularly leaf classification. We will continue with outdoor learning throughout October as the class are really enjoying being out and about in our beautiful local area.  

Diary dates:

Monday 19th October 2020 – Monday 26th October 2020, October Holiday

Tuesday 27th October 2020 – Pupils return 

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P3 Week Beginning 28/09/20

Primary 3 

Can all children please bring a jacket as the weather is changing. I know that some children come in a car and it is easy to forget but the children are outside for break times.

Here is the reading and spelling homework for the week:


Stripes: The Quest 

Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Zigs Zags: Lost in the Jungle

Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Spots: Princess Pip’s Holiday

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday – Chapter 3
Thursday – Chapter 4

Polka Dots: Hamper’s Great Escape

Monday – Chapter 2
Tuesday – Chapter 4
Wednesday – Chapter 5
Thursday – Find 10 descriptive words in your book

Waves: My Dog Ned

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4 -5
Tuesday – page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15


Spelling word list below and in the blue homework jotter. Please also do 3 sentences using the spelling words.

When the letter ‘c’ is followed by the vowels e, i or y then its sound is usually changed from the hard ‘k’ sound to a soft ‘s’ sound as in ‘ice’ or ‘city’


Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.


Please complete an activity from the grid in the back of the homework jotter.

PE on Wednesday as usual – please wear comfy clothes and bring warm / waterproof jackets as PE is not allowed to be done indoors.

Many thanks

Lisa Cumming and Kirsteen Ramsay