🍁 P5 Info – 26.10.20


I hope you have all had a wonderful and relaxing October holiday.

👩🏻‍💻 I will not be in school until Friday this week so I can only apologise that all the Learning Trio target sheets will be completed and given home by next Friday  (6th November) instead of this coming Friday. Apologises for this. 

🏃🏼‍♂️P.E. is on Wednesday afternoon so please come appropriately dressed for this, as the weather is ever changing.

⭐️ ZOOM Assembly on Friday at 11:30AM.

📝 This week may look a little different as I will not be in class with the children until Friday but homework should remain the same with reading and spelling.

I am still available to contact via Google Classroom or email (L.Waller@mgfl.net), if you need anything, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Miss Lauren Waller

Term One Targets Primary 2

I hope everyone enjoyed their October break and managed to make the most of the week off.

Getting back into the swing of things, I will be handing out the Term One Targets this week. 

This consisted of small meetings with each child and discussed what they felt they were good at and enjoyed in school.

As well as areas we felt we can work on and set as our targets. 

Some of the targets for each child, they may be able to work on them at home through games and activities. 

I have sent home a sheet at the back of the letter with some ideas of 5 to 10 minute activities that you can do at home. As well as attached some activities to this post.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on g.peacock@mgfl.net

Spelling activities

Wellbeing Calendar

Big Maths Task Cards – P2


P6 Info W/b Tuesday 27th October 2020

Hi all,

I hope everyone managed to have peaceful and fun break.

There’s no major updates for the week ahead.

PE is on Tuesday as normal.

Learning TriosPupil feedback forms– All pupils should have had their discussion with me in the next day or two,  so I will aim to have copies of their feedback sheets sent home by Friday or at the start of next week.

Home Learning

Spelling – Complete and hand in for Friday please.

Numeracy – Children will have one multiplication table to try and learn inside out! We will discuss in class how best to do this. Children will make up their own independent learning resources. Children MUST become super quick with their recall of times tables facts as this links in to so many other areas of numeracy.

Topic – We will launch our SPACE topic this week! More details to follow soon.


That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P7 Info / Homework – October Break

Hi P7,

I wanted to say thank you for an enjoyable start to the year in P7. It has been great seeing you all again and learning in our actual classroom!

As you know it is now our October holiday and I hope you have a nice break with your families.

Homework: Pupil Talk

There will be no set homework for the week we return to school from our break however I have a new assignment posted on Google Classroom that I want to share.

This assignment will be our first pupil talk of the year.

For our first pupil talk in term 1, I thought it would be fun to choose World War Two as our theme.

We have been learning about events that took place during the war each week, so many topics will be familiar to you.

The talk should be completed and ready to present by Friday 13th November. Hopefully that should give you plenty of time to complete the assignment. Check Google Classroom for further details.

I hope you enjoy this assignment and I am very excited to listen to all of your pupil talks!

Enjoy the holidays!

C. Nelson

P3 Week Beginning 12/10/20

Primary 3
Please can all children bring a jumper or wear layers as it is a requirement that we keep windows open in the school, as advised, for ventilation. Some children have been saying they are cold as they don’t have jumpers. We do have a small selection of spare jumpers if people do forget but some children don’t like wearing other people’s things.
Here is the reading and spelling homework for the week:

Stripes: Rescue
Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Zigs Zags: The Lost Key
Monday – pages 1-8
Tuesday – pages 8 – 16
Wednesday pages 16 – 24
Thursday pages 24 – 32

Spots: The Great Spaghetti Suit
Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday – Chapter 3
Thursday – Task

Polka Dots: Snooty Prune
Monday – Chapter 2
Tuesday – Chapter 4
Wednesday – Chapter 5
Thursday – Task

Waves: The Spell
Sounds and words every day plus
Monday – page 4 -5
Tuesday – page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15

The children have been split into groups for spelling. Their spelling words are stapled into the blue homework jotter. These words need to be learnt and the children should look out for other words of the same spelling pattern when they are reading. Can all children please do five sentences which use some of their spelling words. Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.
Please complete an activity from the grid in the back of the homework jotter.
PE on Wednesday as usual – please wear comfy clothes and bring warm / waterproof jackets as PE is not allowed to be done indoors.

Many thanks
Lisa Cumming and Kirsteen Ramsay

🍂 P5 Info – 12.10.20


🔬 No science with Mrs Cumming as she is teaching Primary 3 this week.

🏃🏼‍♂️ P.E is on Wednesday afternoon, please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for this as we are not allowed to do it inside.

🗣 Pupils will be presenting their pupil talks this week, the talk timetable was discussed on Monday in class, and posted on Google Classroom for everyone to refer to. **Please note that due to the current climate, children should not bring any items from home in for this. Instead pictures can be emailed to me and I can share these on the smart board with the class. 

💻 On Thursday afternoon we will have an online workshop with an ex-miner! This will be very exciting as we have been learning about what it was like to work in the mines during the Victorian era.

Check out our charcoal pictures of us as chimney sweeps! We have put them on display in the school hallway for everyone to see.

Homework 📝

Reading 📚- Pages to be read will be written in your child’s reading record daily.

Spelling✏️ – The new spelling list will be copied down on Monday morning.

We will go back to having a maths/numeracy task to complete on Google Classroom after the holidays.

*Remember school closes this Friday (16th October) for the October holidays and pupils will return at 8:50am on Tuesday 27th October.* 

Thank you all for your support so far this term and I wish you all a restful holiday when it comes,

Miss Lauren Waller



P6 Info W/B 12th October 2020

Hi all,

**Change to PE this week**

P6 will have PE on Monday  this week so need to dress appropriately for this. The reason for the swap, is that we are having an online workshop with a scientist on Tuesday afternoon. Children will prepare questions on Monday to ask the scientist . Sorry for the short notice, I forgot to let children know on Friday!

Spelling homework is as normal – please hand in completed work on Friday.

Maths/numeracy – Last week we were revising multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. There’s plenty of work still to be done on this so we’ll continue on this week , progressing onto work with multiples of 10s,100s, and 100s.  ( 40x 20     50 x 70    30 x 200    80 x 700    300 x 200   and so on) The importance of children knowing their basic tables is paramount.

Wherever possible, children are encouraged to spot patterns, make connections and follow repeat processes. This takes the ‘fear factor’ out of maths in many cases!

  • I will send home a revision worksheet on Wednesday and plan to set a Sumdog challenge too.

Science – Last week, P6 had lots of fun creating chain reaction runs. There were so many important skills developed within this seemingly simple task. Children were very enthusiastic about this so we’ll have another session on Wednesday.

Topic – A new topic, to be revealed,  will be launched next term. This week, we’ll finish our art studies of leaves and water droplets.

Handwashing – Everyone is doing a great job of hand washing in class and we must not lose focus on this. Please remind your child to hand wash or sanitise entering/leaving the school building and before/after eating.

Finally, a reminder that half term begins on Friday 16th October at 12:25pm. Pupils return to school on Tuesday 27th October and will have PE on this day.


Miss Brunt