Homemade play dough

Good Morning, 

who would like to try making their own play dough?

All children at nursery love working at our play dough station. This provides endless sensory fun and allows children to explore different sizes, shapes, patterns and promotes imaginative play. 

All you need is-


  • 1 cup of flour
  • 2 tsp cream of tartar 
  • 1/2 cup of salt 
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil 
  • 1 cup of water 
  • food colouring 


1. In a large bowl, combine all of your dry ingredients (flour, salt, cream of tartar) and mix well.

2. Mix food coloring with your water first. Then add the vegetable oil and water with food coloring to a large pot. Mix together. (Food colouring is optional). 

3. Add the dry ingredients to your pot and mix well.

4. Cool over a low heat until the dough starts to form and becomes dry.


5. Once it starts to form a ball together and looks fully cooked, take it off the heat. Let the dough cool first before touching. 

6. Once cool, knead the dough for 5 minutes to make the dough soft. 

Children also enjoy adding different scents to the play dough or textures for example glitters, seeds etc.


You can also follow the above recipe for a no cook play dough recipe using a large bowl missing out the cream of tartar and mix with cold water.


I hope you all have a great day today.


From everyone at nursery ☺️




Burns Night

Good Morning!  We are at the start of a new week, but today is a special Monday, today is the day we remember a very famous Scottish poet called Robert Burns.  

Born in Scotland more than 200 years ago, Robert burns is no longer with us but many people still enjoy his poems.  

Sometimes in nursery on this day you can choose to wear something tartan but you can do this at home if you like.  We might have had a special snack or lunch in nursery having haggis, neeps and tatties which is traditional Scottish food, but not this year because most of us have to stay safe at home.  If you have this for your dinner this week why don’t you share a picture with us?  Remember to let us know what you thought about it to!

‘Bookbugs Scotland’ and ‘Visit Scotland’ have put together a pack of activities you and your grown up could have a look at and more information about Robert Burns.  There are art activities and opportunities for your grown up to read you one of the poems. 

Copy and paste this link in your browser.



The weather is still very cold!!  It was finally cold enough for our ice block sculpture to go completely hard and frozen in my garden!  My children were so excited and we posted a photo on the twitter page with the amazing ice sculptures the boys and girls going into nursery made! Today would be the perfect day to make one as the temperature is going to be below 0 which means its very very cold and the water will freeze. 

Ice painting

Wow more snow! Hope everyone has been enjoying getting out in the snow. As the snow is continuing to fall and the temperature is very cold why not try some simple sensory activities using ice at home (or in the garden).

You could try making your own ice paints. See instructions and all the items you will need to try this activity in the picture below. If you do not have lollipop sticks you could always use cotton buds.

Or how about painting on ice. Watch the video link to to find out what you need and how to do this fun activity using blocks of ice you have made in the freezer or ice you can find outside.

Both these activities are sensory rich experiences for your child , developing early literacy and numeracy skills. Take the opportunity to explore mark making (text, lines, patterns) , colour recognition, mixing  & making new colours, discuss how the ice froze, or what might happen next to the ice.

So much fun and so many learning opportunities.

The boys and girls in the nursery hope to try out these activities too, look out for our photographs on twitter this week.

Remember to share any learning with us  – by email or tweeting.

Image preview

Story of the Week

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all safe and well and enjoying our home learning activities.  Each Wednesday we will post a story of the week with some ideas to extend learning linked to the story.

This week our story is Blown Away by Rob Biddulph,  follow the link below for story and activities.

08_Blown_Away_EYT_7.pdf (piota.co.uk) 

Please remember these are only ideas, there is no pressure to complete these tasks. Everyday tasks are good learning opportunities. Play and talk is all you need!





Numeracy Activity

Good Morning,

Below you will find an easy yet effective numeracy task. All you need is a piece of paper, a pen and some items from around the house to use as counters. The following numeracy activity will provide fun and a hands on way of teaching your child numbers and one-to-one correspondence. The following activity also will help with number recognition and counting. You can challenge your child further by adding on greater numbers maybe to 20.


We would love to hear some feedback and you can also send some photos to your child’s keyworker too. Continue reading

Accessing Digital Technology (GOOGLE MEETS) – Parent Tutorials and Information

If you are accessing Google Classroom / GSuite or Google meets from a mobile device you are required to sign in with the secure email address – this may be different to the other GLOW email address given.  This is your child’s glow username followed by (username)@mc.glow.scot

Please see these Tutorials and information for parents created by Midlothian Digital Learning Team.





Ice Block Sculptures

Hello Everyone!! The weather is still very cold and almost every morning I’m waking up to see frost, sometimes snow out in my garden!! I know some of you will have been looking at your footsteps in the snow, maybe writing your name in the snow and I bet there have been a few snowmen standing over the past few weeks!  If you watch the weather this week with a grown up you could hear them say we are expecting snow again!

Did you know you could make your own beautiful ice block sculpture to leave out in your garden and you won’t need a lot of help from your grown up!

What you will need is;  a plastic cup (or empty yoghurt pot … something that shape you can fill with water!),  some small leaves, berries, small twigs that will fit nicely inside your pot or cup, water and a cold outdoors space.

Fill your container with water and items that you’ve found maybe in your garden or out on a walk and leave your container outside overnight!  In the morning if the temperature has been cold enough you should be able to see the water has now frozen!  And like you would a sandcastle, turn your container upside down and see your frozen ice block sculpture!

We would love to see pictures!  Why don’t you take a picture for us!

Remember your gloves when playing out in the cold!  This is a great opportunity for you to practice putting your gloves on, this is a tricky skill to master!!