P6 News and Update – Monday 17th May 2021

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.


Class Photo – This year, due to the ongoing Covid restrictions, there will be no official photographer visiting the school. Instead, there’ll be a P6 class photo taken by staff on Thursday.  Therefore, can all children please come dressed in school uniform on Thursday please.

P6 Elections – To coincide with the Scottish elections held on May 6th, P6 had their own election with candidates supported by party members, manifestos, political broadcasts and ballot papers. This was a super learning experience and the children excelled. I’ve put together a Google slideshow of photos  which can now be viewed in Google Classroom.

Debates – Children will be learning debating skills in class over the next few weeks. In the past, I have set this as a homework research task but due to time restrictions, we’ll complete the necessary work in school.

Art – Children are studying the art works of Van Gogh as P6s featured artist.

Science – Children have been enjoying weekly Science sessions with Mrs Cumming. Electricity is the ‘current’ topic!

PE  – Tuesday  – Children should come to school dressed for PE outdoors please.


Spelling– as normal

Numeracy Wed 19th May is National Numeracy Day ! A Sumdog homework challenge will be set on this day. In school, there will be a fun focus on numeracy and maths with some themed activities.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






P7 Homework Assignment – Personal Profiles

Dear Parents and P7 pupils,

As part of transition from P7 to High school, the teachers at your new school are excited to find out more about you!

One way of sharing this information is to complete a personal profile about your personality, your favourite subjects and hobbies / interests.

I have attached on Google Classroom, the two templates for you to use.
One is for Lasswade High School and one is for Beeslack.
– Please select the template to complete for the secondary school you will be attending.

I have also attached two past examples of completed profiles to give you an idea of what you are expected to write. The profiles can vary, so do not feel that you have to fill all the space in the boxes.
I highly recommend you try completing this with a family member at home. Even if it is only to check your spelling and grammar.

Once you save and turn in your completed profile, these can be checked over once more by me, printed and passed onto your new school. (If you find it easier, please feel free to email your profile directly to me. Please see my email below.)

These profiles are collected by your new school, so the sooner we complete them and have them double checked, the better. I would greatly appreciate if these can be finished by Friday 21st May so that I can check them over.

Any pupil not attending either of these schools next year, please do not worry, you can simply edit the document for the school you are attending.

Thanks for your support,

Mr Nelson

P5 Pupil Talk

Hi all,

Please find attached the letter detailing Primary 5’s pupil talk on their chosen rainforest animal.

If you have any questions about this, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Miss Lauren Waller – L.Waller@mgfl.net

Rainforest Talk Letter

P5 Week Beginning 26.4.21

Hi all,

I hope you all had a lovely and restful Easter holiday. What wonderful weather we had!

Below are just a few reminders of what is happening this week. I will also post reminders on Google Classroom too.


Spelling homework can be found on Google Classroom and should be completed in your child’s green jotter and brought in on Friday.

Reading books should be taken home everyday and returned the next morning so your child can join in with their group. Please help your child have a look for their reading record as it is very important they get a signature from an adult every night to evidence homework completion.


We have P.E. with Mrs Duncan on Wednesday so children should come to school dressed in their P.E kit.

P5 are also very lucky to have Miss Sun on Thursday afternoons for Mandarin, and we have our whole school zoom assembly on Friday.

If you need anything then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Miss Lauren Waller


P7 Info – Week Beg: 26th April


Welcome back P7 for term 3!

It has been a busy first week back for P7. They have enjoyed being able to catch up with friends after the holidays!

Homework to be set on Monday 26th April.

  • Reading – (This book will be brought home to read during the week.)
  • Spellings – (Access on Google Classroom.)
  • Maths worksheet
  • Revise for Fraction Friday with Mrs Caldwell.

Complete and return by Friday 30th April.


Additional Information

  • Yearbook photographs – (See the letter handed out to pupils on creating a year book, as further details are available.) This info should be collected and brought into school as soon as possible.
  • If you can bring the photographs and information in on your memory stick or keep it all together in a poly pocket that would be much appreciated. All photos will be scanned and then returned to the pupil. It is estimated to cost around £10.
  • P7 Football Club – Starts Monday 26th April (3:15pm – 4pm.)

Thank you for your support,

Mr Nelson

Nursery Sun Protection Policy

As the weather is changing children are choosing to spend more time outdoors. It is very important to ensure the children are protected from the sun. Below is a link to our current sun protection policy. If you feel we could add to or improve this then please give any ideas to a member of staff.

Thank You

sun protect policy



Welcome to the new term.

Good Morning Primary 2, 

I hope you have all enjoyed your spring holidays and have made the most of the sunshine that we have had the past week. 
I wanted to clarify the PE clothing situation that has had a few parents/guardians confused. PE is only on a THURSDAY with me.
We will have outdoor learning again this term but the dates are to still be confirmed and I will share here as well with the children when I get the dates confirmed. 
I also want to let you know that we will be doing a pupil talk in class very soon. I have attached a document that fully outlines the expectations and the timeline we are looking at. The talks wont begin until the week beginning 3/5/21. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or talk to me at the end of the day. 
Thank you, 
Mr Peacock