P6 Week Beginning 22.11.21


Primary 6 performed a wonderful assembly on Friday for Children in Need, and thank you so much to everyone for their wonderful donations. We are still counting and will hopefully have a final total later this week. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. On Monday, the children have P.E first thing in the morning instead of the afternoon. This will only be for this week. 

Miss Sun will be back for Mandarin on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday afternoon, we have another Dunedin consort workshop.

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task will involve revising our multiplication and division skills. 

Please ensure your child can get logged into Google Classroom this week, as we hope to use this for homework going forward in Primary 6! If you have any issues with logging in, then please do get in touch. The children should be logging into Google and not GLOW.

Thank you all for your support. 

Miss Lauren Waller 


Primary 2 Homework 16.11.21


Book Week Scotland

Thank you to those children who shared their favourite story today in our show and tell for Book Week Scotland. If there are any pupils who haven’t shared their favourite story who would like to do so please could they bring a book in tomorrow (17th) or Thursday 18th.

I will be handing out book bags from Read Write Count tomorrow which include two new books and some activities for each pupil.

Please see the attached poster with information for a parent event on Monday 22nd November regarding the Read Write Count bag.

read write count.docx


Spelling: This week our sound is ‘ll’ and the class came up with an impressive word bank, well done! The spelling words are:

ox     run     from     will     bell

doll     skull     there     they     windmill

Reading: I have included reading homework within each pupils yellow reading record.

Numeracy: Last week we were learning about near doubles. I have included in their homework bags a worksheet to practise their own near double addition sums.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

P6 Week Beginning 15.11.21

Hi all, 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our PoppyScotland collection, the P7’s led a beautiful and very respectful assembly on Thursday. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

There will be no Mandarin on Wednesday. 

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and reading activities. This week, the reading task will be either based on your child’s book or a reading skill. 


  • Primary 6 have organised Children in Need this year. There will be a dress down day on Friday (19th) for a suggested donation of £1. Throughout the week, at break times, the children have a chance to ‘Guess how many sweets are in the tub?’ for 50p a guess. The closest guess wins the sweets on Friday! 
  • We will also be leading the assembly on Friday which is very exciting. 
  • Children are now able to get hot meals from the dining hall, if they wish. Please pay for this in advance through parent pay and your child will have this lunch in the dining hall. However, if they wish to still bring in a packed lunch, they can and they will eat this in the classroom. 
  • Christmas Tea Towel orders have to be brought into school by Wednesday 17th November. 
  • Last week, P6 were given ski letters as we have the fantastic chance to go for skiing lessons in January!! Please return these by FRIDAY 19th November.
  • Today, children took home letters about food allergies/intolerances. These letters MUST be filled out and brought to school ASAP. 

Thank you all for your support. 

Miss Lauren Waller 


P5 Week Beginning 15/11/21

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week:

Thank you to everyone that contributed to our Poppy Appeal. The P7s produced a beautiful assembly to remember those we have lost.

School Lunches / Parent Pay: From Monday children can buy a school lunch instead of bringing their own packed lunch. If they choose to do this they will probably be eating in the lunch hall. If your child chooses to have a school lunch and has a food allergy or intolerance please send in a signed note stating what they are to order for lunch. This is to comply with new legislation.

Reading – please see reading book for homework.

Spelling – please see spelling jotter for the pattern or sound they are learning.

P.E. is as usual on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

On Wednesday Miss Sun is not in so we will have no mandarin.

The children seemed to have enjoyed learning about COP26 and the importance of Climate Change.

I hope to complete all the parent/child ‘trio’ consultations this week, I will then send home the completed forms.

P6 are organising ‘Children in Need’ this week. On Friday we have ‘Dress Down’ day….please bring a £1. Can you ensure that children are not wearing football strips, onesies or pyjamas.

From Monday, as part of Children in Need, P6 are having a ‘Guess the Sweets in the Tub’ this will cost 50p and the children can take part at break or lunch time throughout the week.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming


P3 Homework – 15.11.21

Hi everyone,

After last week we have now completed all of our learning trios for this term. Thank you to all parents who attended or spoke to me on the phone. It was fantastic to have your input and so lovely to see you all again. I have also had some of the children mention how glad they were they got to come with their parent/carer and how proud they were of themselves. It’s clear to see your involvement in their learning means a lot to them.


We are hoping to explore and round off our Ancient Egypt topic by doing some artwork and model building. If you have any junk at home (particularly cardboard) we would very much appreciate if you could hand it in to school.


  • All orders for tea towels being made by parent council must be in by Wednesday 17th of November.
  • This Friday p6 have arranged a dress down for Children in Need. Donations of £1 are appreciated. They have specified no pjs, football strips or onesies please.
  • P6 are also arranging a ‘Guess how many sweeties are in the tub?” fundraiser. This will be 50p per guess and will be available to take part in from Monday through to Friday at break time.




Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously.


I have stuck a numeracy/maths grid the the back of your child’s homework jotter. The expectation is that only one brick (activity)  be completed per week. Can you colour the brick after your child has completed the activity AND is confident in doing so independently.

A Sumdog challenge on multplication has also been set and will be available until next Friday.  The class have also been entered into the current Sumdog contest. Get earning coins!



Hampers Great Escape

Monday – Chapter  Two

Tuesday – Chapter Three

Wednesday- Chapter Four

Thursday– Chapter 5

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can also be found at:

ttops_fic_hampescape_tns.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)


Jellyfish Shoes

Monday- Chapter 2

Tuesday – Chapter 3

Wednesday – Chapter 4

Thursday- Chapter 5

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can also be found at:

ttops_fic_jellyfish_tns.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)



Super Dog

Monday – p1- 8

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can also be found at:

ort_bck_superdog_tns.pdf (oupjapan.co.jp)


The Broken Roof

Monday – p1- 8

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can also be found at:

ort_bck_brokenroof_tns.pdf (oupjapan.co.jp)


A Fright in the Night

Monday – p1- 8

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can also be found at:

ort_bck_frightnight_tns.pdf (oupjapan.co.jp)

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay
