P6 Homework for Miss Longford

Compare Scotland with at least three different countries, at least one in Europe and at least one out of Europe. Research history, climate,  culture: food, daily routines, art/dance. Present what you find in a table/chart in your homework jotter or on a separate piece of paper. 

All groups have spelling homework.

Due: Monday 1st February

P2 Homework W/B 25.1.16

Scottish Week is here! This week, we will be reading about Katie Morag, reading, writing and learning short Scottish poems, learning some Scots vocabulary and songs, finding out a wee bit about Edinburgh Castle and trying some Scottish Country Dancing in PE.


Tuesday – Drumming on a ‘cajon’ box ( pronounced ca-hon)

cajon drum

Thursday and FridayPE as usual

Homework: Given out Monday or Tuesday as normal

Reading – all pupils will get a new book this week and a Scots poem home to read. Thanks to all who completed the reading task about Tim Peake last week. We will continue to talk about the ISS this week and maybe even ‘tweet’ Tim some of our work!

Spelling/Handwriting -the focus sound is igh. There are not many igh words on the handwriting sheet so we will work on more igh words in class.

Numeracy: an addition sheet will be sent home. Strategies to try are:

  • Count on from the biggest number first so with 4+8, try 8+4 instead. Use a number line or even fingers if needed!
  • Use ‘Learn its’ knowledge to answer sums eg. 6+7 is the same as        6 + 6 + 1

Sumdog Challenge: this week is a P2 Fractions Challenge. I’ve limited the target to just 30 questions. I will go over this task in class as the questions may prove challenging! Still, with our ‘have a go’ attitude, we can encourage the children to participate and hopefully learn lots more about the concept of fractions.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt



P1 Homework- 25.1.16

This week at school is Scottish week. Primary one will be learning about Scottish weather, the Scottish flag, the Loch Ness Monster and Scots language.


Writing homework jotters will be collected.

Phonics homework- This week we are practicing the ‘th’ and ‘ng’ sounds. A worksheet with ‘th’ and ‘ng’ words will be sent home- please help your child read these words by sounding them out. These sheets should be kept inside the sounds folder.

Reading homework- new reading books will be handed out today please check reading markers. New key words will be added to your child’s key ring please make sure you practice these words at home so that your child recognizes them. It is important that you continue to practice previous key words as well.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Children will have their second drumming workshop today.

Writing homework- new writing sheets will be added to children’s writing homework jotters. These will be collected on Monday.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P6 Reading Homework (Misss Prior) WB 18.01.16

For the last two weeks we have been focusing on reading skills in class, specifically inference.This weeks homework is a reading comprehension sheet.  You can complete the homework on the sheet.

In a previous post I said to complete the work for the next Thursday. However, to give me time to mark I have decided Wednesday is better.

People who did not do this weeks homework please also do this for next week.

Homework due-27.01.16

Players required for youth football team!

Loanhead Miners Youth Football Club are looking for new players for their team

Required age group: Born in 2006

Training venue: Burghlee Park, Loanhead, Midlothian

Times: Monday 6-7pm, Wednesday 7-8pm (subject to change)

Contact for enquiry: Kent McKenna (Head Coach) 07852 417333

Creative spelling!

Thanks and well done to Kirsty, Tobey and Rebecca who all decided to bake in order to help them remember their spelling words last week.





P6 homework for Miss Longford for Monday 25th Jan

P.E. decide on your own homework that has to be P.E. based and something that you don’t normally do. e.g. I go to dance classes every week so this week I’ll ride my bike at the weekend too or go for a run.

Write your aim or target in your homework jotter and evaluate how well you managed to achieve it afterwards.

Everyone has spelling words for next Monday and should draw a picture which features all of the words.