P1 Homework- 18.4.16


Hopefully children will have had the opportunity to speak to Grandparents over the last week to find out about their childhood and to find out what things were like when they were young. Children will have the opportunity to share any stories/photos or items with the rest of the class today so please feel free to bring these in.

Spelling homework– Children will be given a list of new spelling words today. Please practise and learn these at home. We will have a spelling test on Friday.

Phonics homework– Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continue to practise all key words.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Spelling test

Spelling homework jotters will be collected today.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

Update on School buildings

Please follow this link for an update on safety of Midlothian schools, found on the Midlothian Council site.


Dystonia Awareness Day

IMG_5367 IMG_5371Thanks to all who kindly donated to the Dystonia charity. We will post the final amount collected for the charity next week. Our theme for the Assembly was “crazy hair.”IMG_5370 IMG_5368

Safe Route To School

At the Loanhead Community Council on Tuesday 12th  April, concerns were raised over the number of pupils and parents who walk to school via Engine Lane.

Please can we stress this is not a safe route in which to walk to school.

It is important that all families use a designated safe route to school.

Welcome back P4 and Homework 12.04.16

P4 were happy to be back yesterday and were telling all their holiday stories. Well done to those who had a go on Sumdog over the holidays! Though it is hard when you are so busy.

Homework 12th April 2016


Reading– All children have new books.

Red/ Orange Group- Chapter 2 “Not very clever” of FLANS ACROSS THE RIVER

Blue Group- Chapter 2 “Into the bush” of AKIMBO AND THE BABOONS

Purple Group- Chapter 2 “Milking Time” of AKIMBO AND THE SNAKES

Yellow Group- Chapter 2 of DOUBLE ACT

Green Group- Chapter 2 of ARISTOTLE

Pink- See reading diaries


See spelling jotters for new word lists:

  1. Complete a Spell Well Activity  2. Write a silly story with the words and if there are any you still don’t know the meaning of check with a dictionary.


In a few weeks we are going to be performing in our Assembly about the Vikings. The children are keen to dress up as vikings for this and will be coming home with some costume ideas. Over this week we will be looking at images of vikings and thinking about the kinds of things we could wear. I will send a list home of suggested items we may need but if you have any ideas in the meantime please feel free to decide for yourselves.

Some of the children are also keen to make axes and helmets- we will have time to do this in class but if anyone wishes to take this project on at home feel free. The deadline is Friday 22nd April!

Press Release: School Buildings Update

Official Council Statement:

We anticipate that parents, carers and local residents will be aware that some Edinburgh schools are currently closed while structural investigations are carried out. We confirm that none of our school buildings were built by the same contractor responsible for the Edinburgh PPI schools in question and we would like to take the opportunity to stress our continued commitment to ensuring the safety of everyone using school buildings in Midlothian.
Maintenance building inspections of all our schools are carried out on an ongoing basis.  A full survey of our school estate was completed after the tragic incident at Liberton High School in Edinburgh.  No structural issues were identified.  We have had two independent condition surveys carried out at our PPP1 schools (Dalkeith Schools Community Campus) in the last three years and annual independent condition surveys are carried out at our PPP2 schools (8 primary schools).  In addition to this, Midlothian Council and PPP Facilities Management staff have an ongoing monitoring regime in place to ensure that any defects are identified and addressed. This includes inspections and monthly meetings with senior school staff and our PPP contractors.
Further inspections of our own estate also started in March 2016, in response to the situation in Edinburgh, and are due to finish on Tuesday 12 April.  A formal process is in place which allows immediate repairs to a school building, including isolating the area if there are health and safety concerns.

The safety of our pupils, staff and building users are our highest priority and if anyone has any concerns please don’t hesitate to contact

communications@midlothian.gov.uk or call 0131 271 3294.

P3 Homework 11/04/16

P3 were very excited to be back today and enjoyed telling all their holiday stories.  Well done to those who did the optional holiday homework and brought photos in of the different types of eggs that they cooked. They looked great!

Spelling for Friday

  1. Write your words 3 times each in neat columns using Look, say, cover, write, check.
  2. Write three sentences using one of your spelling words in each sentence. As we have been working on ‘good openers’, make sure each sentence starts with a good opener.

Money Worksheet for Friday

Money worksheets will come home today.