P1 shared learning


Primary one will be taking the school assembly on Friday 2oth May to share their learning. They will be talking about what they have learnt so far in their people who help us topic.

Children who have speaking parts have been sent home with these today. Please can you help your child learn these and practise with them over the weekend and next week.

The parent performance will be at 11.45 on the Friday.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

Primary 5 Homework 09/05/16


Task 1

Write spelling words 3 times in neat columns using Look,Say, Cover, Write, Check.

Task 2

Over the past 2 weeks, we have been learning about letter writing.

Practise writing your full name and address.  Ask your parent to check it.


Maths Worksheet



P2 Homework W/B 9.5.16

Homework this week:

Spelling Booklet

List 21-30 please

Reading as normal – check the green homework bag for updates. Please remember to send this homework bag daily with the reading book inside.


We have been learning about place value and ‘partitioning’. This means breaking a 2 or 3 digit number down into place value parts. Here are some examples:

24 = 20 + 4

36 = 30 + 6

99 = 90 + 9

145 = 100 + 40 + 5

237 = 200 + 30 + 7

765 = 700 + 60 + 5   and so on…

There are some useful games to play online.

Check out ICT Games – Numeracy- Place Value:

  • any Shark game
  • Arrow cards
  • Dinosaur Place Value
  • Partitioning Numbers.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt

P1 Homework- 9.5.16


Spelling homework– Please check spelling jotter for this weeks spelling words. There will be a spelling test on Friday.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continues to practise all key words.

Phonics homework – This weeks initial blends are br dr and st please check sounds folder for information.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.



Spelling test

This week P.E. will be on Friday instead of Thursday due to the school assembly being moved to Thursday – please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P6 say goodbye to Stephanie

Last week P6 had their last French lesson with Stephanie and surprised her with a collection of British school songs, poems, rhymes and food as a thank you for all that she shared with us about French culture.





Singing 'Three Craws sat upon a wall.'

Singing ‘Three Craws sat upon a wall.’

The story of Greyfriar's Bobby.

The story of Greyfriar’s Bobby.

The Proclaimers - 500 miles.

The Proclaimers – 500 miles.





How to help your child with phonics.

Here is a video that should help with the correct pronunciation of the sounds when learning to read. It explains why it is important to say the sounds correctly and explains how each sound should be pronounced.

Hope this helps.
Jacqueline Aitken