Primary 6 Homework 3/3/17

All pupils have reading homework. Pupils have noted the pages to be read on their reading bookmark.

We are working on division at the moment and about to start fractions. All pupils should practise times tables.

P5 HomeworkWeek starting 06/03/17

Spelling Homework

Write words out 3 times each, in neat columns.

Write 3 sentences with a different spelling word in each.  As we have been working on commas, try to use a comma in each sentence.

Spelling words-2iof8gy


We have been working on Money and Finance in maths over the past few weeks. This week’s task is to help gain an understanding of budgeting and an awareness of costs.

Design your ideal Bedroom  

You have an imaginary £800 to spend to design your ideal bedroom.  Write a list of all the items you would buy with your £800. Write the price of each item beside it.  You should use the Internet or shopping catalogues(e.g Next, Argos) to find actual costs. At the end, work out the total amount you have spent and how much you have left from your initial budget.

Optional – You may wish to draw a picture of your dream bedroom showing the items you purchased.

P3 Home Learning WB 06/03/17


Topic-The children are really enjoying studying ancient Egypt. We will be sharing our learning with the rest of the school on Friday 17th March during assembly. I will sent home letters about costumes and also scripts for those who have talking parts. I will also put on the letter a date for parents to come see our performance.


Homework will be a little different for the next two weeks.

Personal Project-Attached is information on an Egyptian personal project. This will be the main homework for the next two weeks. If you have any questions at all please contact me. personal project p3-q3jg9w

Reading- We are continuing novel study on ‘The Twits’ in class. Please continue to read for enjoyment each night.

Spelling- Spelling words in jotter for the next two weeks. Please look, cover, write and check three times. Plus over the next two weeks do two other spelling tasks of your choice from tasks we have done in the past. Or think of your own. Be creative as you like. Please hand spelling in on 17/03/17

Maths-There will be no formal maths homework. However, if you wish to do any extra at home please revise:

  • Telling the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and to).
  • 5 and 10 times table-if solid with these then move onto 2
  • Money (find the total of sets of coins and change from £1)


Thank you

Miss Prior 🙂

P2 News and Homework W/B 6.3.17


Last week P1 and P2 started in earnest to rebuild Fairyland for the sad dragon. The beanstalk was ‘re-grown’ and work started on building castles. Letters were written to the dragon and the story of Jack and the Beanstalk was sequenced.

Success brings smiles!

Look at the concentration! All pupils absorbed in what they’re doing and brilliant team work happening very naturally.

3D castles……simples! 

Next week, we’ll finish Jack and the Beanstalk ( Margaux, our French teacher will read this in French!).The children will decide which fairy tale to rebuild next…and of course, the dragon will have something to say about all of this!

**Date for your diary**

P1 and P2 hope to share some of their learning with you, the parents, on the afternoon of Thursday 30th March. Time TBC but will most likely be from 2pm onwards.

Reading for Book Week – the children really seemed to enjoy reading when the bell rang. It was great to see everyone reading for enjoyment.

Homework –

Spelling – List 24 – ‘ew’ This tends to be quite a tricky sound blend to learn because phonetically, it doesn’t make sense! I have fun with the kids saying this is a ‘stinky’ sound as it makes me go ‘ew’!

Reading – as normal. If your child finishes a book at home and grows tired of the story, please encourage him/her to read something else meantime.  Thanks.

Numeracy – Last week, we practised add 3/take 3.  Wording these sums in various ways is very helpful eg. 2+32 PLUS 3What is 2 MORE than 3?Add 3 to 2

Then 7-3 as 7 MINUS 3… 7 SUBTRACT 3… 7 TAKE AWAY 3… Take 3 from 7…What is 3 less than 7? …and so on.

On Wednesday this week, I’ll send home the next sheet to be cut up into cards ( +4 / -4)

Fractions – From now on, we’re going to have weekly Fraction Friday lessons ( in addition to Money Monday) to regularly practise the concept of fractions. We’re currently looking at halves and quarters.

**LIBRARY** is on Friday 10th March so children should start to return their books.

PE – Monday (gymnastics) and Thursday.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt




P7 29/2/17 homework and class information

Pupils have been given Maths homework jotters and have been asked to supply a strong plastic wallet for these to go in along with homework sheets.  I have also allocated homework diaries for those without.  Pupils should also try to have access to showbie either via IOS, apple, android or windows as I will include some revision on there for pupils who wish to use it.

  1. We have been looking at Speed,Distance and Time calculations and have progressed onto Decimals, fractions and percentages.  Pupil homework builds on learning in class and it is ESSENTIAL that pupils know their times tables.  It is expected that by P7 they know them all, if not then those pupils must continue to work on this.- you tube teaching aid for S,D,T – S,D,T calculation, Teaching aids for fractions and decimals Decimal Place Value , Multiply decimals , Decimal Division
  2. Reading circles have been set up this week and pupils have chosen books and all set their homework in their groups. They always have a reflection of some sort to do alongside their reading – this will not just be a simple summary.
  • As you must be aware, our current topic is Robotics.  We have 8 lucky pupils who were drawn from the hat to participate in the Birmingham competition in March (I have only just finalised information but it will all come out to parents, those pupils who wished to be considered for the competition had already taken a basic info sheet home).  There is still our school “robot wars” competition as well as the Midlothian competition so all pupils will still be doing the same learning regardless of each competition, They will all produce and code a robot suitable for the Crossover challenge.


P1 Week Beginning 27/02/17


Monday 27th – Gymnastics, the children loved the gymnastics session last week so we will be building on their learning this week.

Wednesday 1st March – Photographer in school, class photos will be taken so please can all children wear school uniform.

Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day – to celebrate this we are doing a week of ‘drop everything and read’! If children would like to bring a book from home they can or they can use book from school. When a bell rings the whole school will drop everything and read.


Reading – this will continue as normal for red and yellow groups. Blue group will have reading in a different form, please encourage your child to do the reading required by themselves so that are recognising the need to apply what they have learnt.

Numeracy – we have been working on ‘doubles within 10’ please help your child to recognise these and recall the facts eg 1+1 = 2

Sounds – we are continuing to introduce consonant blends at the start of words. It is important to revisit their other sounds regularly and to continue to spell simple words eg. sat, mat, pit, fish.


You may have heard that we have had a visit from a sad dragon! We are starting a topic called ‘Fairyland’ this is introduced by the dragon that writes a letter to the children asking them to help him because children have stopped reading fairy tales and Fairyland has disappeared. We are working with P2 on this topic and will cover a lot of language work through this topic. In order to help with this topic please could children collect junk, eg. boxes of different sizes (not too big!), kitchen roll tubes (not toilet roll tubes), tubs etc., for us to use to create things for ‘Fairyland’ Also if you have any plastic takeaway tubs please could you send these in.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming