** Our Vision **

Our Vision

Loanhead aspires to be a learning community where


Are at the core of all we do.

Our Aims to Develop our Core Values

• To promote care of all through a culture of wellbeing and     respect.
• To foster openness and honesty between all members of the learning community.
• To be inclusive and strive to meet the needs of all.
• To promote high quality learning and achievement.
• To develop all individuals to enable them to reach their full potential.

P1 Homework 24/04/17

Phonics:This week we are revisiting the ‘ie’ sound and the ‘oa’ sound. We will look at the other ways of making this sound although these will not be a focus.

Reading: Reading will be sent home as usual – please check their reading bags. There will be words linked to their reading to learn and also common words that the children need to learn to read and write to help them with their reading and writing. Please help them with this as we will use these words for dictation in class.

Numeracy: We are continuing to learn about addition and subtraction – ‘addition being more’ and ‘subtraction being less’. We are also learning ‘skip’ counting. Counting in 10s (to 100) and 2s (to 20 or more if able to)

In May we will have the final two sessions of gymnastics which the children have really enjoyed.

Thank you,

Mrs Cumming


P2 Homework W/B 24.4.17

Homework this week:

Reading– please check homework bags daily for updates. Some children will get new reading issued on Mondays and some on Tuesdays. I will send home a wee note indicating which days  your child will read in class.

I have also asked children to bring in something that they like to read for pleasure as we will begin to have 15-20 mins per day on individual and personal reading.

Spelling – List 28 ‘oy’  unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2 Two Times Table challenge. We have begun to explore the 2x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, doubles, even numbers . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. At this point, we’re keeping it simple so 2×5 means ‘2 lots of 5’ or ‘2 groups of 5’  or 5 + 5  or ‘two fives’. We are not really looking at 5 x 2 or trying to make the connection that 2×5 is the same as 5×2 just yet.  So, 2 x1, 2×2, 2×3, 2×4 and so on. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for the next two weeks until we get our last two gymnastic sessions in May.

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt

P3 Home Learning WB 17/04/17

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We have a jam packed summer term ahead of us.

As we have a short week this week, with the Monday holiday and our trip. We will have less homework. Homework will resume as normal next Monday.

Numeracy-Please continue to learn 2, 5 and 10 times tables. If your child is secure with these then move on to 3 and so on. You can do this any way you like.

Lot’s of games available on this link if you wish to use them http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/times-tables.

Reading-Please read each night for enjoyment.

Spelling-No spelling words set for this week.

Please can all homework jotters be handed in on Friday so that I can stick next week’s homework in.


Any questions please ask

Miss Prior 🙂


P1 Homework 18/4/17

Welcome back after the holidays, I hope you all had a good break, the children sounded like they had!

I can’t believe this is the final term in P1 already – just 11 weeks left!

We are going to continue Fairyland for a couple of weeks and then move onto another topic this will be either Our Senses or People Who Help Us.

Homework this week is only reading and the associated words. Next week I will be continuing with sounds  – revising the sounds which consist of two letters. These sounds can be confusing as there are other ways of writing them. We will continuing to learn common words which will help with reading and writing – please help your child learn these.

Please remember to return their PE kit if they have not already done so. PE will still be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 18.4.17

Welcome back after Easter!

We’re looking forward to the final term which will take us right up to the summer break; where has the time gone?

This 11 week term will see us finish up ‘Fairyland’ as a topic – we’ll study the Seashore and Loanhead (Local Study). We’ll have a Health Week in June and lots of other interesting things to do. This term also includes a couple of Monday holidays, the Summer Fair, reports and Parents meetings. So, it is busy, busy, busy!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 27 ‘oi’ ( unless specified otherwise)

Reading homework – there will be no new book sent home this week. Instead, we will do a ‘book study’ in class. However, please encourage your child to read texts of their choice( book, magazine, comic, annual) or read bedtime stories to/with them.

NumeracyJust for fun! I have created a Sumdog Challenge named ‘Halves and Doubles 18.4.17’. It’s a bit challenging as it covers the 2x table, halves and odd/even numbers but it offers a lot of repetition which the children should get the hang of.

PE– Thursday

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt





27.3.17 P7 Homework

It is nearly the Easter holidays 🙂  P7 have had such a busy term so I wish you all a happy and restful holiday in preparation for the last term of their primary schooling – which will also be really, really busy.

mi:SPACE is almost complete – I have anticipated a parent drop in where pupils could show off their inspirational learning space but this may need to be the first or second week back.

Pupils have a maths sheet with 20 questions to complete in their green jotter and a creative, personal info sheet to complete for their profiles – details below.



This week we have been working on your pupil profiles and I would like you to include some information about your life out with school.  I would like an A4 sheet that can either be typed out and printed – or emailed to me and I will print it for you.  You could include what you like doing outside school, what you are proud of, achievements and successes, personal goals for clubs you do, events you are working towards etc.  You should produce quality work of both text and pictures/photos and detail at least 3 things – why you have included it,  achievements/goals – how you got to that stage, how you will progress etc.  This helps to build a rounded profile of you because we know about all the school successes that you have.


Due 30/3/18 (along with the maths work done in your jotter)