P3 Home Learning WB 08/05/17

Homework- Homework is grid pasted into jotters with spelling words. This homework is due for Friday 19th May.

Secret Friend- Next week I am going to introduce the class to a special mission called Secret Friend. For the next three weeks children are randomly issued a secret friend (a new one every week). Over the week they must be a good friend to this person. For example: putting a nice note/picture in their tray, saying hello to them, helping them with a piece of work etc. They cannot reveal who they are until the end of the week. Secret Friend will be part of our work on relationships in Health and Wellbeing.

Related image

P6 Homework 5/5/17


All pupils have reading homework for Thursday 11/5/17.


All pupils have a maths worksheet (Ordering decimals) for Friday 12/5/17.

Bikeability will take place again on Tuesday 9/5/17

P1 Homework 2/5/2017

Reading is as indicated on their reading cards. Please ensure that your child keeps revising the key words as these are crucial for reading to help them with fluency.

Common words: I have attached the next five common words for your child to learn to read and to write.

Phonics: We are revising ou and ai this week.

Maths: We are looking at time, please help your child with o’clock and if they are confident with this half past the hour.

Topic: We have finished Fairyland now and had a wee celebration for this on Friday. We are starting our new topics which I may weave together in parts, these are ‘People Who Help Us’ and ‘Our Senses’.

I hope to organise a trip for our topic, this will depend on the cost of the coach hire. More information to follow soon.

PE: We have two more sessions of gymnastics on the 8th and 15th May. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school.

P4 Homework 2/5/17

Homework 02/05/17

Apologies, someone told me they couldn’t find the homework on the website for the last two weeks. I looked and couldn’t find it either, not sure what happened there. I have double checked and this is definitely on the website now

Also, homework wont be marked this week as the children weren’t here yesterday to hand it in. .

Spelling– (Week 2) 

Gorillas (au)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and think of at least three more words that end with this sound.

Pandas (ing) ( Spelling rule drop the e add ing)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and think of at least three more words that have this sound in them.

Wolves (ing)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences. Plus think of three more words.

Reading Homework

The Yellow and the Blue group- Question Master- Learning Blooms questions.

Yellow Group Chapter 6 and 7 of their book and create 2 questions. 1 must be an evaluating question the other can be any type of the ones we have covred ( remembering, understanding, evaluating or analysing) these should be completed in their yellow jotters and each child should have a description of these questions in there.

Blue- No reading this week.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Green –  See bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

P2 Homework W/B 2.5.17

Homework this week:

Reading– I have restructured my reading programme in class and will inform you further by sending home information in the reading bags. It’ll be a squeeze but I’ll try my best to see everyone about their reading today        ( Tuesday) after missing Monday due to the holiday.

Spelling – List 29 ‘or’  (unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2  2X and 10X Challenge 2.5.17 We have begun to explore the 2x  and 10x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, counting in 10s . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for this week until next week, when P2 will get gymnastics on Monday 8th.

Topic – We will start a new topic this week…to be revealed! We have finally finished ‘Fairyland’ and P1/2 had a wee celebration on Friday to say farewell.

Thank you,

P3 Home Learning

Sorry I did not put the homework last week. All homework jotters have grid stuck in. Homework is due Friday 5th May.

I have updated the primary three homepage. You can find this by clicking p3 along the top of the home page. Here you will find a brief overview of what we are covering in class until summer.

I would be very grateful if you could support your child with learning timetables, number bonds and doubles and halves throughout this term.

P6 Orienteering Festival 3/5/17 / Bikeability 2/5/17

All pupils have received a note regarding the above event that will take place at Vogrie Country Park. Packed lunches will be required and Parental Agreement Form and £3 should be returned on Tuesday 2/5/17.

Bikeability will take place on Tuesday 2/5/17 as previously advised for those pupils who indicated they would like to take part.

Thank You Mrs.Hunter.

Primary 6 Homework 28/4/17


The group reading the Accidental Time Traveller have reading homework. All other groups will be given homework on Tuesday 2/5/17.


Pupils have a maths worksheet(Budgeting) to complete for next Friday 5/5/17.


Pupils have a grammar worksheet (Using Conjunctions to Extend Sentences) to complete for next Friday 5/5/17.

Any homework not handed in today should be completed for Tuesday 2/5/17.