P2 Homework W/B 15.5.17

P2 Homework this week:

Reading – see book bags for updates. On Tuesday, some pupils will get reading strategy cards home- these will just mirror work done in class on how to work out tricky words. Please use as a reading aid for Songbird Phonics reading practice. Thank you.

Spelling – There are only 6 weeks of spelling homework left as I won’t set homework for the final week! I am sending home the final sheet but have crossed out three lists. So, please do List 32 ‘er’ this week. For the last three weeks of term, we will concentrate on common words.

Numeracy – This week, we’ll look at adding on 10 to numbers. I’ll send home new ‘LearnIt’ cards on Wednesday ( unless otherwise specified).

Thanks to all who have completed recent Sumdog challenges.

Topic- Local Study – We have been talking about Loanhead and where we live. Interestingly, not many children knew their address. Can you make sure your child knows their address and if possible, a phone number for you?

Poetry– children will be having a chance to write a wee poem for the annual Loanhead PS Poetry Competition.

PE- is on Monday and Thursday this week. ( Monday is our final gymnastics session)

Dress Down Day – is on Friday 19th May. Children may dress down but can they possibly bring a wee something to be wrapped up for the tombola for the Summer Fair which is not far away, on Friday 26th May. Thanks.

Reminder– Monday 22nd May is a holiday for pupils but an in-service for school staff.



P6 Homework 12/5/17

Reading for next week. Could all pupils ensure that they bring their reading books to school.


All pupils have a maths worksheet for next Friday 19/5/17

Bikeability will take place on Tuesday.

P4 Dates for your Diary- Assembly and Trip

Dear Parents, some dates for your diaries.

 Friday 19th May

The children have been working on an assembly and would love to show you their production. Please feel free to come and see the Loanhead Primary News Station report on the continents and climate on Friday the 19th May 11:45 in the large hall.

The children who have speaking roles will be bringing scripts home from next week to practise and may be asking for some items to wear. Please don’t go to any expense. I will send a note home about this when we have discussed what we may need.

Thursday 25th May

P4 will be visiting Dynamic Earth on Thursday the 25th of May from 9.30- approx 2pm. Packed lunches will be required.

We have been learning about the Continents, climates and the weather cycle and we will be learning more about this on the trip. We will also be taking part in a forces workshop on the day which is the new topic we are starting after the trip.

A letter with detailed costs will come out soon; I am still waiting on details of the buses and can’t calculate this till then.

The children have asked if they can bring some money for the shop and I have no issue with this, as there will be time but, I would ask that the amount they bring is limited to £3 per child.

I will also need a few parent helpers for this trip if you think you can help please return the slip at the bottom. If you can make the assembly also fill in a slip, this is to work out how many chairs etc are required.

Thanks, Mrs Cooney

P4 Homework 9/5/17

Homework 09/05/17



Due to spelling assessments taking place in class during Spelling teaching time, there will not be spelling homework this week. It will resume again next week. 


Reading Homework

The Yellow  group- Read Chapter 8 for homework and review the book in 50 words. Use evaluation questions to help generate ideas. I.e. what was your favourite part of the book, who would you recommend it to and why? If you could change one bit what would it be?

Blue Group- News Reports week 1- We have discussed a news report in class. Read again at home and answer the questions on the worksheet you have been given. 

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Green –  See bookmark- Tj remember your instructions are in your yellow jotter.

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

Primary 7 information and homework


You have a novel that you are reading in small groups in class, and sometimes at home.  I would like you to choose another book of choice for the rest of May and I would like you to read this with an adult.  This does not mean that you sit, every night, reading to them – you may wish to read a chapter and chat it over, do reading tennis with them, get the audio version and listen to some part and read the others, they may read a chapter and then you can read it and you may take turns to answer questions for each other.

This task is for you to read for enjoyment while discussing texts as we have been doing in class.  Skills to consolidate might include – inferential questions, rhetorical questions, predicting, comparing the text to others you have read or to events in your own lives, you may discuss the author’s purpose or main idea, look up words and discuss why they have been used….talking about texts is endless.  Enjoy your reading.

At the end of the month I would like you to share your book with peers in the form of a verbal book report.

Personal Project

Due 24th May

As High school looms closer it is important to have your future in mind, not everyone knows what they want to be when they are adults but it is always food for thought.  If you have a rough idea then you can plan next steps, goals and even have an idea of experience, skills and qualifications that you need to gain.  I would like you to produce a report on 1 career path that you are thinking of considering.  This should be written or typed and include various texts and images.  You should have

  • A contents page
  • An about you page – why you are choosing that career to research, what skills and qualities you have that might help you in that career etc.
  • Information about training/experience/tests/exams/assessments needed for that career.
  • An idea of progression in that career path, you may want to include wage details, responsibility details and additional training needed as you progress.
  • You may want to include what life would be like of a “typical day in the life of a…..”
  • You might be lucky enough to know someone in that career who you can interview and write up about their experiences.
  • You may need to include a glossary or FAQ pages or even tables, charts etc – the choice is yours.

*I would like you to research this topic in detail.  Please include all details that you feel may be relevant and will show me that you have done high quality research and work over the 2 week period.



There is a SUMDOG assessment for the class.  We are also consolidating work on fractions, decimals and percentages and many pupils know division needs improvement – specifically short division with 4 digit numbers.

We also plan to have a bake sale for NDCS on the 17th of May.  Donations of baking etc that we can sell would be gratefully received.

Newsletter May 2017

As always, the newsletter is available to download as a PDF from the newsletter section of the webpage (in the menu bar at the top of website).  There are a lot of important dates in this newsletter so it is copied below.


Loanhead Primary School

May Newsletter

Welcome to a busy couple of months ahead. To try and keep everyone informed this newsletter will be placed on the website and a paper copy will be issued to the eldest pupil in each family.

Red Nose Day

Thank you to the P7 enterprise group and the pupil council for all their hard work. We raised £352.00, thank you to all who contributed!

Gate Closure

Please note that the gate from the car park that leads into the playground at the lower atrium will be closed at 9am. The gate at the back of the playground, leading to the safe route, will be closed at 9.15am.

Rag Bag

Recent rag bag collections have raised £120, Thank you so much for all your donations. Our next collection day is Wednesday 31st May.

Head  Teacher Awards

Congratulations to the following who were presented with their Head Teacher award at Loanhead Parish Church when we attended our Easter Service; P1 Flynn Campbell (care), P2 Chloe Laing (development) , P3 Reece McHale (development), P4 TJ McDermid (learning), P5 Freya Turner (caring), P6 Lois Aitchison (learning) and P7 Anna Pettigrew (honesty)

Digital Parenting

P7 have been sharing their learning on internet safety with P5 and P6 pupils, During their work we have been made aware of the amount of pupils with smart phones and their attitudes towards their phone. A survey carried out by P7 revealed that:

– 89% of pupils in P 4-7 at Loanhead Primary have some sort of social media account despite being under the legal age.

– 75% of those pupils would be devastated if their posts (past, present and future) became public for their parents to read.

– 74% of pupils with social media access have felt uncomfortable by something they have seen online that one of their friends has posted.

The ‘think U know’ website has lots of useful information that is age banded for children and has a separate parent section.  This is worth a look to give you and your child information about staying safe on line.


If your child borrows clothes from school, please ensure that these are washed and returned.

Election Days

Loanhead Primary School is NOT being used as a polling station. School will run as normal on these days. Pupils have a holiday Monday on Monday 22nd May. This is a Modlothian inservice day for teachers.

Road Safety

We have had a couple of instances where cars and pupils have almost collided. Please ensure your child walks in the car park and stays on the footpath.

Summer Fair

This will be held in the playground on Friday 26th May 11am – 1pm. There will be a dress down day on Friday 19th May we will be collecting tombola prizes (small toys sweets etc.) for the summer fair. The Parent Council are also looking for parent helpers on the day – please speak to a member of the parent council or hand your name into the school office if you can help. Donations of home baking, raffle prizes, toys, bric a brac, will be all gratefully received. There will be a wine or water stall and we are looking for donations of full and empty wine bottles! If you would like to rent a table on the day please speak to a member of the parent council.


Our nursery pupils will meet their P5 buddies this week as we begin our transition work. The nursery pupils will meet their P1 teacher on the afternoon of Wednesday 21st June. There is also a parent meeting for our new P1 parents at this time. A letter detailing these events has been issued to nursery parents.

Lasswade High School is being used during the general election and this has impacted on transition days. Pupils will now attend Lasswade High School on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th June. A bus is provided by the High School. Exact timings for bus pick up will be given nearer the time. There is also an information for parents evening at Lasswade High School on the Wednesday evening.

Beeslack High School transition days are Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June. Transport  is not provided and pupils are expected to make their own way there.

Congratulations to Alyssa in P7 who has managed to secure a place at Broughton High School to allow her to study dance alongside her academic subjects.

Parent Appointments

Our parent consultations are on Wednesday 24th may (5.30pm – 8.30pm) and Thursday 25th May (3.30pm – 5.30pm) Appointments will be issued on Tuesday 9th May. If the appointment you are given is unsuitable please call the school office for an alternative. Pupil reports will be issued at the parent consultation.

Communication Group

Thank you to all who took part in our communication survey. The survey results and our response will be issued to all families at the beginning of June.

Parent Questionnaires

Our annual questionnaires will be issued to all families next week. Midlothian Council are also asking parents to complete surveys about education in Midlothian. This survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Midparent This online survey will be available  from Monday 8th May until Friday 26th May. Your replies to these questionnaires are very much appreciated and help us to form the basis of our school improvement plan.

Sports Day

Sports Day this year will be on Monday 5th June 12.30pm – 3pm. This is weather dependent! The change of day allows Mrs Duncan our PE specialist to be fully involved. As this is transition week it also ensures all P7 pupils are able to take part.

Gala Day

Loanhead Gala day is on Saturday 24th June. The Queen and members of her court are from Loanhead Primary School. Your support at this event would be very much appreciated!

P7 end of term

Tuesday 27th June – evening event for P7 in school organised by P7 parents.

Wednesday 28th June – 1.15pm P7 Leavers Assembly parents of P7 pupils are invited to attend.

Thursday 29th June – P7 day out

Friday 30th June – Final day of term all finish 12pm

Parent Council

The Easter Disco raised approximately £250 thank you to all who supported this event.

Dates for your Diary – please note these may be subject to change

Tuesday 2nd, 9th and 16th May – P6 & P7 Bikeability

Friday 19th May – DRESS DOWN DAY


Tuesday 23rd May – P1 trip to Botanic Gardens

Wednesday 24th May – 5.30pm – 8.30pm Parents Consultations

Thursday 25th May – P4 trip to Dynamic Earth

                                 3.30pm – 5.30pm Parents Consultations

Friday 26th May – Summer Fair

Wednesday 31st May – Rag bag collection

Monday 5th June – Sports Day 12.30pm – 3pm (weather permitting)

Monday 5th June – Friday 9th June – Health Week

Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th June – Lasswade High School P7 Transition days

Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th & Friday 9th June – Beeslack High School P7 Transition days

Thursday 8th June – Nursery Sports

Tuesday 13th June – Biking Festival

Tuesday 20th June – P7 trip to sky studios

Wednesday 21st June – P1 induction day

Saturday 24th June – LOANHEAD GALA

Tuesday 27th June – P7 evening event

Wednesday 28th June – pm P7 leavers assembly

Thursday 29th June – P7 day out

                                   Nursery Graduation



P1 Homework 8.5.2017

Reading: as stated in reading record card.

Phonics: we are continuing to revise digraphs (two sounds together).Homework will be given on Tuesday.

PE: Gymnastics on Monday afternoon – please make sure all children have their gym kit.

Topic: Our Senses. You will receive information about a trip – please check your child’s bag for the letter. I hope to get this out by Tuesday at the latest.

P2 Homework W/B 8.5.17

Homework this week:

Spelling List 30 ‘al’ as in ‘walk’ and ‘talk’.

Reading – see homework bags

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge – Add and Subtract

PE – Monday (Gymnastics) and Thursday

New Topic – Local Study – starting to find out more about Loanhead and reading maps and plans.