P1 Week Beginning 19/06/2017

Reading homework will be the only homework I am sending home this week. Please look in their book bags for this as usual.

On Wednesday 21st Primary 1 will be doing the school uniform fashions show for the new P1 parents. After discussion with the children I will be sending a slip home on Monday asking them to wear certain items to school on Wednesday. If you would prefer not to send them in these clothes please send them for them to change into.

On Friday we will behaving a special visitor to the class in connection with our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

Primary 7 Information

So much to fit in…so little time!

The letter from Mrs Wyllie has been sent home – this details all the information about the day and night for P7 in the last week of term – thanks to all the parents who took time to be part of the organisation.  If the letter has been misplaced then here it is P7 LETTER

There is no homework other than reading and any maths goals pupils have set themselves after their transition days.

Invites for our P7 leavers assembly will be coming out this week.  It is on the 28th of June in the afternoon and is very much a red carpet event so please dust off your diamonds and top hat 😉

We are still looking for anyone who may be able to take photographs of the P7 during their assembly and after and would be able to edit and share the link that week (our very own Paparazzi) .  We are also hunting for a piper to pipe as the P7s leave from about 11.50-12.20 on the last day of term – 30th of June,

Please email me k.hinton@mgfl.net if you can help

P3 Home learning WB 12/06/17


Sorry for the homework delay! The homework grid and spelling words have been slotted into homework jotters. It would be great if these could be stuck in at home.


  •  Friday 16th June. Wear your PJ’s and bring a donation for our Dystonia charity.
  • We will be sharing our learning with the rest of the school in this week’s assembly. I will approach parents individually if children need to wear anything specific.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Miss Prior 🙂

P1 Week Beginning 12/06/2017

Reading:  homework as usual also please keep revisiting any words that have been sent home to learn.

Numeracy: The children have been learning how to use Sumdog – if possible please can they continue to use this at home.

Friday 16th June: Dystonia Awareness – please wear your pyjamas and bring a donation to school to support this.


P6 Homework 12.6.17

Monday 12th June

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice.

COmplete one activity from front of jotter and complete sheet.

For Monday 19th June

P2 Homework W/B 12.6.17

Events this week:

  • PE – Tuesday and Thursday
  • Wear your PJs to school – Friday 16th June. Bring a donation to raise money for our Dystonia charity.

Spelling – to be issued on Tuesday. Common Words.

Reading – New homework issued Monday or Tuesday ( check book bags please)

Health homework– thanks to all those who designed a poster about healthy snacks last week; some very impressive posters handed in!

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge – P2 Mega Maths Mix – a round up of numeracy covered in P2 – Good luck!


Miss Brunt

P7 news week beginning 5.6.17

Health week – there is no homework this week due to transition days.  I have advised pupils to try to be as active as possible and spend time outdoors, making healthy food and doing their posture exercises daily (ask them all about it!).

There is a trip to Sky Studios  on 20/6/17. There is a payment of £5.50 and a packed lunch and school dress is required. The letter will be available in lass but can be printed here SKY STUDIOS LETTER-

Please note that there is another advertiser photograph arranged for next Monday so please wear hoodies.

P6 Homework 6/6/17


Spelling homework for Monday 12/6/17.Please complete two spelling activities.


All pupils have reading homework for Thursday 8/6/17


All pupils have a maths worksheet (Rounding) for Friday 9/6/17