Primary 1 Homework 9/10/17

Phonics: We are now learning the next block of sounds: Please continue to revise the sounds, play games with them and make words.

Date Sound
Monday 9th October G Reading
Tuesday 10th October O Reading
Wednesday 11th October U Reading
Thursday 12th October Recap all three Reading
Monday 23rd October L Reading
Tuesday 24th October F Reading
Wednesday25th October B Reading
Thursday 26th October Recap all three Reading


Reading: Please help your child learn the words that are in their word box.

Letters: There is a letter about milk for the term from October to December – if you would like your child to have milk please send payment and the form back to school by Friday 13th October.

Our Harvest assembly is on Friday 13th October – please send any donations for this to school by Wednesday.

I look forward to seeing you for the parent consultations on Wednesday and Thursday this week. If you are unable to make the appointment please get in touch with me to arrange another one.

We finish on Friday 13th for the half-term break. Have an enjoyable week and see you on Monday23rd October.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P6 Spelling Homework 9.10.17

Monday 9th October

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

Chocolates – complete 2 activities from sheet

Lollipops – complete 2 activities from sheet

Gummy Bears – complete sheet and 1 activity from sheet in jotter.

For Monday 23rd Ocotber

P2 Homework W/B 9th October 2017

We have a busy week ahead before breaking up for the October holiday on Friday!

Here is the list for the week:


Spelling – Tricky Words – I will send home a sheet with ‘tricky words’ on it. These are common words that are more difficult to sound out. Please write on the sheet rather than use the red jotter this week.

Reading – continues as normal. Check book bags for updates.

Numeracy – I have set a Sumdog challenge named ‘P2 October 9th 2017 Challenge’. Children will be re-issued with their passwords so they can play at home. This challenge is optional.

Our numeracy just now is all linked to include LearnIts  ( 6+6 ,7+7 , 8+8 , 9+9 and  10+ 10); linked to doubles and halves ( fractions) and odd/even numbers. However, the Sumdog challenge is just a general consolidation of basic number skills within 20.

Harvest Collection – Thanks so much for all the donations so far but more would  be welcome. The children have enjoyed sorting the foods into groups. Last day for donations is Wednesday.

Parents Consultations – A reminder that meetings will take place on Wednesday evening and Thursday after school. Your child was given an appointment slip on Friday.

PEWednesday and Thursday. Children will be reminded to bring their kits home to be washed over the holiday.

Thanks for your support,

Ms S Brunt




P3 Homework for Week Beginning 2nd October

Primary 3 Homework – Week Beginning 2nd October

Well done Primary 3! On Friday the children earned a fruit party as their first whole class reward. This was for working hard and being a good team. We count down at the end of every great day – which is most days in P3, but not all!

Having finished our science topic on the human body we are looking at some issues in health and wellbeing. In particular, we are learning how to keep ourselves safe around medicines, and how we can handle difficult situations in school, like when friends fall out with one another.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



On Friday almost all the children managed to beat their previous scores in the Learnit challenge, so well done for practising at home. Please keep it up!

We are also carrying on with subtraction this week. Some great games to play online would be:

(Same as last week – a slightly easier game to start with.)

(Choose between level 1 or level 2 – good for testing speed.)

(Same as last week. Play up to 100 for more of a challenge.)



Pages to be read from class reading books will be written down in the grids as usual. Hearing pages out loud is so, so helpful in developing fluency. Where a word is tricky, please help the children to take their time and sound it out. Some words don’t sound out of course, so you may need to help with these ones.



Along with words that use our new spelling sound (‘or’) I have put down some words that we have been misspelling a lot in class. These are common words and worth practising.

As well as the usual look, say, cover, write and check technique of practice for the whole list (twice), please could we write two or three sentences which use up all of the common words.


fork                  sport

horse               corn

storm               have

blood               true

germ               daughter

P7 News and Homework 2/10/17

Please Note:

  • Lasswade High School roadshow is tonight (2nd October at 6.30pm in our school)
  • Beeslack open evening is Thursday 12th October (6.30pm-8.30pm)
  • Parent Consultations are next week.  If you are unable to attend or we have recently met and you would like to come in next term instead please let me know. Letters were sent out today and should be back for Thursday.  Times are tight due to class size.
  • Swimming gala is tomorrow – pupils should be at school for 8.45am and have a snack, water bottle and packed lunch (all appropriate kit too!).


Pupils should continue to read for enjoyment! They have a word origins sheet and should use appropriate tools (discussed in class) to help them answer the questions.  We have been reading scales in class and there is a follow up sheet for homework too.


P1 Homework Week Beginning 2/10/17

P1 Homework – week beginning 2/10/17

Phonics: We are not learning a new sound this week as we are revising and blending the sounds to make words. I have sent home another set of letter cards which are the last six sounds we have learned. Please help your child revise the sound, play games with them and make words.

Numeracy: We are learning about one more/one less this week.

Reading: Please help your child learn the words that are in their word box.

Letters: There are two letters coming home this week. One is about Parent Consultations and must be returned by Thursday please.

The other is about our Harvest Celebration: P1 and P2 are leading this and are collecting dried, tinned, packed and jar foods and also toiletries. Any donations can be sent in by Wednesday 11th October please.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P6 Spelling Homework 2.10.17

Monday 2nd October

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice in jotter.

Lollipops and Gummy Bears

Complete 1 activity from sheet in jotter and complete sheet.


Complete 2 activities from sheet.

For MOnday 9th October

P2 Homework W/B 2.10.17


Harvest Celebrationa donations request

P1 and P2 are celebrating the ‘traditional’ harvest theme by thinking about where  food comes from, learning harvest songs and being thoughtful about those in our community who are in need.

Thus, we are asking you to kindly donate food items so that these can be distributed to a local charity. ‘Long life’ foods such as tins, jars, cartons and packets would be most appropriate. Our pupils can then be involved in sorting the foods into groups.

If you are able to donate, can these items be in school by Wednesday 11th October. Many, many thanks in advance!


Spelling – List 6 – ‘ar’

Reading – as normal. Can all pupils please bring their book bags ( with reading books) in daily please.

Numeracy – Please revise the previous 3 weeks numeracy flash cards of add 1,2,3 and subtract 1,2,3.

I hope to get children back using Sumdog this week and so, will send their passwords home. If things are going well, I may set a short challenge for fun but I’ll tell the children about this later in the week.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

We started training for the Daily Mile last week – we need to build up to it and are now up to four minutes running! So, some way to go but it’s a start.

Photos – If you haven’t already, can you please return either the unwanted school photographs or payments please.

Thanks for your support,

Ms S Brunt