P6 Homework 3/11/17

All pupils have reading homework for next week. Pupils have noted the date due in their Reading Homework Jotter.

All pupils will be given  a numeracy worksheet on Tuesday  7/11/17 to complete for Friday 10/11/17.

Please return Christmas card design on Wednesday 8/11/17.


Primary 3 Homework – Week from 31st October

I am looking forward to meeting many of you on Monday and Tuesday next week. Thank you for your help rearranging this. Jotters and other written work will be available for you to look through on those days.

Our new big topic has been delayed by some time-sensitive art this week. Please watch out for amazing Christmas card designs coming home to finish and return.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Having had a first run through multiplication this past week, we are now going to be working on money. The plan is that this will take us back to addition and subtraction in a way that extends our previous work into higher numbers and harder problems.

Top Marks has an excellent game which asks you either to give exact money or to give change (harder). Playing under “Mixed Coins” up to £1 will mirror where we will start in class.


However, even better than playing online would be chances for the children to use coins in real shops. Asking them to buy things with the right coins or to check the change will really bring alive the practical importance of this maths.



Pages to be read from class reading books will be written down in the grids as usual.



Thank you for all the great vocabulary you found last week. I really enjoyed reading your words and sentences.

For this week, can you find examples of different punctuation? This could be online, in a newspaper or in a book you are reading. Copy the sentences into your homework jotters.

We have been learning to use   .    ,    !    ?    “     …



Spelling words to practice this week are:

thin                  thank

think                three

with                 that

then                 would

could               friend

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.


Dear Primary 7 parents,

Mrs Hinton obviously still has camp brain and in a hurry to get permission slips out to you I used last year’s dates for the trip.  The dates for our trips are

  • Thursday 9th November – Poppy Factory
  • Wednesday 29th November – Sky Academy

Both are mornings, both require a packed lunch and prompt arrival and we would like 1 parent helper for each J

Many Thanks

Mrs Hinton

P7 30/10/17 News and Info

This week we have started a mini literacy unit which uses the theme of Zombies.  Pupils are looking at survival skills, hygiene, water purification, geography/local landscapes and map skills.  This is designed to be a fun activity and has no gore or scary stories linked to it 🙂

Letters went out for Poppy Factory and Sky Academy (plus 2 consent forms to be filmed at Sky) please could slips and payment be returned by Friday.

Maths Homework went out today and is revision of Time – if your child has a watch it would be useful if they wore it and learned to read it as this has been covered in first level.

Maths – Time revision

Spelling Homework 30.10.17 P6

Monday 30th October

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice in jotter.

Lollipops and Gummy Bears – complete 1 activity from sheet in jotter and complete sheet.

Chocolates – Complete 2 activities from sheet.

For Monday 6th November

P1 Homework 30/10/17

Homework P1 

Reading – Continue with reading – check reading record for homework. There are new words for your child to learn in their word box.
Phonics – We are not learning a new sound this week but recapping on the last 6 sounds we have learned. I am sending home the 6 sound cards to add to the others to use to make words with. I will also be sending home a phonic worksheet for your child to complete for homework and return to school.

If your child has success at an afterschool club or activity please encourage them to bring their news, certificate, badge, trophy etc. into school to share with the class. We are interested in what the children achieve in their wider world of learning.

Could I remind you to return all library books when your child has finished with them. Our next library visit is on 13th November.

Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework W/B 30.10.17

Homework this week

Spelling – List  a- e. Magic ‘e’.  This turns a short sounding vowel into a long sounding vowel. Children will be taught a little memory aid: ” The  e at the end turns the ‘ah’ into an ‘ay’.

Reading – as normal

Maths – In line with the clocks changing, we’ll work on telling the time this week, including o’clock and half past. On Thursday, children will bring home a clock made in school and a short list of times to try and set the clock to.

PE – Wednesday (Athletics) and Thursday (PE with Mrs Duncan)

Hedgehog Rescue!

P2 noticed a poorly hedgehog in the woods, just through the school fence. The hedgehog had some prickles missing on its back and didn’t try to hide. As it was unusual to see a wee hog outside in daylight, we phoned the SSPCA who came to collect it. They took it to Fishcross, a wildlife rescue centre near Alloa. Well done P2!

Library books – just a gentle reminder to return library books when finished with. Thanks.

As ever, thanks for your support,

Ms S Brunt