P2 Homework W/B 22.1.18

Hi all,

Let’s hope that this week is a bit warmer than last week although the snow must have been great fun for the children!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 21 ‘igh’

Reading – Please check book bags as usual for reading book updates and there is also now an extra week to practise the poems sent home last week.

Numeracy – there’s no set homework this week but, in class,  we will be working on place value to 100 and ‘bridging decades’ which follows on naturally from ‘bridging 10’. So, for example, 50 + 12 is the same as saying 50 + 10 + 2.

PE is on Wednesday and Thursday.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Sara Brunt


P4 Homework 16/01/18- contains information about the poetry recital competition.

Welcome back. I hope you had a lovely holiday.

Spelling – No Spelling this week.



Some children have a particular system that they are following and the pattern of this should not should not change.

See Reading Records:

On TuesdayThursday for J.K Rowling-  Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records.

On Tuesday, Thursday for Julia Donaldson-

On MondayWednesday, Thursday for Roald Dahl and Jeff Kinney

Enid Blyton- Given on Tuesdays- Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records.

David Walliams- Given on Tuesdays- Learn to be a  summariser and word detective activity sheet- in reading records.


Additional Reading

On Thursday this week I will be handing out some Scottish Poems by the Author J.K Annad for the children to read at home. We have discussed these in class and have looked at Scots language.

In the last week of January there will be a poetry recital competition and two children from each class will be chosen from heats to enter the final. There will be more information on the date of this to follow.

If your child wishes to enter into this competition please help them to learn their poem. Even if they don’t want to take part, please take some time to read with them and enjoy the poems together.

If you can think of a different poem in Scots or with some Scots elements please feel free to teach them that one.

P3 Sum Dog Mistake and Update

I made a mix-up transferring the children across from P2 to P3 on Sum Dog.

The user names and passwords that came home yesterday (Tuesday 16th) were the wrong ones.

New ones have now been sent home. Apologies for the confusion.

Please use these new login details. The old ones may still work, but those profiles will not be participating in our class activities and challenges.

Again, if you ever need a reminder of your child’s details then please just let me know.

Apologies again for the mix up.

Mr Buchan

p3 Homework from 16th January

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 16th January

This term our spelling homework will change slightly, focusing on common words. We will still work through sounds in class. In numeracy we will finish probability and move back to addition and subtraction. Around the school Scottish month also continues. The children are making maps of the country and will learn some poems for a school competition.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Learnits – New flashcards came home last week and the old ones are also still relevant.

Sum Dog – This is an online platform for practising maths skills. I am hoping it will be familiar to many of you from last year. Login details will come home today, but if you need a reminder at any point then just let me know.

Each week I will set a challenge on Sum Dog which focusses on relevant skills. The children will have a go in class this week, which should get them back in the way of it.

To access on a computer you login at www.sumdog.com. To access on a tablet or phone you can either go through that site in your web browser or download the Sum Dog app. The new 3D app enables a few more games, but 2D should still work.



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.


Scottish Poems

The children have all chosen one of three Scottish poems to bring home and learn. We will also practise these in class, with two from our class going forward to represent P3 in a school competition on Thursday 25th January.

While many of the children will relish this opportunity to perform, others may find it nerve-wracking! In class our practice will be non-threatening. No-one will have to recite in front of the class if they do not feel comfortable. Having said that, being able to memorise and recite something is a useful life skill, and so even if your child is not keen on the competition element of this, please do encourage them to learn and say their poem.



really                          swimming

we                               present

Edinburgh                 with

Highlands                  our

For practice: look, say, cover, write and check.

15.1.18 Primary 7

This week in P7 we are having an intensive revision week where we will be doing a lot of mental maths to consolidate square numbers, division, times tables, problem solving etc.  Mrs Caldwell has delayed her test until next Monday so pupils have an extra week to revise the fractions, decimals and Percentages tables they have been working on.  They will be expected to know the fraction, decimal and related percentages (e.g. 50%, 0.5, 1/2)

Pupils all have reading homework but there is no other homework because I have given out a choice of Burns poems for them to choose one to recite on 30/1/18.  I gave them 16 minutes to learn 1 verse and most were successful – this means they have ample time to learn the whole poem if they use time wisely. (Ae fond kiss, Address to the Deil or Adddress to the toothache – some have challenged themselves to learn Tan O Shanter)

In Scots week we have been looking at Scotland’s landscape, natural disasters and plate tectonics.


Now that it is 2018 I have a few dates for you (some parents and pupils have been asking me)

26th June – P7 night in school, usually a DVD and pizza

27th June – P7 Leavers Assembly – Afternoon

28th June – P7 DAY out (ORGANISED BY P7 PARENTS, Previously I have assisted by giving out surveys a parent has made which gives pupils a choice for a day out – often discussed by parents via class facebook, the school can also get costs for buses.  Parent council allocated £15 per pupil for this FULL day to include outing and food)

29th Last day of term – previously parents have organised a piper to be outside the classroom as they leave – photo opportunity etc.

Last year I made an autograph book with the class which they loved, they were about £4 each so this may be something we do again

P1 Homework 15th January 2018

It was lovely to see everyone back last week, I think they have all grown over the holidays!

We will be continuing learning about Scotland this week. I will be sending home poems for the children to learn. In class we will be talking about reading with expression. Please help your child learn the poem and to use expression when saying it. We will be choosing two children to recite their poem at the Scottish Poetry Competition Thursday 25th January. The children have just over a week to learn the poem.

Phonics – we are almost finished the Jolly Phonics programme, sounds this week  qu ou oi.

Common Words: I would like the children to begin to learn some key words that are important for reading and writing. These can be tricky to learn as the children can’t always sound them out. I have given each child a small green jotter, every week I will list the words for the week in this jotter. Inside the front cover I have glued some suggestions of different ways the children can learn these words. On Fridays we will do a simple dictation that includes these words. We will also practise them during the week in class.

Reading: as per their red reading card.

PE is now on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.

Tuesday 16th January:  Dentist to check the teeth of children in P1 and P7.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework and News W/B 15.1.18

Hi all,

This month, the whole school is having a Scottish focus. We have been looking at where Scotland is, where Loanhead is and what makes us ‘Scottish’. This week, we’ll be reading and writing Scots poems, learning some traditional Scots vocabulary and making a class dictionary about this. Children will all choose one Scots poem to take home to read and learn from memory, if possible. Children will be encouraged to then add expression as they try and recite their poem out loud. We’ll work on this in class but must practise at home too.  I’ll be choosing two confident, expressive pupils to perform their poem at a Scots Poetry assembly the following week.

Therefore, I won’t send home a new reading book for anyone this week but keep reading through current book to the end please.

Spelling – List 20 ‘ea’

NumeracySumdog Challenge – ‘Addition within 20’ There’s a target of 250 this week as I really want the children to become quick at working out these sums. We have been working on various strategies to do this. Children have been talking about the best strategy that suits their thinking.

Money Monday will focus on change from 20p. Fraction Friday will focus on halving even ( and odd) numbers.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Library – Please return any books from 2017! Children may choose a new book this Friday.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt