P7 Information 9.3.18

I hope everyone is back to normal after our snow days, seems unreal to have snow in March but fingers crossed for more spring like weather.

We have finished reading books and are reading the Wizard of Oz in class so there will be n reading books going home.  Pupils are expected to be reading 30 minutes a night and should have a consistent book in class with them.

We are continuing progress plans so ALL pupils have targets in numeracy, they have agreed how they will seek to meet their targets and are working on these at home.  e.g.  My target is to revise the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages, I will do this by a) watching a tutorial b)asking for revision c)taking a textbook home.  I need to be able to show my learning by getting 70% in a test (individual choice here).

As we are testing next week I will be asking pupils to work on their targets and do any test appropriate revision – all discussed fully in class.



P3 Homework from 6th March

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 6th March


We are going to learn about animals that live at the north and south poles. As part of this we will think about predators and prey. Please could you let me know if you think your child might find this distressing. In particular, I am keen to gauge whether we might watch a video of animals hunting. There would be no gory bits, but a sense of threat. If you could catch me at the door or send in a note I would really appreciate your guidance.

I hope everyone had fun in the snow. It’s a shame our Vogrie Park trip could not go ahead. Mrs Duncan is trying to reschedule this and I will get back to you when I have more information.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



More words that people have been finding tricky. Please could we practise them using our usual look, say, cover, write and check method and then write sentences using them?

wife                             coat

will                              whole

Saturday                      quarter

            half                              glacier

            penguin                       Antarctica



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



In class we are moving on to look at fractions. We will begin by going over halves and quarters. We will be thinking about the fact that you can have a fraction of a shape (e.g. quarter of a pizza) or a fraction of a number (e.g. 24 grapes and I ate half). We will then extend this to think about thirds, fifths, tenths etc.

At home this week, how many fractions can you find? It could be to do with food at mealtimes or objects that are divided up. Write examples in your homework jotters. You could also draw a picture or take a photo.

For example:

“When I eat fish fingers I always cut them into thirds.”

“My kitchen window is split up into quarters.”


Please keep practising the Learnits.

I have also set up a new (smaller) Sum Dog challenge this week for those who have been finding that fun and useful.

P1 Homework 5/3/18

It’s nice to be back after the snow…it sounds like the children have had a great time in the snow. I have heard all about sledging, snow-boarding, igloo making, snowball fights and lots of snowmen!

Reading: Please see the red card as usual.

Phonics: We are continuing the consonant blends, this week we are learning ‘cl’, ‘fl’ and ‘gl’.

We had a dance session today provided by an external company which the children all enjoyed. It involved using a story to dance to. The children all used their excellent listening skills and followed the instructions well.

World Book Day will take place this week as it was postponed last week due to the weather. Please send in any book reviews or review competitions tomorrow (Tuesday) if possible.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P6 Spelling homework 5.3.18

Monday 5.3.18

Please READ, COVER< WRITE< CHECK words twice.

Lollipops and Gummy Bears – complete sheet and one activity

Chocolates – complete 2 activities from sheet.

FOr Monday 12th March

P2 Homework W/B 5.3.18

Hi all!

It’s good to be back to normal after quite an unexpected break! I hope everyone’s well and all coped with the weather!  I, for one, was snowed in until Sunday and,  living out ‘in the sticks’ , I certainly valued the support and sense of community from my neighbours- making sure we all had supplies, heating and even helping our farmer neighbour to locate and dig out sheep in very deep snowdrifts! Lots to tell the children as, I’m sure, they’ll have lots to tell me!

Anyway, back to business…

Spelling this week – please continue on with the next list (27. oi) and we’ll catch up in class for anything missed last week.

Reading – will pick up from last week. Check post-it notes.

No numeracy/maths homework – we just need time to catch up from last week.

Topic– electricity continued. Hopefully we can play with simple circuits this week, making a bulb light up.

PE – Wed and Thurs.

Gardener – we should work with the school gardener Paulo on Friday this week. We had to postpone recently as the ground was too hard to plant fruit trees.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt




SCHOOL OPEN Monday 5th March

We will be open again tomorrow after all the heavy snow.

We ask you to remember that parking may be limited so to be mindful when making your journey in tomorrow. Pupils should dress for the weather.

See you tomorrow 🙂

P7 News/info and home learning 2/3/18

Hello everyone, I hope that you are enjoying the snow.

I have made a whole school sumdog competition so please remember to log in – if you need help with your log in details then email me.

Remember your individual targets – where do you need to go? How will you get there?

Home learning – due Wednesday

Literacy – please remember your book reports and quiz that were due in on 1st.  If you want to challenge yourself and consolidate learning we have done in class then write a short setting description of a snowy setting – remember our in-class success criteria (Using your senses, adjectives, adverbs, long and short sentences and no story/charactes e.g. The warm sun shone down on the turquoise water like freshly cleaned diamonds, the birds lazily perched on the tan branches while the sound of them gleefully singing danced in my ears.  I felt at peace.” Type it on word and email me, share with me on GLOW or just write it and bring it in next week.

Maths/Numeracy – Have a go at this BEAST FROM THE EAST P7 Maths activity challenge – how many house points will you earn?

The Beast From The East Maths Investigation P7-1nm7473

REMEMBER to keep sending my your fun in the snow, snow sculpture or snowy extreme reading photos. k.hinton@mgfl.net


An excited and keen parent first mentioned this in January and I could not believe that it was time to think about it so a pat on the back for planning ahead.  She has volunteered time to help organise this and attend on the day.  I have had a few more parents ask me about the day out and would suggest a wee team to go with the pupil ideas would work well.

Pupils discussed it with me and I posted the results on the page last week.  As Time Capsule was the firm favourite I presumed people would look into this – I am happy to get the office to price a bus for the parent team while they organise prices for the trip and food.

Pupils are saying the Time Capsule is closed during the day – after a quick email they got back to me to say that for trips etc they can open at 10am, you just need to speak to them.

Paintballing was not first or second choice but I do have to mention that this, or similar activities, is not something Mrs Donnelly or I would be happy to have organised for their day out so this is not an option.

If Time Capsule is not an option I am happy to go back to the class and chat about other ideas (escape rooms, Blair Drummond plus BBQ, Picnic etc were also suggested after our discussion).


1.3.18 Homework – Have SNOW much fun!!!!


I hope everyone is having a safe and fun family time in the snow.  Today is World Book Day and although we can not do all the fun activities that have been organised please share your photos with me so we can make a Snow day collage of all your fun and snowy learning – P7 remember when we did some “extreme reading”? Perhaps you can so some in the snow and send me the photos? (k.hinton@mgfl.net)

Other ideas of snow day activities:

  • Read some recipes and bake something that looks yum
  • Plan and build a snow sculpture
  • Make a snow picture
  • Have sledging races and test out different snow “vehicles” – which is best?
  • Have a snowball fight and then enjoy some warm chocolate after
  • Snuggle on the couch and watch a family film
  • Play a Board game and watch the snow fall
  • Make Snow castles for your toys
  • Help clear the paths or do some neighbourly good deeds


Looking for Learning?

Mrs Hinton’s whole school SUMDOG challenge- http://www.sumdog.com





