Primary 3 Homework – 6th to 12th June

Primary 3 Homework – 6th to 12th June

It has been great seeing everyone at parents’ meetings or the campus anniversary yesterday.

In the last few weeks of term we are going to look again at data handling and division. We are also trying revising French numbers up to 30.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




Please practise the French words for the numbers up to 20.

  1. un (uhn)                     11. onze (ohnz)
  2. deux (duh)                 12. douze (dooz)
  3. trois (twah)                13. trieze (trehz)
  4. quatre (catr)              14. quatorze (cat-tohrz)
  5. cinq (sank)                 15. quinze (canz)
  6. six (sees)                     16. seize (sayz)
  7. sept (set)                     17. dix-sept (dees set)
  8. huit (hweet)               18. dix-huit (dees hweet)
  9. neuf (nuhf)                 19. dix-neuf (dees nuhf)
  10. dix (dees)                    20. vingt (van)

If online games would help, here are a couple of links:



Reading grids will come home as usual, along with unfinished quizzes on Thursday.



This week we have been practising words where the letter o makes the u sound. I have also put in some words we have been finding difficult.

mother            son

Monday           other

stopped           weigh

train                picture

Please could everyone look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

P7 news and Information 5th June 2018

Not long to go now and I cannot believe the first of our High School transitions is nearly upon us.  I wish all soon to be S1s an amazing time and encourage them to have a growth mindset and give everything a go because this is such an exciting time for them.  Each and every one has made amazing progress in P7 and I cannot believe we are almost at the end.


LEAVERS DAY OUT – Is to the Dominion cinema and then McDonalds for lunch 🙂

LEAVERS ASSEMBLY – Everyone is expected to embrace this opportunity for one last performance at Primary School but the interest in having speaking or singing parts is low – please chat to your child about having confidence to take part.  Cinderella in P5 was fantastic so I know they have great dramatic skills.

LEAVERS NIGHT – Organised by parents, Pupils have opted for a pizza party in school.  They can come to school in Gala Day attire or just normal party clothes, listen to music, play football, take selfies and have some fun as a class. Parent council supply the food for this (thank you!) It is hoped that all can attend (times TBC but usually arond 6.15pm) There will need to be a few helpers on the night- Mrs Hinton hopes to attend too.

P2 Trip to Deep Sea World 4.6.18

Hi all,

What a fabulous day we had at Deep Sea World! We had a classroom lesson where we discovered the effects of plastic pollution in the sea and the children got to meet a real live starfish. Then, we watched the seals being fed and doing some exercises. We had great fun practising our monetary numeracy whilst browsing and buying in the shop! At lunch, having a packed lunch out with friends is always exciting. Afterwards, watching the  seahorses being fed and spending time in the underwater tunnel was truly amazing. Even the journey to and from DWS allowed us to view three incredible engineering feats as we could look at the 3 Forth Bridges!

All in all, a super day- the children were fully engaged in their learning and were absolute ambassadors for Loanhead Primary in how they conducted themselves around the venue! Thank you P2 and also to the helpers who accompanied us on this wonderful trip.

Miss Sara Brunt

P1 week beginning 4/6/2018

Reading: as usual – see the red reading card.

Phonics: – rhyme, the children will bring home a worksheet this week, they are learning  ail, ump and ink.

Tuesday 5th June: Campus celebration – please see the letter that was sent home last week.

Common words: See green jotter.


Lisa Cumming


P2 Homework W/B 4.6.18

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 4

Reading – as usual. Check bookbags for updates.

Events this week:

Monday 4th June – Trip to Deep Sea World. Remember to bring a packed lunch, a drink and a snack!

Tuesday – Ramsay Campus 10th Birthday!

Wednesday and Thursday – PE

That’s all for now, thanks.

Miss S Brunt

Primary 3 Homework – 29th May to 4th June

Primary 3 Homework – 29th May to 4th June

On 5th June we are celebrating the 10th birthday of Ramsay Campus. A note about this went home on Friday, but in the happy rush of the Summer Fair some were left behind. If you would like another copy then please let me know.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday or Thursday. As mentioned in Mrs Donnelly’s letter a few weeks back, please let me know if you would like to have a look at the Living and Growing materials we will be using in June.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Pupils have got to grips with reading measurements from different equipment, but quite a few are still shaky on remembering the different units.

Below is a link to a super game which revises everything we have looked at regarding mass, capacity and length.

Confusions to watch out for:

  • The game talks about “mass” and “capacity” which are strictly the correct terms, but we have also talked in class about “weight” and “volume”.
  • The game requires you to spell the whole words for units (e.g. “kilograms” rather than just “kg”) and we have not practised this very much (see spelling below).



Reading grids will come home as usual, along with unfinished quizzes on Thursday.



As mentioned above, we have not much chance to practise writing out the full names of all our units.

gram               kilogram

litre                 millilitre

metre              centimetre

millimetre       kilometre

Please could everyone look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

P2 Homework W/B 28.5.17

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – Practise words on the third page of the spelling booklet please.

Reading – Non-fiction task from last week – children need to choose one page from their information book to read aloud. Towards the end of the week, we’ll return to story books.

Topic – We’re finishing off the sea topic soon. This week we’ll take a more detailed look at sea life, in anticipation of our trip to Deep Sea World next week. We’ll also briefly look at the history of seaside holidays.

Events this week:

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Parents EveningWednesday from 5:30 pm.

Parents AfternoonThursday from 3:30 pm.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt