P5 Homework w/c 10.9.18


  • Spelling: I look forward to marking the first P5 spelling activity cards this week and setting new spelling pattern words for week 2 (remember complete green & red is optional).
  • Numeracy & Maths: pupils have been learning about 3-D shape in class and became familiar with their chosen shape by making nets. While we set-up spelling and reading strategies, I would ask pupils to carry on with their Times Table practice.
  • Reading: pupils have now learned their first Literacy Circle role, Illustrator and practised this using their class reading book/novel. Over the coming weeks we will continue to practise the other four roles so pupils will be ready to apply their learning to their reading homework.

Additional Information

Tuesday 11th 2018 Swimming Wk2, 11:00am to 12.30pm

Please ensure pupils bring their full swimming kit and wear weather appropriate jacket and shoes for the walk to the pool.

P5 Cross Country, 8 pupils will take part in this event.

Wednesday 12th 2018 Individual & Family photographs 

This is an opportunity to pop in after school to see the classroom and have a quick chat.

PE – Tuesdays will consist of P5 taking part in a block of swimming lessons from 4th Sept to 27th November 2018. The class will walk down to the pool with Mrs Donnelly and will return with Mrs Watts.

Many thanks,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P2 Homework w.b 10/9/18


Just a reminder that the school photographer will be in on Wednesday! 

Primary 2 will still have P.E on a Tuesday and a Thursday with me on a Tuesday and Mrs. Wallace on a Thursday. This commencing week is ‘Schools Fitness Week’ – this was created by Joe Wicks (more commonly known as The BodyCoach), and he will be creating a new 20 minute HIIT workout over three days for schools to take part in, so I am looking forward to taking part in this and keeping the children (and myself) fit.

Additionally, this coming week is  ‘Maths Week Scotland’ so I am going to join our class on SumDog and I have lots of fun maths activities planned for the week. (The children should all have their own individual SumDog logins in their bookbags! If not, let me know and I can get you a copy.)

Reading – The children will have reading homework on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. The pages for this will be written inside of their green reading records.

Spelling – This week we will be learning thethsound. I will put a copy of their spelling list inside their spelling jotter for them to practice through different activities (there should be an example list inside this jotter).

Also, Primary 2 will be starting their IDL topic this week which is Seashore! It’s going to be a very busy and fun week!

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Homework and Update W/B 10th September 2018

Hi all,

It’s the fourth week already. Time is  flying by!


Homework this week:

Spelling –Children copy down their new spelling words each Monday morning. I’ll try my best to check these but could an adult also check their spelling homework once complete, to avoid errors. Well done to all those children trying hard to write neatly and in cursive.

Reading – We are going to read chapters 4 and 5 of Kensuke’s Kingdom, the exciting part where the main character, Michael, gets stranded on an island with his dog. We will continue reading and writing about this in class.  Please encourage your child to read something of their own for interest and pleasure throughout the week too. Can children also bring in a book to read in class please.

Numeracy – We have been revising tables and linking facts. When children are very secure in knowing their tables, this will help them with other aspects such as division, fractions and decimals. We are now doing sets of ‘Daily 10’ arithmetic questions using Top Marks Level 3 Multiplication. If your child can access this at home, I’d recommend this for fast recall of basic facts.


There’s a national Maths Week Contest on Sumdog, running from the 7th -14th September so I’ve entered our class. I think it tests a range of skills and knowledge. Good luck all!

Every Thursday, we concentrate on problem solving strategies so children are learning to use the following: making lists; drawing it out; guess, check, improve; try a simpler case; follow a pattern; acting it out. Children are then asked to explain the strategy they used.

Word of the Day – hopefully children have talked about this at home. Each day, a new word is put on the board and defined. If the children use this word correctly during the day, they get a point on their chart. Some examples so far include sophisticated, crucial and excruciating! This is a great way to extend children’s vocabulary.

RUGBY continues this Monday with Bradley, a youth coach from Lasswade RFC. Sadly there’ll be no PE on Tuesdays for the rest of the term but due to the nice weather and ease of access, P6 have been enjoying extra games of outdoor basketball on Wednesday afternoons. Hopefully this can continue.

PE – Thursday – Can everyone bring a full kit please.

 Congratulations to those who were selected to be on committees! You know who you are!

 Finally, can everyone make sure they have indoor shoes, especially now the weather is turning a bit.

 Thanks for your support,

Miss Sara Brunt


P3 Homework w.b 3/9/18

Hi all,

Hope you have been hearing all about our learning in p3 so far and hope your kids have been loving it as much as me!

I have sent home our first lot of homework this week which you will find in your child’s reading folder or school bag. They now all have a reading book as well as a small blue reading record which details what the reading homework is as well as a small comment about their reading in class that day.

As of today reading is as follows:

New name yet to be determined(former Blueberries #1)

  • Robbie Woods and his Merry Men – To the end of Chapter 1

New name yet to be determined (former Blueberries #2)

  • Flans Across the River – To the end of Chapter 1

Pandas (former Blueberries #3)

  • Storm Castle – Pages 1-14

Polar Bears (former Apples)

  • Castle Adventure – Pages 1-8

Orangutans (former Strawberries)

  • Viking Adventure Pages 1-14

In addition to this all children have been given a pink homework jotter and a sheet with 6 spelling lists for the coming weeks. Only one spelling should be completed each week as this sheet spans the next 5 weeks with the first list already having been covered in class. This allows you to practise the same spelling patterns we are working on in class and maintaining consistency between home and school. So far we have covered the first 2 spelling lists ( silent -b and silent -w).  The expectation is that children can look, cover, write and check these words a minimum of 3 times over the week and on the final night can use some of their spelling words in context in some sentences.

Next week I will be sending out a homework grid which will have a variety of other activities that can be done to support numeracy and literacy. This will also cover the whole term.  Children should choose only 1 activity a week to complete. It would be extremely helpful if you could traffic light this ( green for done with little support, orange for significantly supported and red for unable to complete even with support) to let me know how your child got on with each task.

If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me.

All the Best,

Miss Ramsay

P2 Homework w/c 3/9/18

Welcome back!

I hope everyone has had a lovely summer and is feeling ready for the new school year. Apologies, for not putting the P2 homework on the website last week, but from now on I will post it every Sunday evening in time for it being handed out on Tuesday.


Homework will be given out every Tuesday and should be handed in on Friday. Some weeks there may be tasks that will require more time, but I will ensure that I let you know this in advance. In your child’s book bag there is a reading record which I will write their reading homework in and a spelling jotter for them to complete their spelling homework in.

Reading – Reading homework will be every night (Tues, Wed and Thurs) and I will write the pages that have to be read in their records. Sometimes there may be activities and key words to go along with their books too.

Spelling – There will be a new spelling list every week and inside the spelling jotters I have added a list of the different ways that the children could practice their words (for example, look, cover, write, check or writing them in bubble writing). Do feel free to come up with your own ideas too! This week the spelling list will be  ‘ch’ words.

Primary 2 really enjoy reading comics/magazines so I was wondering if anyone had any pre-loved ones that they would be happy to donate to our class library. It would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your support,

Miss Waller


P7 homework and information 3/9/18

We have a busy week this week because not only will we be working hard but we also start our Rugby block on Monday, we have Risk Factory on Wednesday and P7 prefect jobs will be allocated.


Maths: From assessing gaps in learning, I have noticed that reading scales has proven challenging for many.  There will be a worksheet that corresponds with in class learning which will be due on Friday.  I have also set a Sumdog challenge and we will be working on numeracy challenges from The Daily Rigour website and topmarks daily 10 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 level 4+.

Spelling: continuing from where they left off last year, I plan to hand out spelling word lists this week and the dictation assessment will be Friday.  Pupils will have a variety of options to learn their spelling and will also have words to learn which they have misspelled this week.  The main area of focus is to transfer the spellings learned into written tasks.  I highly recommend the website/game “doorway online” to revise spellings beginning at First-second level and moving onto second http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/literacy/speller/. 

Reading– We are doing a lot of in class reading activities, but pupils should always have a book to be reading for enjoyment.  The recommendation is to read for at least 20 minutes each night.  This does not need to be read to someone at this stage, but sharing reading with your child – or reading the same book as them and then having some “book chat” will help their enthusiasm and understanding.

We are still looking for donations of construction materials such as lego, Knex, dominos, meccano etc.  We hope to have some STEM/construction activities to get those creative juices flowing in the upper atrium.

Many thanks

Mrs Hinton 🙂

Note about P.E. copied from last week’s post

P.E. – Quick note about P.E. and a general hygiene rule mirrored by High Schools.  Pupils MUST have a FULL change of PE clothes – shorts and a top for P.E that are not their daily uniform and supportive sports shoes.  Our classroom is hot and P7 become so attached to their hoodies that they rarely take them off so wearing them to get hot and sweaty in P.E. and then all day is not promoting good personal hygiene.  In P7 it is common for pupils to bring their own roll on or stick deodorant (no aerosols) and pupils are allowed to use these as needed.

House Captains 2019!

Many P7s have waited for this week for years, some with excitement and confidence and others with nerves and anxieties – many not even sure if they want to put themselves forward, but you did it!

I am so impressed with the House Captain speeches this year, not only were there a record number of you who put yourselves forward, but the quality of the speeches were all the best I have seen! We had raps, dance moves, PowerPoints, entrance music and many confident speakers captivating their audiences and energising their team. The children in each house voted for their captains and the votes were counted and announced.

Well done to….

TEAM EDGELAW with Freya and Riley

TEAM DRYDEN with Emma and Lewis

TEAM GLADHOUSE with Rachel and Luke#

I wish you all a successful year!  P7 is a huge responsibility and all P7s will be allocated roles within the school, I look forward to this next week.

P6 Homework and Info W/B 3rd September 2018

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – Everyone will get a new list of words this week so should choose an activity from the spelling grid to do. Children can choose a second task to do if they wish. Due in next Tuesday please.

Reading – We have read the first chapter of Kensuke’s Kingdom and came up with lots of pros and cons about whether sailing around the world would be a good idea. We will continue reading this in class.

I have set up a wildlife and nature table which has magazines from the RSPB and Scottish Wildlife Trust on. Some children said they could bring old National Geographic mags so anything else similar to this would be very welcome.

Numeracy – We have been revising tables and linking facts. When children are very secure in knowing their tables, this will help them with other aspects such as division, fractions and decimals. We are now doing sets of ‘Daily 10’ arithmetic questions using Top Marks Level 3 Multiplication. If your child can access this at home, I’d recommend this for fast recall of basic facts.


I have set another challenge on Sumdog, this time using division by lower numbers.        #2 P6 Dividing Challenge

Word of the Day – hopefully children have talked about this at home. Each day, a new word is put on the board and defined. If the children use this word correctly during the day, they get a point on their chart. Some examples so far include improvise, vociferous, vice versa, ajar, and empathy. This is a great way to extend children’s vocabulary.

Extra PE!RUGBY starts this Monday with Bradley, a youth coach from Lasswade RFC.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Application FormsEco Committee, Pupil Council and Health & Wellbeing forms need to be in by Tuesday. Interviews are on Thursday afternoon. In P6, two Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) will also be chosen but no forms are needed for this.

Donations wanted! The Upper Atrium is putting out an appeal for donations of unwanted construction kits such as Lego, Meccano and  K-nex. As you are aware, these kits are very expensive to buy new so we would like to build up a bank of resources for technology activities as quickly and cheaply as possible!! Any donations much appreciated.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Sara Brunt