P7 arrived safely at Dalguise and have already had fun doing a couple of activities. They are having a ball and are looking forward to the evening events.
There is an ASG camp twitter page where group leaders will tweet news, photos and videos throughout the camp – please follow @lasswadecamp to be kept in the loop. Signal at Dalguise is limited so this really is the best way.
Reading: See blue reading diaries and continue to learn the words from their word boxes.
Phonics: The sounds we are learning this week are – l, f, b. Please complete the relevant sheet in their red book. Also please use the sound cards every child has to help them learn the sound and to build words with.
Other News:
Miss Maley is attending camp this week with the P7s. I will be taking the class for the week,
Halloween Disco: Thursday 1st November – fun and games for all! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Nativity…I know…Already!! The children are beginning to learn the songs for the nativity and next Monday they will have the opportunity to audition for a speaking part in the performance.
As you know Friday was our class assembly and you should all very proud, your kids were amazing. I was super proud of their confidence and all the hard work they put into their assembly.
This week our sound of the week is soft c as in pencil, price, circus where the c makes an s sound. A new spelling list will be sent home with your child this week starting with this sound. I will also be sending home a ”spelling menu” which is more or less the same as the previous different spelling activities that was sent home before the holidays however this keeps them all to the one sheet of paper. Can I ask that each time you complete a task can you tick and date the box and colour the box green once the task has been completed 3 times. This just allows me to keep track of tasks being completed at home.
The Terrible Birthday Present
I do know that some of the children in this group have previously read this book in p2 however this week we are focussing on punctuation and it’s impact on how we read rather than fluency. We are discussing expression and pauses as well as talking about how the writer may justify their use of punctuation.
On Tuesday, pupils should arrive in school from the main entrance and congregate in the expressive arts hall. The bus hopes to leave Loanhead at 9.30 so pupils should arrive no later than 9am
Please can pupils wear their red hoodies.
No money, electronics, phones or food should be taken to camp and they will be confiscated.
Please give medication to a staff member on arrival.
There will be an ASG camp twitter page where group leaders will tweet news, photos and videos throughout the camp – please follow @lasswadecamp to be kept in the loop. Signal at Dalguise is limited so this really is the best way.
Just a gentle reminder that your child should be bringing their book bag to school every day so they have their reading books, and we can put any letters etc in them.
This week I will be going over the children’s keywords for their reading stage (these were the words that were sent home last week). Therefore, children may come home with a new stage book next week.
Homework for this week:
Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ff’ sound, therefore their spelling list will have words containing this sound. Please support your child in learning these by writing them into their spelling jotter and practising other activities that are suggested in their jotter.
Reading: Reading pages will be written into their reading records. I will also be putting in a reading strategy bookmark into the children’s book bags. We have tried most of these strategies during our reading groups, so children should be familiar with them. These strategies can be used when the children are stuck with a word in their book. (For example, Chunky Monkey – split the word into manageable chunks and then blend together, flat – fl-at).
From next week onwards, the children will also be given a numeracy task to complete each week.
Hope everyone enjoyed the extra hour we gained this weekend! P6 should be bright and eager, ready to learn this week!
*HOCKEY on Tuesday 30th October* for ten pupils. These children have been selected to represent our school at a tournament. However, it was such a hectic week that we never managed to get the permission slips home so these will be given out on Monday and must be returned on Tuesday. Many thanks.
EvM EvC ZM (girls)
FrC AO TJM LCh RA WL OM (boys)
Reading – Most, not all, children have reading homework to do at home. On Tuesday, children will be given home a reading journal to accompany their book which will involve book related homework tasks.
Spelling – children will copy down their new list on Monday.
Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge ( Time Challenge)
Topic – For the next 2-3 weeks our topic is general science skills. Last week, we set up an experiment to find out the absorbency of three types of cloth. The core skills included planning, fair testing, measuring, observing, recording and concluding. In our writing lesson this week, we will write up our findings.
Peer Mediation – Ms Brown, the school’s Educational Psychologist, will be working with P6 to train them to become peer mediators. An information letter will be posted here soon but it basically involves exploring feelings and how best to deal with conflict between friends.
PE – Tuesday and Thursday – Developing netball skills
French – Miss Dickson returns from University and will revise French with P6 and develop their speaking/ writing skills further over the course of this term
Thanks to everyone who donated a tombola prize for the Halloween party this week.
Hello, we hope you and your child enjoyed the October holiday.
Homework for this week:
Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book -it helps them to make more sense of what they are reading too.
Phonics: We are learning 3 sounds this week:
Tuesday – g, Wednesday – o, Thursday – u
Please can you help your child to complete the handwriting sheets in their phonics book and to listen for these sounds/ think of words which start with these sounds.
*If you have not done so already please send in a small box or tin for your child’s words.
PE Kits
Please ensure all children have their PE kits for their PE lesson on Wednesday. Every child should have named T-Shirt and Shorts.
Thank you for your support to help your child’s learning.
Hope everyone had a lovely holiday, I know your kids did after all the great stories I have heard today. I must say am jealous!
As this week is the p3 class assembly I have chosen to hold back our spelling work to next week as many of the children have lots of words to practice. We will be sharing our learning about our endangered animals topic with the whole school so we are all very excited! In addition to this we will be performing a song as a class called ‘Animals in Danger’. I have provided lyrics at the bottom of the post as well as a media link to the song. If for some reason the link doesn’t work the song is on Youtube under the same title. Any support at home with learning the song and lines or even just improving fluency when reading them is hugely appreciated. If your child has come home with no lines it is because they are part of our learning gallery and are sharing their art work they are proud of.
If you do so wish to carry on working on spelling in class we are revising silent b, k and w as well as ea as e, ch as k and wh.
Just a quick reminder that all children’ s PE kits should be returned for Wednesday as that is our regular PE day.
P3 will also be taking part in a drumming workshop this Thursday using Peruvian Cajon drums which is very exciting.
Thank you in advance for your support with our class assembly,