Another Successful Health Week!

This week has been our Health Week at Loanhead Primary, and what an amazing week it has been.  Every class has enjoyed learning about health and wellbeing as well as trying out different sports and healthy activities.  We thank Mrs Duncan for organising this week for us, without her then this week could not have happened.

Classes kicked off the week with our amazing sports day, another thanks to Mrs Duncan and the P7s for running this for the school.  It was a lovely afternoon filled with a lot of laughter and team spirit and it was great to see so many parents, carers, friends and family here to support the pupils.

The rest of the week was filled with our early morning warm ups in the playground, American Football, Football, Hockey, Cycling, Rugby, Judo, Movement to Music, Yoga, Judo, Relaxation, Healthy food making, Dance, Sleep and gaming awareness, Police talks, Internet safety, our fabulous bike breakfast (storm Hector can not stop us!) and so much more!

Here are some photos of this amazing week.


Primary 3 Homework – 12th to 18th June

Primary 3 Homework – 12th to 18th June

Health Week is in full swing now, with the children getting to have a go at judo, rugby, hockey, dancing and basketball.

We are also building up to our second P3 assembly of the year, which will take place on Friday 22nd June. If you are free on the day then please do come along and watch at 11:45am.

I have set a little less homework this week because I expect everyone will be tired out by all the extra exercise!

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



This week we are looking at division.

To revise the basic concept, see if you can spot things at home that divide into equal groups / shares.

For example, if there are twelve apples a bag then how many would three of us each get?

I have also set a SumDog challenge on division / multiplication for those who are enjoying that sort of practice.



Reading grids will come home as usual, along with unfinished quizzes on Thursday.

P5 Homework w/b 11.6.18

P5 Homework will carry on this week as normal:

  • Spelling Activity Cards (complete green & red is optional)
  • Literacy Circles Role (week 6 – last week of P5 reading homework!)
  • Times Table practice

We have now organised our class trip to the Scottish Mining Museum for Wednesday 20th June 2018 and are really looking forward to this. We are still waiting for 5  ME2 slips to be returned and would really appreciate these before the end of the week.

If there is any parent/carer who would like to help out on the trip next week please let the office know or send a note in with your child and I will give you a ring.

Many thanks,

Mrs Watts

P7 News 11.6.18

Great feedback from Beeslack transition 🙂 well done P7 you were amazing! Those off to Lasswade are really excited.  They should meet at the corner at the bottom of the hill at 8.05am on Tuesday.  It is expected that they all attend Thursday night with parents – I have emailed the gala day to ask for support at this time for P7s.

No homework other than preparing for their £5 challenge (NEXT WEEK), Learning songs and dances for the assembly as well as thinking about their costumes 🙂

Pupils can come to school in sportswear this week and we look forward to PC Anderson coming in to talk about Health and Anti Social Behaviour.  We also have dance, rugby and Hockey to look forward to.  On Wednesday, remaining P7s are attending the Bike Festival at Beeslack – all equipment will be provided.  The letters are out last minute due to transitions and we were only recently made aware that we can take larger numbers 🙂 this is a fab day, the cost is £3 and pupils need a packed lunch!


P2 Homework and Events W/B 11.6.18

Hi all,

It’s that time of year again – It’s Health Week 2018!

Children will have taster sessions of a variety of sports this week and in anticipation of extra tiredness after school, I have only set spelling as homework.  Children will not get a new book so please read current book a few pages a night and I will endeavour to hear reading in between sports activities this week!

Spelling – List 5.

Reading – continue with current book.

Health Week Schedule for P2 

Monday – SPORTS DAY @ 1:15pm. Children are put into their house team colours and  led by P7 children. The first part of sports day involves activities where house teams earn points for goals or runs achieved. This takes place in the playground. There are 6 events each, including Penalty Shoot Out, Hockey and Obstacles.

The second part of the event takes place in the MUGA. Children assemble in their classes before the running races and relays take place. P2 do not take part in the relay race.

The end of the event may take place outside the dining room where the overall house winner is announced but this is to be confirmed. Sometimes, I like to take my class back inside for a quick toilet visit when the relays are on! Just in case you see us disappear! All children return to their classrooms at the very end to collect their bags and must be dismissed by me from there.

In the event of bad weather, sports will continue inside but unfortunately,  we cannot allow spectators in so let’s all do a sun dance!

Tuesday – 08:50 Whole  school ‘warm up’ in playground.

– Rugby

– Jo Jingles ( Music and Movement)

Wednesday – 08:50  Whole  school ‘warm up’ in playground. 

– PE ( to include a Dance session)

– Hockey

Thursday – Bike Breakfast – at 08:30. Cycle or scoot to school and enjoy a free breakfast!

– Judo

– Basketball

– Healthy fruit kebab making

So, as you can see, a very busy, active week!

That’s all for now,

Miss Sara Brunt



P5 Homework w/b 4.6.18

P5 Homework will carry on this week as normal:

  • Spelling Activity Cards (complete green & red is optional)
  • Literacy Circles Role (week 5)
  • Maths Activity sheet on Tally Charts

We have now organised our class trip to the Scottish Mining Museum for Wednesday 20th June 2018 and are really looking forward to this. Details have been sent home with pupils and ME2 slips should be returned no later than 13.6.18.


Monday 11th June – Friday 16th June is Loanhead’s Health Week.

Children are taking part in lots of different activities and should come to school dressed in sports clothes ALL week and always have a water bottle.

Touchdown, Rugby, Football, Dance, Hockey, Judo, Basketball, Movement to Music sessions will be happening all week.

SPORTS DAY – this is on Monday 11th at 1.15-3.15pm.   Spectators are welcome in the playground.

LED bike  ride – Tuesday 12th June for P5/6/7 at 2.30pm.  Children will cycling to Roslin and back.

BIKE BREAKFAST – Thursday 14th June.  Come to school on your bike or scooter for 8.30 and enjoy a free breakfast with your friends.

It looks like the sun will be shining and we hope the children have a fun, active and healthy week!

Ailsa Duncan

PE Teacher