P5 Homework & update w/c 24.9.18


  • Spelling: the spelling activity cards have been embraced by almost all of the class with pupils enjoying the variety of activities and option to complete as much as schedules permit. All pupils are aware of the homework expectation but I would remind parents to initial or sign homework jotters to prove that red activities have been complete.
  • Numeracy & Maths: pupils have been learning about angle types in class and have begun to practise using protractors to measure angles. The homework this week is a consolidation of class work and consists of identifying angle types (acute, obtuse and right angles).
  • Reading: pupils have now learned three Literacy Circle roles; Illustrator, Word Wizard and Question Writer. They have practised these in class using their reading book/novel. Pupils will soon be ready to apply their learning to reading homework which will begin after the October holiday.

Additional Information

Tuesday 25th September 2018 Swimming Wk4, 11:00am to 12.30pm

Please ensure pupils bring their full swimming kit and wear weather appropriate jacket and shoes for the walk to the pool.

Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th October 2018 Parent Consultations

Appointment slips will be sent home with pupils on Friday 28th September.

PE – Tuesdays will consist of P5 taking part in a block of swimming lessons from 4th Sept to 27th November 2018. The class will walk down to the pool with Mrs Donnelly and will return with Mrs Watts. Mrs Roy will take the class for an hour of PE on Thursdays.

Many thanks,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P1 homework 24/09/18

Hello Parents and Carers

Phonics: This week your child will be bringing home their red phonics book in their bookbags. This will have the handwriting sheets for the sounds we are covering in the class over the next few weeks. 

 Monday – handwriting sheet for the letters ‘c’ & ‘k’.

Tuesday – handwriting sheet for the letter ‘e’.

Wednesday – handwriting sheet for the letter ‘h’.

Please can you only complete the sound covered in class each day. 

Reading: We are continuing with wordless books at the moment. On Thursday your child will be bringing home the first words they will need to learn for the next stage of their reading books.


Sound Bags: Every child has a small bag with the sound cards in. Please use these cards to help your child make small 2 or 3 letter words, eg. sat   at   in   pin  pat  nap   pan.

Topic: This week as part of our early man topic we will be continuing to decorate our class cave. If you have any spare magazines or newspapers please can you send them in to help us make some rocks. Thank you.

We still have several items of uniform in our class which are unclaimed and have no name in. If you are missing something please pop in.


Thank you

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming

P6 Homework and Update W/B 24th September 2018

Hi all,

Here is the weekly update.

RUGBY – continues on Monday.

PE will be on Thursday.

Spelling – Can children please have their previous week’s homework finished, ready to hand in each Monday. Thanks.

Reading – We are about two thirds through Kensuke’s Kingdom in class and overall, the feedback from children has been very enthusiastic.

As a separate reading task, children will get a reading comprehension sheet home ( probably Wednesday) to develop their skills.

Numeracy – Well done to all those who took part in Sumdog last week. Everyone has a new challenge this week. Good luck!

Parent Appointment Slip – if you haven’t already, can you fill this in please. We hope to send home appointment times on Friday.

Indoor Shoes – just another reminder that all children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into. Thanks.

That’s all for now,

Ms Sara Brunt


P2 Homework w/b 24/9/18

Hi all,

This Friday (28th) is Macmillan Coffee Morning so on Thursday afternoon, the children will be making and decorating cakes for this. I would like to invite you to join P2 in their coffee morning on Friday from 12pm. You are all welcome to come in from 12pm until the end of the day at 12:25pm for some cake! I will pop a reminder about it on the door and any questions please catch me at the end of the day to ask!

Just a gentle reminder to bring filled parent evening slips back as I will be organising appointments later this week.

Here is the homework for this week.

Reading: Please complete the pages written in the reading records.

Spelling: This week we will be learning the “qu” sound. This is the next list in their spelling jotters to practise.

Also, I am going to put a letter in the children’s book bags on Tuesday about topic homework, the children will be asked to prepare a talk on their chosen seashore animal. The letter will explain this in more detail.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

p3 Homework W/B 24/9/18

Hi all,

Big apology for homework not having been posted here last week. After being very ill all week it completely slipped my mind and I hope it didn’t throw too many people.

The list we will be working from this week is ‘ph’. In class we have been working on how to make spelling more enjoyable as I found a lot of the kids were becoming quite disengaged so I will be sending home a grid containing some of the new spelling activities we have been trialing in class. Homework will go out on Tuesday and must be returned by Friday to allow me time to look over it. If occasionally they do need more time, as I know some of the children do attend clubs and have out of school commitments, could you leave me a little note in reading records to let me know and it can be returned on Monday.  Can I ask that if your child has lost or misplaced their spelling sheets that you either catch me after school or send a quick note in with your child on Monday so I have time to photocopy new ones.

Hope you all have a lovely week,

Miss Ramsay

Polar Bears

The Vanishing Cream

p1-6 for Tuesday

p6-12 for Wednesday

p12-18 for Thursday

p18-24 for Friday


The Treasure Chest

p1-10 for Tuesday

p11- 20 for Wednesday

p20- 32 for Thursday



p1-10 for Tuesday

p11-20 for Wednesday

p21 – End for Friday


The Finest in the Land

p1-10 for Tuesday

p11-20 for Wednesday

p21- 32 for Thursday



Chpt 1 for Tuesday 

p10- 21 for Wednesday

p22-p31 for Thursday

p32-end for Friday


Snooty Prune

Chpt 1 and 2 for Tuesday

Chpt 3 for Wednesday

p26 – 37 for Thursday

p37 – end Friday

P2 Homework w.b 17/9/18

Apologises that the homework update is a little late in being posted this week.

For this week, the children will also have numeracy homework in their book bags – this has also to be completed for Friday and will be handed out today (Wednesday).

Reading: Please complete the pages written inside your child’s reading record.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ng’ sound, this should be the next list in your child’s jotter. Along with writing their spelling words in their jotter, children can also practise their words in bubbles, sand etc – to make learning them more fun and engaging! (In class, we like to use whiteboards and play dough!)

Numeracy – For homework, they have a worksheet that has various questions on it – e.g. half of 8 is. Please complete this for Friday! 

On days when there is no  homework please encourage your child to read something that they enjoy, so they are still gaining this reading practice.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller






HOMEWORK (For Monday)
We have been working on decimals and place value. Pupils can always do extra work on Numeracy using Sumdog, topmarks or nrich.  I will put together a suitable list of websites.
Decimals 10,100,1000 worksheet to be done in new numeracy jotters.
Pupils will have spelling lists to learn – words coming from wrongly spelled words in their writing.
Pupils have also been doing research on who was to blame for the Titanic sinking – although this is not compulsory.
Please note that ALL pupils should have indoor shoes to change into.  This week only 7 pupils had a change of shoes.  Also a polite reminder that jogging bottoms are suitable for outdoor P.E. but are not part of our daily school uniform.
P7 Camp Parents Meeting
There will be a parent meeting for Primary Cluster 7 camp at Burnbrae Primary School on Monday 1st October at 7pm. This meeting is for parents only as the school hall is not big enough to accommodate parents and pupils. Mrs Cooney, Miss Maley and Mrs Craig will be accompanying the Primary 7 pupils to camp this year.
Newsletter had the wrong date – we go to The Poppy Factory on WEDNESDAY 7TH OF NOVEMBER – letter will follow

P1 Homework 17/09/18


Monday: Children will have the handwriting sheet for the letter ‘n’                 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday children will have some recap work on the last six sounds we have done – s a t i p n                                   

Sound Bags: Every child has a small bag with the sound cards in. Please use these cards to help your child make small 2 or 3 letter words, eg. sat   at   in   pin  pat  nap   pan.

Reading: We are continuing with wordless books at the moment. Your child will soon be bringing home a tin with the first words in, they need to learn these words for when they go onto the next stage of their reading books.


TOPIC: This term we will be learning about Early Man, if you have any large pieces of cardboard please could you send it in to help us make a cave.

We will also be looking at Harvest in a couple of weeks.

Please could you send in any clean boxes, yogurt pots, kitchen roll tubes, plastic containers etc for junk modelling. (NB No nut product containers please)

Events: The photographer from The Advertiser will be in school on Friday – please make sure your child is in school uniform. If you have not returned the letter to order copies of the paper please do so as quickly as possible.


If your child does not have both a t-shirt and shorts for PE please could you sen them in.

We have several items of uniform in our class which are unclaimed and have no name in if you are missing something please pop in. PLEASE NAME YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHING.

Thank you,

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming