P4 Worksheet- 20/11/2018

P4 Homework   20/11/18

Remember written homework is due in on Mondays


See reading records and website for details


Spelling – ea , ee and

Here is a list of this week’s words

Peach     peel

Each       feel

Heal     heel

Real       reel





* Early * eh not ee sound

* Pearl  *

If your child has words written in pen in their homework jotter they should include these in their list for the week.


1.       Write, cover, copy and check words in their homework jotter. All children were given these last week and only half were returned.


2.       Write one sentence per word.




There is another Sumdog challenge on Sumdog and the children were given their passwords last week attached to their homework sheets.



19/11/18 – P1 homework

Good evening. I would like to apologise for the lack of a post last week, I had issues with the website however I have managed to fix the issue now.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words and sounds in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book and can progress onto the next stage of reading books.

Phonics: We are currently learning digraphs in phonics. These are where 2 letters make one sound, for example ‘oa’ makes the ‘o’ letter sound heard in boat, goat and float.

Please help your child complete the following sheets in their red phonics book:

Monday – ie – ‘i’ letter sound heard in pie and lie

Tuesday – ee- the ‘e’ letter sound heard in see, bee, sheep

Wednesday – or

Nativity: A nativity newsletter has been sent out to let you know the casting for this years nativity. If your child has a speaking part please encourage them to practice their part and help them to learn their lines.

If you have any props or outfits that may be suitable for this years theme – Christmas around the World we would really appreciate borrowing them for the show.

In particular we are looking for outfits or props for the following characters : Spanish, Hawaiian, Indian, American, Chinese and African

Thank you

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming



P2 Homework w.b. 19.11.18


******TRIP REMINDER*******

P2 are going to Deep Sea World tomorrow (Monday 19th November), all children who did not circle for a school packed lunch for the trip must remember to bring their own! Please ensure your child also has a snack, as we will be having this before we start our tour. If children are bringing money to spend in the gift shop can it please be put inside a clearly labelled wallet/purse. We are leaving school at 9:15am and will be arriving back for around 3pm. It’s going to be a really fun day!

This week is also Book Week, if your child has a book at home that they are enjoying, they can bring this in for the school’s DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) sessions that will be happening multiple times a day. If not, then we have a wide variety of books in our class library that they can pick from.

On Thursday 22nd November, it is ‘dress up as a character day’! Children are encouraged to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character. I can’t wait to see what they all dress up as – I’m still in the middle of making mine!

At the end of the week, a letter was put into your child’s bookbag about Nativity. It detailed who got what parts and asks if anyone could spare any help with costumes!

A week on Friday (Friday 30th November), it will be the Christmas Fair and P1/2 are looking for donations of any unwanted toys that are in good condition for the toy stall.

We also have the library on Friday, so just a gentle reminder that all school library books should be returned this week!


Spelling: There will be no spelling homework this week as we will be having a revision week of the sounds we have learned so far.

Reading: Please check your child’s reading record for the pages that have to be read on that date. Spots will be given a worksheet to complete alongside their non-fiction book ‘Romans’.

Numeracy: Children will be given another BIG Maths numeracy worksheet to complete this week.

If you have any questions about anything happening this week then please don’t hesitate to catch me at the end of the day or drop me an email.

Thank you for all your support,

Miss Lauren Waller

P6 Homework W/B 19th November 2018**Updated Date Change!**

Hi all,

There are just five weeks left of this term and it’s shaping up to be very busy indeed. Here are some reminders of dates for your diary. **Please note, I made an error with the date of  the P3-7 Christmas Concert so have changed it from Wed 19th to Tuesday 18th December. My apologies!**

W/B 19th NovemberBook Week Scotland – children should bring reading material to read in class when the ‘reading bell’ rings.

Thursday 22nd Nov. – Dress as a book character

Friday 30th NovemberChristmas Fair* @12:30pm

Wednesday 5th DecemberPantomime at Brunton Theatre (late return)

Wednesday 12th DecemberChristmas Jumper Day and Christmas School Lunch

Tuesday 18th December – P3-7 Christmas Concert (afternoon)

Thursday 20th DecemberChristmas Party

Friday 21st December – Last day of term – Assembly at LP Church.

*Details of events will appear nearer the time but with regard to the Christmas Fair, the Upper Atrium will be compiling a Fair Trade Hamper to raffle at the event so if you can donate any FT items to the hamper, that would be super.

This week –

Spelling – as normal; homework to be completed for next Monday.

Reading – Children are working very well with their reading journal. Everyone is now working on Task 3 but I’ve given two weeks for completion (by 29/11/18). The children got some personalisation and choice here and were asked to choose three question types to work on with their book. I will explain this again on Monday and make sure everyone is clear about what they are doing.

PE – Can children  have their kit in all week please as our normal Thursday slot is taken with other things this week but I’ll find a slot in the timetable elsewhere to fit in PE. Tuesday PE remains unchanged. We have finished our netball sessions and will move onto basketball. Speaking of basketball…

Congratulations to our P6/7 basketball team who won all their matches at last week’s tournament! LR, WL, LM, ZM and LCh; we are very proud of you all!

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt

Homework w/c 19/11/18

Hi all,

We had a fantastic turn out today for our pyjama day for Children in Need.Thank you for all of your donations and support. When I know the total I will let you know but it was great fun!

Book Week

This week in school is book week! Throughout the week if your child has a favourite book or a book they are reading at home as we will be partaking in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) and  will be reading at regular intervals throughout the day.

Just a quick reminder that Thursday is a dress up day in school and children are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character. I have my costume prepped and at the ready!


Finally as it is book week this is a good opportunity to share our favourite stories with each other therefore I am asking that children prepare a short talk of 2-3 minutes on their favourite book. Information should include:

  • The book title and author
  • Why they like the book and their favourite part of the story
  • Their favourite character and least favourite character and why.

I will hear the talks on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Children can present with notes, power points or drawings if they choose but it is not essential.


Our spelling sound this week for homework is ou as in u eg double, trouble country etc.


This week I will also be sending home a large yellow homework jotter which contains a home learning wall similar to the spelling menu. Again children are asked to complete one brick on the wall each week and colour it in red, yellow or green based on understanding.  As some of the activities are practical and may not be able to be evidenced in the jotter pictures may be stuck in to the jotters or just a short note to let me know how they got on.


Hedgehogs – Waiting for Goldie

Tuesday – Chapter 1 and 2

Wednesday – Chapter 3

Thursday – Chapter 4 and 5

Pandas – The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om

Tuesday – Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2

Thursday – 3

Orangutans – Superdog

Tuesday p1- p8

Wednesday – p9-16

Thursday – P17 – p24

Friday – p24-p32

Tigers – Lost in the Jungle

Tuesday – p1 – p8

Wednesday – p9-p16

Thursday – p17-p24

Friday – p25-p32

Polar Bears

I will update this ASAP as I am going to assess this group to see if they are able to move up a level.


Miss Ramsay

P4 Homework 13/11/18

P4 Homework   13/11/18


Here is the information that the children have been given in their jotters

Remember written homework is due in on Mondays



See reading records and website for details






Here are a list of this week’s words- please note that the ou, aw, and au blends make the same sound.


Though                                Author

Thought                              Auto

Bought                                Automatic




If your child has words written in pen in their homework jotter they should include these in their list for the week.



1.       Write, cover, copy and check words in their homework jotter. All children were given these last week and only half were returned.


2.       Write one sentence per word.


P2 Homework w.b 12.11.18

Hi all,

P2 are going on a trip to Deep Sea World on Monday 19th November, please complete and bring back the permission letter as soon as possible this week. It is going to be a really fun trip and a great way to end our Seashore Topic! Mrs Wallace, Mrs Tobyn and I are going with the children. There is a gift shop there and children can bring money to spend there if they wish – if so can it be put into a named wallet/purse please. If you have questions about the trip then please don’t hesitate to catch me at the end of the day or email; L.Waller@mgfl.net 

In addition to the children having P.E on a Tuesday and Thursday, they are going to have a 4 week block of athletics on a Monday afternoon. This is running from Monday 12th November until Monday 3rd December. Please ensure that your child has their full P.E kit so they can take part!

Well done to all the children in their fantastic auditions for the Nativity! All speaking parts have been allocated and these children have taken home their lines to learn, please support your child in learning these lines.

Last week, P2 started learning about money with Mrs Wallace so we have created a shop area in the atrium for them to explore this through play. In addition, please encourage the exposure to money at home, maybe through buying something at the shop or counting coins at home.


Reading: Check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read each day. Alongside this, please encourage your child to read a variety of other books to help their reading become stronger. Some groups will have non-fiction books starting this week, they will also have a worksheet to complete alongside it.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ss/zz’ sound. Therefore their spelling list will contain these sounds and tricky words.

Numeracy: There will be another numeracy worksheet for the children to complete, it will be the same layout as the one last week, including a variety of questions.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller