P4 Homework 15/01/19

P4 Homework   15/01/18

Remember written homework is due in on Mondays


See reading records and website for details

Hawks and Eagles reading starts tomorrow (Wednesday)


Spelling   the prefix al- (making the all or ol sound)



also             altogether   ( al   to   get   her)

almost       already          always

alter           although

If your child has words written in pen in their homework jotter they should include these in their list for the week.


1.       Write the words in your jotter and write, cover, copy, check

2.       Write one sentence per word.

Your child may have some additional spelling work in their bags from Mrs Black.


There is another Sumdog challenge on Sumdog and the children should all have their sumdog passwords.

P1 homework – 14-01-19


Homework for this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words and sounds in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book and can progress onto the next stage of reading books.

Phonics: Please help your child complete the following sheets in their red phonics book:

Monday – y – The initial ‘y’ sound as in yoghurt, yoga, yellow.

Tuesday – x – the ‘x’ letter sound heard in x-ray

Wednesday – ch

Scottish Poems: Please continue to help your child learn their Scottish poem. The children will be reciting their poems in class this week. Two children will then be selected to recite their poems in the assembly on Friday 25th January.

Thank you and we hope you have a nice week.

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming


P2 Homework w.b. 14.1.19

Hi all,

Homework will be sent out this week – as usual, it will go out on Tuesday and should be completed by Friday.

Reading: The pages will be written into your child’s reading record. I write the whole week of reading into these records so please check the date on the night you are reading.

Spelling: On Monday the children will recap bossy ‘e’ with a (a_e) and then we will move on to bossy e with i (i_e). Spelling lists this week will contain i_e words and tricky words.

Poetry: The children will also bring home a Scots poem to learn for the end of the week. On Monday there will be two poems that the children can choose from and take home to learn. On Friday the children will recite their poems to class and two pupils will then be chosen to represent P2 in the Scottish Poetry Competition at the school assembly on Friday 25th January.

If anyone has any clean and empty packaging boxes that P1/2 could use for junk modelling then it would be greatly appreciated!! The children love making things out of old cereal boxes, yoghurt pots etc. Thank you.

PE this week will be on Monday instead of Tuesday but it will go back to Tuesday next week!

Have a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller

P6 Homework W/B 14th January 2019

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – There’s a new spelling list this week plus revision of your and you’re. Lots of practice also required with they’re, their and there.

Reading – There will be no reading book home. However, can children please bring in reading material that they enjoying reading as we will have time set aside for personal reading.

Poetry– Everyone has been given a Burns or Scottish poem to learn to recite. Two children from each year group will be selected to recite their poem at a special assembly towards the end of January. Children should be ready to read or recite their poems by Thursday 17th (this Thursday!)

Pupil Talk – Miss Dickson is organising pupil talks this term. We have selected 15 Scottish inventors and pioneers. The class will be split into 2 x 15 groups. Therefore, 2 people will be researching the same person. Children only have to present their talk to their group, not the whole class.

Some of the people we’ve selected to research are very well known and famous for their inventions, others are less well known but were nevertheless pioneers in their own field of work.

More information will follow this week. Pupil talks will be held in the final week before the February break.

WOOL APPEAL – Do you have any old wool/yarn/embroidery threads you could donate? We need lots as we’re going to be making items to sell to raise money for our Eco-committee. The more bright and colourful the better! Oh, and any beads would also be gratefully received.

PEMONDAY (for one week only) and Thursday as normal.


Thank you,

Sara Brunt







P5 Homework w/c 7.1.19

Happy New Year!

Welcome back and hope everyone has enjoyed a restful holiday. A huge thank you for your generosity to both Mrs Roy and myself for all the Christmas gifts.

We got off to busy start to the term on Tuesday writing our New Year Resolutions for 2019 and hope to make this year another memorable and fun learning experience for all.

As we enjoy a week of celebrating all things Scottish, pupils have chosen a poem to learn and recite in class next week. Two pupils will then be chosen to go forward to represent P5 in the Loanhead PS Scottish Poetry Competition on Friday 25th January 2019. Pupils chose from the following three poems:

  • Postie, by JK Annand
  • Heron, by JK Annand
  • The Sair Finger, by Walter Wingate

P5 will also be learning both ‘O’Flower of Scotland’ and ‘Auld Lang Syne’ during class time and will enjoy singing these with the whole school during our up and coming assemblies.

The only other homework this week will be our normal 10 spelling words and associated activity cards.

Spelling: everyone now seems familiar with the spelling activity cards with pupils enjoying the variety of activities and option to complete as much as schedules permit. All pupils are aware of the homework expectation but I would remind parents to initial or sign homework jotters to prove that red activities have been complete.


Up and coming events:

Tuesday 22nd January to Tuesday 5th March 2019 Pupil Talks (details to follow)

Wednesday 6th February 2019 Parent Consultations, 17:30 – 20.30pm

Thursday 7th February 2019 Parent Consultations, 15:30 – 17.30pm

Monday 11th February – Friday 15th February 2019 – Holiday

PE – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Finally, a reminder that children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into. This ensures the floors are kept clean, in particular classroom carpets where children sit when sharing news etc.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P2 Homework w.b. 7.1.19

Hi all,

Happy New Year to you all!! I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday, it sounds like the children have had so much fun over the Christmas period.

We are just easing ourselves back in this week by recapping phonics and numeracy before starting new sounds and topics next week. Therefore, there is no homework this week and it will resume next Tuesday.

This week is Scottish Week, so we have lots of fun things planned – today we read Katie Morag and spoke about the differences between the Isle of Struay (where she lives) and Loanhead.

Wednesday – We are looking at different places we can go and visit in Scotland.

Thursday – Edinburgh Castle

Friday – Scottish songs

For the assembly on Friday, the children will be learning two songs this week; Auld Lang Syne and Flower of Scotland. We will be practising them during class time but do feel free to sing them at home too!

On Friday the lower atrium (P1-4) will be having a Scottish themed party. If your child has any tartan clothing then they can wear this on Friday. If not, then school uniform should be worn as normal.

Have a fabulous week and I’m looking forward to working with you all again this term,

Miss Lauren Waller


P1 homework -07-01-19

Hello parents,

We hope that you enjoyed the Christmas holidays and have had a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

We are starting the new term with Scottish week. We will be learning about Scottish traditions and the Scots language.

Reading and phonics: We will not be sending home reading books or the red phonics book this week.

As part of our Scottish week we are asking the children to learn 2 Scottish songs which the school will be singing in assembly on Friday:

Auld Lang Syne

The flower of Scotland

We have sent home copies of the song lyrics and ask that you help your child to learn the songs for Friday.

We have also sent home 3 Scots poems –

Colter’s Candy

Ma half sookit sweetie

The Wee Rid Motor

Please can you help your child learn 1 of these poems to recite in front of the class on Friday.

Scottish Party

On Friday the lower atrium (P1-P4) will be having a Scottish themed party. If your child has any tartan clothing they may wear it on Friday. If they do not, the school has tartan which can be worn over the school uniform.


Thank you,

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming

P6 News and Homework January 8th 2019

Hi all,

Welcome back P6! I hope everyone enjoyed their time off school and will be looking forward to a very busy, fun term. Thank you so much for all my lovely Christmas presents.


The first week back is Scottish Week across the school. However, P6 will continue the theme for the rest of this short term. The four focus areas will be:

  • Learning and reciting a Scottish poem
  • Preparing and delivering a pupil talk about a Scottish inventor or pioneer
  • Studying a historical topic; in this case, the Jacobites
  • A trip to the Forth Bridges as a mini ‘STEAM’ topic at the end of January

In addition to all this, we begin our block of ski-ing and will  have weekly lessons from a visiting Mandarin teacher!

Week beginning Tuesday 8th January

Spelling – To consolidate the spelling from last term, there will be no new spelling list this week. However, there will be a revision sheet on they’re, there and their sent home.

Reading – There will be no reading book home. However, children must bring in reading material that they enjoying reading in school as we will have set aside time for personal reading. In addition, we will be practising comprehension skills in class and children will put these into practice when researching their pupil talk.

Poetry– Everyone will be given a Burns or Scottish poem to learn to recite. Two children from each year group will be selected to recite their poem at a special assembly towards the end of January. Children should be ready to read/recite their poem by Thursday 17th January.

Numeracy – It is vital that children know their times tables or have strategies to quickly work these out ( not using technology!) Numeracy homework will consist of tables practice. This will start next week. This week, there is a Sumdog challenge.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Finally, a reminder that children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into.

There will be more information about each element as it is required but that’s all for now,

Thank you,

Sara Brunt