P2 Homework w.b. 18.2.19

Hi all,

I hope you had a fun and restful holiday and are ready to return for the new week! We are learning lots of fun things this week as it is SCIENCE WEEK!

This morning (Monday), the children have a science workshop and we will be following this on throughout the week through learning about energy and electricity.

Homework for this week; 

Reading: Every group is receiving a new book so please check your child’s green reading records for the pages. Please encourage your child to read a wide variety of genres, this can be anything from non-fiction to joke books! If they have a book they are really enjoying then they can bring it into school to read during calm time.

Spelling: We are learning no new sounds this week, instead we will be revising all of the ones we have been learning in P2. However, the children will receive a spelling list of the days of the week to practise.

Writing: Before the holidays, the children were learning about instructional writing and we wrote a recipe for making a jam sandwich. For Monday, the children have their own recipe template and they can make up their own recipe for something or can write one that they know works. We might try and make some of the creations next week!

Thank you so much for all of your support so far in P2. I hope you all have a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller

P6 Home Learning & News W/B 18.2.19

Hi all,

Welcome back!

This week is designated Science Week.

On Monday, P6 will have a visiting science workshop and the topic is called Fizz, Bang, Boom! Over the week, we will remind ourselves about fair testing, develop lots of science skills and finish off some of the bridge work from before the holidays.

Homework this week:

Spelling – There’s a new spelling list this week plus hear and here.

Pupil Talk – Well done P6. Everyone overcame their initial nerves to deliver a talk about a Scottish pioneer. These were interesting and very informative. This term, as part of our Talking and Listening development, we’ll have a go at holding debates about different topics. More info to follow next week which will involve some reading and research at home.

Writing500 words. The annual Radio 2 writing competition is upon us and closes on the 8th March so there’s not much time for us budding authors to get our stories written. I’d like this to be a flexible home/school task whereby children will get ample time in school to work on this and can  save their text onto USB sticks. I can also email stories back and forth so that these can be worked on at home too. Of course, not to forget good old paper and pencil written stories!

Reading – Everyone will read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day in class.

Ski-ing –  Wednesday. Children should bring their ski-ing gear with them to change into at school before we leave on the bus (after break). Please note that children should bring a packed lunch as we return to school after the dining room has closed.

Mandarin – P6 will continue to  learn Mandarin from a specialist teacher.

PETuesday  and Thursday

Thank you,

Sara Brunt







Loanhead Poems

As you know Black Diamond came into school to record our pupils performing their Scots poems. They have now went live on the internet and thought you might want to hear. We are all so proud!


They can be found at:


P2 Homework w.b 4.2.19

Hi all,

Parents evening is this week, Wednesday 6th (5:30-8:30) and Thursday 7th (3:30-5:30). Please return your slip if you have not already, they were put into children’s bookbags. If you are unable to make the appointment, then please let the school office know and they can sort something for you.

Homework for this week:

Reading: All of the reading groups have moved up a stage, so the books may be a little more challenging, to begin with, but they are all ready for the move up. Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages they have to read that night.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘wh’ sound, for example, whisper and whale. The spelling list this week contains words with this sound and tricky words.

After the holidays, I will alternate each week between numeracy, phonics and writing homework. For example, one week will be a writing task and the next week will be a phonics task etc. With this extra task, the children will have until the following Monday to complete it.

Just a reminder that we break up for the holidays this Friday 8th February at the normal time, 12:25pm.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday and Thursday evening,

Miss Lauren Waller


p3 Homework w/b 5/2/19

Hi all,

As usual homework will go out on Tuesday and be returned the following Monday.


Thank you for all of your contributions! We have had loads of fantastic stuff brought in for our junk modelling , p3 are very excited.


This weeks spelling pattern is the long o vowel sound made using ‘ue’ ‘ck’ and ‘k’ as in neck and book . We talk about ‘ck’ as protector ck as in protects short vowel sounds from being lonely. For example: b a ck, p i nk, th i nk.  These can be found on Spelling list 16 on the final list.

Copy the spelling words in one of the ways suggested on the spelling menu and write 3 sentences.


As normal select a task from the home learning wall. Please remember to colour in tasks after you have done them so I can see what you have done at home and know when to issue a new home learning wall.


Hedgehogs – Spooky

Tuesday – Chapter 1-2

Wednesday – Chapter 3-4

Thursday – Chapter 5-6

Friday- Chapter 7-8

Pandas – Bertie Wiggins Amazing Ears

Tuesday –p1-10

Wednesday – p10-20

Thursday – p20-end

Orangutans – Dutch Adventure

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Tigers – 

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Polar Bears – Silly Children

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- whole book




P6 Home Learning & News W/B 4th Feb

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – There’s a new spelling list this week plus through and threw

Pupil Talk – Everyone will present their Pupil Talk this week. Children have had ample opportunity to prepare in school time as well as at home so we are really looking forward to finding out more about Scottish pioneers. Remember, it’s the delivery of the talk we are looking at e.g. confidence, be  loud and clear, be interesting, show audience awareness and show good eye contact. Remember to organise an audience participation activity for the end of your talk. Good luck P6!

Reading – all pupils had a chance to select an extra library book so all have something to read in class.

Numeracy Sumdog Challenge on division. Can I ask that children practise their weaker times tables whenever they can – even five minutes a day would help. Children should be able to say which times tables they need to practise.  It is vital children have fast recall but even more importantly, that they can link their tables across numeracy to division, fractions and so on. There are plenty of online games to use too and I would suggest looking at Top Marks ( Learning Games) 9-11 age group for this. P6 are familiar with this. There’s even a mental maths section, Daily 10, which has plenty of drills on most numerical operations.

Ski-ing –  Wednesday. Children should bring their ski-ing gear with them to change into at school before we leave on the bus (after break). Please note that children should bring a packed lunch as we return to school after the dining room has closed.

Mandarin – P6 are now starting to learn Mandarin from a specialist teacher.

PETuesday  and Thursday

Bridges trip – Last week, P6 and P7 visited the Forth Bridge Contact and Education Centre. The morning consisted of working together as a team to construct a room height pyramid using dowelling rods and elastic bands. Each child had their own component part to construct which then was put into a larger pyramid then finally, all these larger structures came together to form the mega structure at the end. The co-operation, communication and listening skills shown by all pupils was admirable. We did manage a walk along the Forth Road Bridge in the afternoon, but the views were dismal as unfortunately, the weather was not being kind and the sea mist kept flitting in and out over the bridges.  Anyway, overall, it was a very successful trip and the positive feedback from the children made it all worthwhile.


Wednesday (eve) and Thursday (after school) – Parents Meetings.

Term breaks on Friday for the February week. School finishes as normal at 12:25pm.

Finally – the time has come to say goodbye to Miss Dickson who leaves P6 to start placements in school with younger pupils after the holiday. Miss Dickson has been with us since August so it will be strange without her but on behalf of myself and P6, we give thanks for all her hard work and wish her the best moving forward. We will see you around!

Thank you,

Sara Brunt







p3 Homeworks Week beginning 28.1.19

  1. Hi all,

Quick reminder to return parents night slips as I did find a  few in children’s book bags so hopefully they have remembered to give them to you! Look forward to seeing you next week.

As usual homework will go out on Tuesday and be returned the following Monday.


Our new topic this term is Scottish inventors and I am hoping we can inspire the kids to get inventing themselves! If you have anything at home suitable for junk modelling could you send it in with your child. Any contribution would be much appreciated.


This weeks spelling pattern is the long o vowel sound made using ‘ue’ ‘u_e’ and ‘ew’ as in rescue, cube and few. These can be found on Spelling list 16 on the new spelling words issued this week.

Copy the spelling words in one of the ways suggested on the spelling menu and write 3 sentences.


As normal select a task from the home learning wall. Please remember to colour in tasks after you have done them so I can see what you have done at home and know when to issue a new home learning wall.


Hedgehogs – The Revenge of Captain Blood

Tuesday – Chapter 2 and 3

Wednesday – Chapter 4

Thursday –Chapter 5

Pandas – Hard to Please

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2

Thursday – Chapter 3

Orangutans – The Flying Machine

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End

Tigers – The Hunt for Gold

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24 – End

Polar Bears – The Runaway Van

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- Whole Book