P7 30 days of kindness grid…

Below is the grid that out P7 pupils have challenged themselves to complete.  We are choosing kind and trying to be a kindness classroom which is part of our “Wonder” novel study.

I typed this when pupils worked in groups to create the grids so initially there was some typos – that will teach me to proof read!  🙂

I have hopefully edited it so here is a copy.  We will reflect on these on the 10th of October!

30 days of kindness challenge

P3 Homework Week Beginning 4th September

Primary 3 Homework – Week Beginning 4th September

Thank you for a great start to our home learning for this year.

Please feel free to write comments into homework jotters about how your children have been finding the homework.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Play +1 / -1 with someone at home. (To play, write +1 and -1 on opposite sides of a piece of paper so that one of these is showing face up. The first player says a number, and then the second player has to say back the number that is either +1 or -1, depending on which side of the paper is showing. After every five or six numbers, flip the paper over.)

If you want more of a challenge, play +2 / -2 or even +10 / -10!

How many can you get right in a row?

Can you play the game faster and faster?

Challenge the adults in your house!


Play an addition game on a computer or tablet (e.g. http://www.arcademics.com/games/alien/alien.html). Start with sums up to 12, and then see if you can go up to 20.



Everyone has a new reading book this week, with a note of pages to be read in time for reading groups in class on Thursday 7th and Tuesday 12th September.

Reading pages out loud is very helpful. Can you pick a page to practise, and then read it out with no mistakes and lots of expression?



Please could everyone practise these words:

back                 neck

pick                  sock

stuck                were

many               these

for                   about

A great method is to look, say, cover, write and then check each word. This is how we will practise in class. Please try to practise each word twice in this way.

Try to make up a sentence that uses three of the words from this week’s list. Or more if you like!

P6 Outdoor Learning

This morning P6 went into the woods and in small groups built shelters using 5 ropes and a tarpaulin sheet.  The children enjoyed a small snack under their shelter before taking it down and ensuring that we had left no trace of our visit. One group were so quick at building their shelter that the got to put a hammock under their shelter which they enjoyed having a seat in.

The children evaluated what had worked well and what they needed to improve for next time.  They all behaved extremely well and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

P5 Homework week beginning 4.9.17

P5 Achievement Wall Homework, due for Friday 8th September

I am aware that some children have already completed this activity but for those who have not here are the instructions.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing work this session the P5 pupils are going to create an ‘Achievement Wall’ within our classroom.

The ‘Achievement Wall’ is designed to celebrate the vast and varied talents/skills of our pupils. Each pupil is required to bring in a photograph of them performing/completing their skill or talent. They should then write a paragraph explaining exactly what skill/talent they are proud of and why. These will be displayed upon our ‘Achievement Wall’.

Each child will also be given the opportunity to show us their photo and tell us about their talent or skill.

Thank you for your support with this.


Text chain challenge – see attached sheet.

Primary 5 Text Chain Reading Activity-2iwil5n

P5 Homework Guide

Apologies for the delay in getting homework out, unfortunately the school photocopier was out of order last week.

Spelling Homework

Now your child is in P5, they will be encouraged to have greater independence and responsibility for their own learning. Therefore spelling homework will be taken home on a Tuesday afternoon and returned the following Monday morning. This must be checked by an adult. 

Pupils will write their spelling words on a new page of their jotter on Tuesday each week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice.

Reading Homework

Reading will consist of a variety of activities including Literacy Circles, Novel Studies and individual reading tasks. A library novel will also be chosen by your child.

Maths & Numeracy Homework

Maths/Numeracy homework will be given out on a regular basis to tie in with what has been taught in class. This will be handed out on Tuesday to be returned the following Monday morning.

Topic Homework

There will be occasional homework for topic which may include individual research and class talks.

General Expectation

Please ensure homework book is covered. In P5 we expect children to date work, present their work neatly, and use rulers to draw lines.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Roy & Mrs Watts




P2 Homework W/B 4.9.17**Updated**

Hi everyone,

Here is the plan for the week ahead.

Photographer will be in school on Wednesday to take pictures of individuals and siblings.

Spelling – Thank you to everyone who completed their homework and handed it in on Friday! An impressive start to P2! Please note that children don’t have to do every written task from Grid B ( unless he/she really wants to!) This week’s sound focus is ch so please study List 2. Jotter work to be handed in on Friday please.

Reading – Every child got a new book last week and we’ll soon find our rhythm with reading days. I’ll try and see/hear each group by the end of Tuesday. Please check book bags daily for updates. I tend to use Post-it notes for this.

Numeracy – I won’t send home any numeracy homework just yet but just for your information we have already been working on:

  • odd/even numbers
  • add and subtract up to 10 and beyond
  • coin recognition to £2 and change from 10p ( We have ‘Money Mondays’)
  • counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s and I note that some still need to practise counting back from 20 in ones.
  • revising halves during ‘Fraction Friday’.
  • problem solving using numbers in real life scenarios.

This week, we’ll keep revising the above and also focus on adding one/taking away one.

Music– children get a music session with Mrs Callaghan every Monday.

PE – will be on Wednesday with Mrs Duncan and on Thursday with myself.

Topic – P1 and P2 hope to collaborate on a Harvest theme soon so information will follow over the next couple of weeks.

That’s all for now,

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt


Homework Friday 1/9/1

Numeracy. All pupils have a worksheet to complete for Friday 8/9/17

Outdoor Learning Monday 4/9/17. Pupils were issued with a letter giving further details.