P4 Bimonthly Newsletter: Swimming, Outdoor Learning, Topic and Volunteers


The children really enjoyed their first trip to the swimming pool today.

They were placed in groups and got to grips with the routines. We had some winners for fastest changed at the end of the session and the medals and points went to Liam, Conor and Blair. Well done boys!

Please remember that the children need a snack and a packed lunch on a Tuesday.

You may have more children asking for goggles now swimming has started, they are welcome to bring them but they are not compulsory.

Please ensure children with long hair have it tied back. I do have a pack of emergency baubles to give away if needed (I promise they don’t get re- used!) But it saves me pennies of they remember in the morning.

Outdoor Learning

The children had a great time with myself and Mr Fallon from the outdoor education team last week. We are still awaiting some Annual Data Check forms to be returned and as soon as these are all in I can put the photos on the website.

We have just hears that the Parent Council have funded us over £300 to buy some outdoor learning equipment, so… watch this space!


Our new topic Weather, Climate and the Continents begins this week and we will be taking part in science experiments as part of this.


If there are any of you that would like to come to class to help out either in the morning or afternoon regularly of otherwise please let me know. I am always happy to have a few extra pairs of hands and some more heads in the classroom.

Primary 4 Homework 12.09.17

Reading Homework Only.

I began a bit of spelling assessment this week and am currently looking at the groups that the children are in and the sounds they are learning. So I appreciate your patience over spelling homework until after the holiday.

I had intended to put out some alternative spelling words this week for the class to do but as the September weekend is upcoming I changed my mind.

Therefore, there is only reading homework for the children to do this week.

The children will have a note of this in their reading records. Some children had to bring home a paper-book mark with their pages/ chapters for reading as they have already lost their reading records, please check at home for these.

P3 Homework Week Beginning 11th September

Primary 3 Homework – Week Beginning 11th September

Thanks again for continued support with home learning.

Please do feel free to write comments in jotters about how your children have been finding the work.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




For a few more weeks we are going to maintain our focus on the basics of number order and addition / subtraction. Please could I therefore ask you to keep on playing  +1 / -1 ,  +2 / -2  and  +10 / -10.

  • Can you get faster?
  • How many in a row can you get right?

(For a reminder of how to play, please see last week’s homework sheet on the school website.)

We have also been thinking about how numbers are made up of hundreds, tens and units. A helpful game online for revising this would be:


You might even want to have a go with thousands!



Hearing children read out loud is very valuable. Even ten minutes on this each evening will boost skills and confidence.

Pages to read from class books will continue to be marked. As we try to read lots during the day, however, it may be that the children are finishing these books in school. If that happens, it is still great to hear pages from them read out loud.

We would also encourage children to read their own books at home. To keep a record of this, new Personal Reading Logs have been enclosed this week for the coming term.



Please could everyone practise these words:

feet                  free

green               sleep

three                said

she                  had

children            they

A great method is to look, say, cover, write and then check each word. This is how we will practise in class. Please try to practise each word twice in this way.

Try to make up a sentence that uses three of the words from this week’s list. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops!

P Spelling Homework 11.9.17

Monday 11th September

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice

Chocolates – choose 2 activities to complete in your jotter.

Lollipops and Gummy bears – please choose 1 activity from sheet to complete in jotter then complete sheet sent home.


For Monday 25th September

P1 Homework and Information Wk Beg: 11/09/2017

The children enjoyed their outdoor learning last week – we have more to come week beginning Monday 18th September.
This week we are having a recap of the 6 sounds we have just learned and we will be looking at how we can use them to make simple 2 and 3 letter words. I am sending home a small bag with 6 sound cards. Please use these to revise the sounds and play games with.
E.G. Flash a card up and ask your child to find something beginning with that sound.
Play I spy something beginning with … flash the card and don’t say the sound unless you need to.
Use the cards to make words, at, it, an, sat, sit, sip, pat, pit pan, nap, tan, tip, tap, tin.
Play Kim’s Game – lay them out face up – child hides eyes, you remove one – which one is missing?
We are continuing with the wordless books and learning about the characters in the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme.
I will send home a piece of paper for the children to make a poster about numbers they find around them, they can draw where they see them (on a bus, on a door etc) take photos and cut numbers out of magazines and newspapers. This is to be returned FRIDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER
We are starting a topic about harvest and with P2 we will be leading a Harvest Festival. We will be looking for donations for this – more information to follow. We will be exploring where our food comes from and how shops and services get the foods we need for our daily living.
Other Events:
Wednesday 13th September: The Midlothian Advertiser will be in school to photograph Primary 1 Please make sure your child has their school uniform on that day.
Friday 15th and Monday 18th September: No School -September holiday.
Can I remind you to ensure that your child has a coat with them every day now that the weather is starting to change.
Many thanks,
Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework W/B 11.9.17

Hi there,

Just to begin with a reminder that this week is a short week as it ends with the ‘September Weekend’– so  school finishes on Thursday at 3:15pm and resumes on Tuesday 19th September.


Spelling – List 3 ‘th‘ . Everyone is working very hard at home and handing in some great spelling homework- well done! Please try to complete spelling homework by Thursday if possible.

Reading – Please send your child’s reading folder in every day. Please also check the ‘post-it’ note sent home with each book for updates.

Numeracy – On Wednesday, a sheet of sums will be sent home. This has ‘+1 and -1’ sums on it. Please cut this sheet up into individual flash cards and practise with your child so that they become very quick at knowing +1/-1. Also use the language ‘ What is one more/one less than’. If your child has mastered this, ‘up-level’ it by saying ‘Okay, if 4 + 1 =5, what is 14 +1, what is 54 + 1 , what is 94 + 1’ and so on…

Topic– We have been thinking about the current UK harvest but also about where our food comes from. We had Fyffes bananas during the week and watched a video about the production journey these bananas take to get to our shores.

A request…..could you possibly check labels of food products you are using this week and send the labels in with ‘Country of Origin’ on? We can use these labels to plot on our large world map where their food has come from!

PE– Wednesday and Thursday

Afternoon snack – some parents have requested that P2 children have an extra wee snack for the longer afternoons. We do have afternoon fruit from Tuesdays onwards, which we cut into portions and this usually lasts us a couple of days but if you want to send something extra in, please feel free to. I would suggest something like a small packet of raisins, a small piece of fruit or a small biscuit.

Thanks for your continued support,

Miss Brunt