P6 Spelling Homework 2.10.17

Monday 2nd October

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice in jotter.

Lollipops and Gummy Bears

Complete 1 activity from sheet in jotter and complete sheet.


Complete 2 activities from sheet.

For MOnday 9th October

P2 Homework W/B 2.10.17


Harvest Celebrationa donations request

P1 and P2 are celebrating the ‘traditional’ harvest theme by thinking about where  food comes from, learning harvest songs and being thoughtful about those in our community who are in need.

Thus, we are asking you to kindly donate food items so that these can be distributed to a local charity. ‘Long life’ foods such as tins, jars, cartons and packets would be most appropriate. Our pupils can then be involved in sorting the foods into groups.

If you are able to donate, can these items be in school by Wednesday 11th October. Many, many thanks in advance!


Spelling – List 6 – ‘ar’

Reading – as normal. Can all pupils please bring their book bags ( with reading books) in daily please.

Numeracy – Please revise the previous 3 weeks numeracy flash cards of add 1,2,3 and subtract 1,2,3.

I hope to get children back using Sumdog this week and so, will send their passwords home. If things are going well, I may set a short challenge for fun but I’ll tell the children about this later in the week.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

We started training for the Daily Mile last week – we need to build up to it and are now up to four minutes running! So, some way to go but it’s a start.

Photos – If you haven’t already, can you please return either the unwanted school photographs or payments please.

Thanks for your support,

Ms S Brunt


Reebops in P7 Science

In Science this week, P7 investigated inheritance and variation through Reebops -imaginary animals, made from play  dough.

The new proud parents learned the relationship between genes and inherited traits and how hereditary information is passed from one generation to the next, and how the physical appearance of offspring can be determined by combinations of genes received by parents.

Have a look at some of our adorable offspring 🙂

Chromatography in P7 Science

In Science Primary 7 have been looking at methods of separation.  They looked at distillation and filtration as ways of separating some materials and were set a challenge to separate ink particles using chromatography.

They learned that the ink separates through water at different speeds due to having different weights – this is how the patterns are created.

Their challenge was to guess the black pen I used out of 4.  Most groups solved the puzzle correctly 🙂 Well done.


Homework P4 26/09/17


All children are learning when to use ck or k to end a word.

They have words and three activities to complete.

See jotters for words.


Write your words in the correct column     k         ck     or c

To earn 10 points on the Challenge grid. If anyone has lost this please let me know.

Tell an adult what your spelling rule is. Protector ck. Think of other rules we learned and try to teach someone at home.


Roald Dahl: See bookmarks  Tues, Wed,

J.K. Rowling: See bookmarks Tuesday, Wednesday

Enid Blyton: Read P 50 to the end  for Tuesday 3rd October

Jeff Kinney: See bookmarks Wed, Thurs

Julia Donaldson: See bookmarks  Wed, Thurs

David Walliams: Reading will be given tomorrow Wednesday 27th

P3 Homework for Week Beginning 25th September

Primary 3 Homework – Week Beginning 25th September

We will soon complete our topic on the human body. Having investigated how our organs and senses work, we will finish by thinking about how our bodies protect themselves (e.g. sweat, reflexes and ear wax!), and how we can look after them too.

On Friday we will have our first visit to the school library. Hopefully everyone will find something they’re interested in, so watch out for books coming home!

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Please keep practising the Learnits. Each Friday there is a ‘Beat That’ challenge, where pupils try to improve on their scores from the previous weeks against the clock.

We will also be focussing on subtraction, learning to do this faster and with bigger numbers. Keeping on playing the + / –  games will really help with this. In class we are extending from  +1 / -1  and  +2 / -2, playing more with  +3 / -3  and  +10 / -10.

Some helpful online games would be:




The first two use numbers up to 20. The third one can go up to 100 and is quite a bit trickier if you fancy a challenge!



Pages to be read from class reading books will be written down in the grids as usual. Some children will also have quizzes based on this week’s books. If time is short, though, please prioritise the reading. Hearing pages out loud is so, so helpful in developing fluency.



Each week our spelling words come from the next sound we are practising (in this case ‘ar’) and also from a list of the 100 most common words in English.

For this week we have:

star                  park

far                   scarf

bark                 far

have                like

because           into

Well done with the wordsearches last week!

As well as the usual look, say, cover, write and check (twice for each word) please write three or four sentences that use up all this week’s words.

P7 News and Homework 25.9.17

There is a meeting tonight for Camp – Burnbrae Primary – 7pm.

If you are unable to attend do not worry as I can issue any relevant info missed.

CROSS COUNTRY – For those who are going then it is tomorrow and Vogrie have recommended wellies to go and runners to change in to.

GIRLS FOOTBALL – This Thurs, please return your slip asap.

HOMEWORK (for Fri) – Pupils have been given out a dictionary worksheet as well as a maths revision of Volume worksheet,  we have also been looking at prime numbers and square numbers (e.g 3² = 9) and pupils MUST be revising their multiplication up to 12x.

Homework (side 1)

Homework (side 2)

Maths (see below)