P2 Homework W/B 27.11.17

News/ Events

Children were sad to say goodbye to Miss Jeffcott, our student teacher, last week.  We are nearly finished reading The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark and so it will be time to turn our attention to the inevitable Christmas activities!

School Xmas  Fair – The school fair starts at 12:30pm this Friday and will be spread over both halls and the dining room. Please collect your child promptly at 12:25pm as usual and take them around the fair if you wish. Thanks for all the unwanted toys handed in thus far ; you have a few days left to donate any more. The toy stall will be held in the small hall.

Athletics and PE – These will be held on Wed and Thursday respectively.

Spelling and Reading homework continues as normal.

Numeracy – I have set another challenge on Sumdog, called P2 Round Up 26.11.17.

100 points to collect!

That’s all for now,

Miss S Brunt



Homework 21/11/17

I must apologise for the lack of homework on the website from P4.

Spelling (Whole Class)

See homework jotters. The children are getting better at writing their homework in their jotters and diaries. Good work all!

The children are working on silent letters this week   l and h primarily. For example: calm and ghost.


They have to think of three more words with a silent l and three more words with a silent h.

They should complete their October/November spelling challenge grid and earn 20 points.


Some children have a particular system that they are following and the pattern of this should not should not change.

See Reading Records:

On Tuesday, Thursday for and Julia Donaldson

On MondayWednesday, Thursday for Roald Dahl and Jeff Kinney

Enid Blyton- Given on Tuesdays

No reading this week.

David Walliams- Given on Tuesdays

Chapter 7 (if not done last week) and/or Chapter 8 for 27/11/17


P3 Homework from 21st November

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 21st November

On Thursday a real archaeologist is coming to visit P3! Just round the corner from school is AOC Archaeology, and we are grateful to them for coming in to talk about their work and answer the children’s questions.

The class has also started some music with Mrs Callaghan, learning two songs for the Christmas concert.

In numeracy, this will be our last week on money (for now) as we try to cement good progress made on calculating change.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Thank you very much to everyone who sent in boxes for the children’s work on 3D shapes with Mrs Wallace.

Thank you also for all the Learnit practice that has clearly been taking place. Personal Bests are being shattered every week!

As we finish off our work on change, the two links from last time will both give valuable practice. Counting money in real life and giving exact change would also be helpful revision.





Pages from class books will be written down in the grids as usual. This will be our last week of non-fiction for a little while.


Egyptian Tombs

It’s been great to see some of the tombs being started and I can’t wait to see the finished creations on 5th December. Please let me know if you need any resources as I have been trying to stockpile cardboard that might be useful. The full details of this project have been posted online in case anyone needs another look.



Spelling words to practice this week are:

home               joke

nose                 toe

bone                smoke

broke               what

were                was

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.


Our topic is WWII and although we cover a lot in class, pupils asked to do some personal project work.  To take this into account I have made a 3 week homework grid – pupils should do a MINIMUM of 1 task out of each section.  They can collate these in the folders given, produce their own booklets or folders or type it all and email to me.  I expect evidence of research, making connections across the curriculum, creativity and high quality work.


SKY ACADEMY – 29th Nov – pupils require a packed lunch

Pantomime and xmas party is now due.

P7 are really busy with our Christmas fair and I will be sending out permission slips for them to stay until 2pm on 1st December in order to help out on the day.

Pupils have reading for Tues and Thursdays and should consistently be working on learn its, times tables (plus associated division), adding and subtracting 3,4,5 digit numbers in their heads (with 10 seconds work out time only)

P1 Homework 20/11/17

Reading: Please see reading cards as usual and continue to revise words in word box.

Phonics: This week is a recap week. I have added the set of sounds that we have just been learning to the bag so that the children can use them, with your support, to make small words. It is important that the children don’t sound out the two letter sounds as two sounds, please reinforce the single sound: ‘oa’ as in boat,  ‘ai’ as in pain,  ‘ie’ as in pie and ‘ee’ as in see. This can be quite tricky for the children and they need to keep practising this regularly.

I am also sending home a worksheet to reinforce these trickier sounds.

Thursday: As this week is Road Safety Week the while school are going on a short walk to reinforce the need to ‘Be Safe and Be Seen’; could all children wear something bright or reflective for their outer clothing on Thursday if possible.

Nativity: Reminder – this is on Monday 11th December at 2.00pm. 3 tickets per family. More information to follow about costumes, lines etc.

Lisa Cumming


P2 Homework W/B 20.11.17

**Dates for Diary**

Nativity 2017 – slight amendment*

P1 and P2 will be performing ‘Lights, Camel, Action!‘ on Monday 11th December at 2pm. Each pupil can invite 3*  members of his/her family to come and watch. More info will follow about parts, lines, costumes etc.

Christmas Fair

The Christmas Fair will be on Friday 1st December from 12:30pm. Once again, P1 and P2 will organise the toy stall so if your child has any unwanted toys in good condition, please send these in. Thanks in advance!

Homework this week

Spelling – List  u– e. Magic ‘e’.  This turns a short sounding vowel into a long sounding vowel. Children will be taught a little memory aid: ” The  e at the end turns the ‘u’ into a ‘you’ sound. This particular rule can prove tricky!!

Reading – as normal. Please send book bags in daily. Children should practise reading daily.

NumeracyNumber Tennis– please play this game with your child- it’s free and needs no resources! Pairs to ten; you say 6 and the child should say 4. You say 5 and the child should say 5.  You say 7 and the child should say 3…and so on! The aim is for instant recall.


  • If you know your bonds to 10, then try bonds to 9 by subtracting one from the second number of the pair.
  • If you know your bonds to 10, then try bonds to 11 by adding one to the second number of the pair.
  • If you know your bonds to 10, try ‘decade’ bonds to 100 by pairing up 30 and 70,  60 and 40,  50 and 50 etc…

PEWednesday (Athletics) and Thursday (PE with Mrs Duncan). The athletics sessions have been going very well with Craig and he has been working P2 very hard!

Topic – We have been reading ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ and should read more chapters this week. Our student teacher Miss Jeffcott has many more fun activities planned covering astronomy ( constellations) plus light and shadows in science and art. Sadly, this is Miss Jeffcott’s final week and we thank her for her hard work and wish her good luck for the future.

Road Safety Week – Hi-viz walk – The whole school is participating in a road safety awareness event on Thursday afternoon. Can children wear any bright, reflective clothing they have to go on a short walk, promoting ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt


P3 Maths Games

A number of parents said that the maths games were a particularly popular form of home learning.

Here are the links we have been using.

I would particularly highlight Hit the Button because it has so many options. You can practice different things on that format, at lots of different levels as appropriate. Number bonds to 10 are always a good thing to keep on coming back to.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan













