P1 Homework 19/03/18

Reading: Please see the red card as usual and continue with words in the word tin.

Phonics: We will be learning ‘sc’, ‘sk’ and ‘sn’ this week.

Spelling: Please see the green jotter for the words for this week. These words are really helpful for their writing and reading.

As we have been learning about ‘Toys’ this term particularly toys from the past. I am asking the children to speak to parents/ Grandparents /Aunties and Uncles etc about the toys and games that they used to play when they were young. I will send home a sheet this week for them to gather some information, they will need some help from you to complete this.

If any of you have any toys that were yours when you were a child if you are happy for us to see them please could you send them in (we will be very careful with them).

The children seem to be really enjoying their gymnastics sessions – I think next week is their last session.

Many thanks

Lisa Cumming


P2 Homework W/B 19.3.18 *Edited*

Hi all,

*I forgot to say, in my original post, that the school photographer will be in on Wednesday to take class photos.

Homework this week:

Spelling – ‘al’. Please complete homework in red jotters unless children do ‘alternative’ work and show me.

Reading – as normal – check post-it notes please. Please ensure your child reads aloud regularly ( if not daily)  to you- it is vital at this stage, it really is!

Maths– I’ve put a ‘Graphs, Charts and Tables’ challenge on Sumdog – 100 points to earn. This involves data handling. Have a go!

Gardening – Children will have their last session on Friday but have had lots of fun with Paulo, building ‘plant towers’ by recycling water bottles. Results and pictures to follow at a later date.

Topic– P2 have LOVED exploring circuits as part of the electricity project, quite literally having ‘lightbulb’ moments! Children have discovered how to make fans and buzzers work and how to make a lightbulb glow brighter. This week, we’ll find out about insulators and conductors.

Two weeks to go until the Easter holiday so I’ll make this week the last one for homework!




P3 Homework from 13th March

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 13th March

After lots of work on polar bears we are moving onto penguins this week. We are also going to learn about the explorers who first travelled to the north and south poles.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



We are still working on halves and quarters. The children are getting used to identifying these fractions of shapes. The game Fraction Flags would be good practice. Please mix up the choice of halves, quarters, three quarters etc.



We are generally struggling more with finding fractions of numbers. To work on this, have a go at home at working out:

½ of 14                                    ½ of 22                                    ½ of 30

¼ of 12                                    ¼ of 24                                    ¼ of 40

½ of 32                                    ¾ of 12                                    ¾ of 24


In the next two weeks we are also revising things we have looked at over the year. Any chances to talk about time what time it is (12 hour clock, analogue and digital) would be helpful.


Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



More words that people have been finding tricky. Please could we practise them using our usual look, say, cover, write and check method and then write sentences using them?

Thursday                                 other

broke                                       ocean

gave                                        boat

            seat                                         whale

P2 Homework W/B 12.3.18

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 28 ‘oy’

Reading – as usual ; check post-it notes please.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Gardener – Our school gardener Paulo was out last Friday and all children planted seeds in pots. The ground has been too frozen to plant anything outside. Paulo has asked if children can bring in empty plastic juice/water bottles ( 2 L would be great) so that they can construct bottle towers for germinating seeds in. Bottles are required by this Friday.

Library – children can choose new books this Friday so need to return their last one.


Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt

P7 Information 9.3.18

I hope everyone is back to normal after our snow days, seems unreal to have snow in March but fingers crossed for more spring like weather.

We have finished reading books and are reading the Wizard of Oz in class so there will be n reading books going home.  Pupils are expected to be reading 30 minutes a night and should have a consistent book in class with them.

We are continuing progress plans so ALL pupils have targets in numeracy, they have agreed how they will seek to meet their targets and are working on these at home.  e.g.  My target is to revise the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages, I will do this by a) watching a tutorial b)asking for revision c)taking a textbook home.  I need to be able to show my learning by getting 70% in a test (individual choice here).

As we are testing next week I will be asking pupils to work on their targets and do any test appropriate revision – all discussed fully in class.



P3 Homework from 6th March

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 6th March


We are going to learn about animals that live at the north and south poles. As part of this we will think about predators and prey. Please could you let me know if you think your child might find this distressing. In particular, I am keen to gauge whether we might watch a video of animals hunting. There would be no gory bits, but a sense of threat. If you could catch me at the door or send in a note I would really appreciate your guidance.

I hope everyone had fun in the snow. It’s a shame our Vogrie Park trip could not go ahead. Mrs Duncan is trying to reschedule this and I will get back to you when I have more information.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



More words that people have been finding tricky. Please could we practise them using our usual look, say, cover, write and check method and then write sentences using them?

wife                             coat

will                              whole

Saturday                      quarter

            half                              glacier

            penguin                       Antarctica



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



In class we are moving on to look at fractions. We will begin by going over halves and quarters. We will be thinking about the fact that you can have a fraction of a shape (e.g. quarter of a pizza) or a fraction of a number (e.g. 24 grapes and I ate half). We will then extend this to think about thirds, fifths, tenths etc.

At home this week, how many fractions can you find? It could be to do with food at mealtimes or objects that are divided up. Write examples in your homework jotters. You could also draw a picture or take a photo.

For example:

“When I eat fish fingers I always cut them into thirds.”

“My kitchen window is split up into quarters.”


Please keep practising the Learnits.

I have also set up a new (smaller) Sum Dog challenge this week for those who have been finding that fun and useful.

P1 Homework 5/3/18

It’s nice to be back after the snow…it sounds like the children have had a great time in the snow. I have heard all about sledging, snow-boarding, igloo making, snowball fights and lots of snowmen!

Reading: Please see the red card as usual.

Phonics: We are continuing the consonant blends, this week we are learning ‘cl’, ‘fl’ and ‘gl’.

We had a dance session today provided by an external company which the children all enjoyed. It involved using a story to dance to. The children all used their excellent listening skills and followed the instructions well.

World Book Day will take place this week as it was postponed last week due to the weather. Please send in any book reviews or review competitions tomorrow (Tuesday) if possible.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming