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As part of assembly this week the House Captains have decided that they want to celebrate Extra Curricular achievements of pupils in their houses.

Have you won something? Done something that you proud of? Moved up a level? Joined a new club? Learned to play an instrument?

Pupils have shared their news with house captains but will be recognized in assembly on Friday.  If parents have any news or photos of pupils in action or with any awards then we would love to include these in our PowerPoint.  Please send to The House Captains via Mrs Hinton (before Friday 10am please)



P1 Homework 17/04/18

Welcome back – I hope you all had a lovely spring break.

This week I will not be giving out reading books as it is such a short week with our outdoor learning on Wednesday. Instead I will be sending home a list of phonic words that children should initially sound out if they are stuck with them and then be able to read them instantly without sounding out. These are short words that can be easily sounded out. Please cut up the list to help them learn them – you can do a few each night, you do not need to do them all every night.

Wednesday 18th April: We are having another outdoor learning session, this time to the beach. If you have not returned the permission form please do so. REMINDER: Children will need wellies, comfortable clothing, waterproof jacket and trousers if possible, sun cream, sunhat, packed lunch (if not ordered from school), change of clothes, water and a snack.

Our topics this term will be ‘Our Senses’ and ‘People who Help Us’

It will be a busy term….I can’t believe we are in the final term already!


P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 17.4.18

Hi all,

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a lovely Easter. Here’s hoping we have some decent weather ahead, finally!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 31 ‘nk’  . A new sheet will be sent home on Tuesday.

Reading – I hope to see all reading groups on Wednesday to give out new books then.

NumeracySumdog Challenge – Place value to 20; 100 points to earn.

Topic – We will be starting a topic on the seashore, after rounding up the electricity topic from last term.

PE – will be on Wednesday and Thursday as usual.


Miss S Brunt




P1 Week Beginning 26/03/2018

Well I cant believe we are at the Easter holidays already.

This week I am only sending reading homework home so please see their red cards as usual.

Monday is Epilepsy Awareness Day so to show are support for this the children and staff have been asked to wear something purple if you are able to.

On Tuesday the class will have their last gymnastics session – this has been a great experience for them and they have all enjoyed it.

Thursday is the last day of term. We will be learning about the Easter story and having some spring / Easter crafts during the morning. The pupil council have organised a fun carrot hunt for the children in the morning. In the afternoon we are walking to church for an Easter Service.

I have noticed that the size of the toys that the children are bringing in for Golden Time is increasing. I am happy for them to bring a ‘small‘ item from home if they wish. (NB. The care of the toy is the child’s responsibility.)

I will send home PE kit for washing and indoor shoes for size checking as I have noticed that some of the class have grown!

Have a lovely Spring break and see you all in April!


Lisa Cumming


P2 Events W/B 26.3.18

Hi all,

This term seems to have flown past and we are now starting the final week before the Easter holidays. A reminder that school finishes up on Thursday at 3:15pm.

Children will be asked to bring PE kits and indoor shoes home to check/wash/ repair/replace for the new term, starting on Tuesday 17th April.

There will be no new homework this week apart from finishing current reading books. I’ll collect the red spelling jotters in on Monday. We were doing assessments last week and so, I did not hear all the reading that I usually do.


Monday – wear something purple to show support for our ‘epilepsy awareness’ day. It can be something very small like a hairband or watch or bigger, like a T-shirt.

PE – will be on Tuesday and possibly Thursday, if I can get a hall in the morning.

Wednesday – The school gardener Paulo will be back to work with P2 to pot up sunflower seedlings.

Thursday – We’ll have an Easter activity morning, including crafts/games and the P7 House Captains, have organised a ‘carrot hunt’ for each class. Then, it’s off to church in the afternoon for the traditional Easter service with Mr Duffin.


Topic– we’ll finish up our topic on electricity. Last week, children investigated conductors and insulators. Next term, we’ll have topics on the seashore, a local study and Health Week.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt

P7 Info 20.3.18

CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) PLEASE WEAR UNIFORM! Please note that the expectation is for pupils to wear school uniform and have no false nails, make up etc in school.  Hoop earrings or dangley earrings are also not permitted.

Maths homework which consolidates class learning from the past 2 weeks was given out on the 19th and is due in on the 26th.  We are also working on algebra, probability and finding patterns in data and using these to create formula.

We are reading the Wizard of Oz in class and also studying robots which the class are enjoying.

I would like if pupils could spend time on SUMDOG and hour of code to brush up on skills set.

A few pupils are still attending school not ready to learn because they have not had enough sleep.  Please can we work together to promote good health and wellbeing.  To much “gaming” is having an obvious effect on learning.

Many thanks

P3 Homework From 20th March

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 20th March

This week in class we are going to be doing some literacy assessments. These are intended to identify gaps in understanding so that we know what to focus on next term.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



We are looking back at lots of areas of numeracy work, ahead of maths assessments next week. Anything you want to choose from the following list will therefore be helpful reinforcement.

  1. Fractions puzzle

Jane ate half a pizza. Kate ate two quarters of a pizza. Who ate more? (Hint: It may be helpful to draw a picture.)

Sally ate three pieces of pizza that were all the same size. In the end she had eaten the same amount as Jane. What fraction of a pizza must each of Sally’s slices have been?

  1. Time puzzle

Mike went to bed at eight o’clock. Draw what his bedroom clock would have looked like.

Mike has a little brother called Alf. Alf goes to bed two hours before Mike does. Draw the time that would have been showing on the clock at Alf’s bedtime.

I have also put up a new SumDog challenge.



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.

Instead of simply carrying on up to a certain page for the first part of this week’s reading homework, some of the children are being asked to choose just one page, and practice reading this with expression. Please look out for a comment on reading grids to see if this applies.



More words that people have been finding tricky. Please could we practise them using our usual look, say, cover, write and check method and then write sentences using them?

loud                                         noise

square                                     sphere

pyramid                                   cuboid

            circle                                       triangle

            allowed                                   aloud

P6 Spelling Homework 19.3.18

Monday 19th MArch

Please READ, COVER< WRITE, CHECK words twice in jotter.

Chocolates – complete 2 activities

Lollipops and Gummy Bears – complete 1 activity and the sheet.

For Monday 26th March