Hi all,
Can you believe we are in the second week of November already?! This year has flown by and what an odd year it has been. Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of LPS!
Things to note this week:
-Mrs Cummings will be teaching p3 on Wednesday this week. As of next Monday it will return to myself every day.
-Poppies are available in school all week should you wish to donate. We have a suggested donation of £1.
-We will be observing a two minutes silence on Wednesday in school for Remembrance Day. We of course understand that this can be challenging for some children but we would appreciate it if you could discuss the importance of being respectful during this time with your child.
-This Friday is a dress down day in support of Children in Need, again, any and all donations are greatly appreciated.
-Christmas Cards from p3 WILL be sent home this week. I apologise for the delay, as a result there will be a short extension ’til Thursday for payment
Moving forward we are keen to keep PE outdoors where ever it is possible so can we please ask that ALL children wear comfy clothes and bring warm / waterproof jackets. This of course may change depending on weather as we move into colder months. PE is on Wednesday as per usual.
Can all children also bring a jumper or wear layers as it is a requirement that we keep windows open in the school, as advised, for ventilation. Some children have been saying they are cold as they don’t have jumpers. We do have a small selection of spare jumpers if people do forget but some children don’t like wearing other people’s things.
Can you please make sure your child has a coat, water bottle and snack every day.
Here is the reading and spelling homework for the week:
Stripes: The Finest in the Land.
Monday – page 1-8
Tuesday – page 9-16
Wednesday – page 17-24
Thursday – page 25-32
Zigs Zags: The Bully
Monday – page 1-8
Tuesday – page 9-16
Wednesday – page 17 -24
Thursday – page 25-32
Spots: Berty Wiggins Amazing Ears
Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday –Chapter 3
Thursday – Reading Task
Select a task of your choice from the suggested activities provided.
Polka Dots: Here Comes Trouble
Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday – Chapter 2
Wednesday – Chapter 3
Thursday – Chapter 4
Waves: The Web
Sounds and words every day plus
Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday – page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15
Lightening Bolts: Let’s Sing
Sounds and words every day plus
Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday – page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15
The children have been split into groups for spelling. Their spelling words are stapled into the blue homework jotter. These words need to be learnt and the children should look out for other words of the same spelling pattern when they are reading.
Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.
Red Group: ‘nd and nk’ sound at the end of words.
Words such as: bank, drink, band, playground
Yellow Group: a_e
For this spelling pattern it is essential that children know their vowel sounds a, e i , o, u and letter names , which written phonetically sound like AY, EA, IE, OA ,UE.
We talk about the silent e jumping over the consonant to change the vowel sound. The song below can provide a helpful reminder.
Green Group: Word lists in the homework jotter.
Please complete an activity from the grid in the back of the homework jotter.
In the reports that were recently sent out many children were given the target to review their number bonds to 10. It is absolutely crucial that your child knows these number facts off by heart, without the use of manipulatives and counting on fingers . Knowledge of number bonds to ten really does impact on so many other processes and more difficult questions in numeracy as we go through the first level curriculum. Below is a Big Maths Task card which we use in school. Your goal should be for your child to answer each of these questions to demonstrate a good foundational understanding of number.
In school when working on number bonds we often discuss ten frames as seen below:
or part, part, whole diagrams
These are useful visual tools for children to understand how whole numbers can be broken apart.
Topmarks online has many great online games to promote fast recall of number facts:
However if you would like a pack of work more similar to the examples above or with some number bond games in it to reduce screen time please email me at:
In addition to this many children had number stories as one of their targets. I have included a useful link below about this.
I hope some of this is helpful and thank you to all parents who returned their forms in from your child’s report cards already.
Have a fab week everyone!
Kirsteen Ramsay