Primary 1 Information 11.1.24

Welcome back P1 pupils and families,

⭐We hope that you all had a fabulous festive season and are all well rested and refreshed.  We have a busy term ahead which begins with Mental Health week this week.  We will be talking about emotions, friendships, Zones of Regulation and doing a lot of Yoga and Mindfulness.

PE is still Tuesday and Wednesday: Please have indoor shoes and PE kits kept in school.

💧: Water in water bottles please, no juice.

All families are now connected to SeeSaw which is great 🙂

Next week we will be having a Scottish Fortnight and we will be learning lots of interesting things relating to our country.  One of the highlights of this fortnight is the whole school poetry recital.  Every child in LPS learns a Scots poem to recite to their class.  Teachers give learner’s a selection to choose from.  One child from each class is selected to recite their poem at our Scots assembly and there is a winner from each Atrium.

We will hand out the poems this Friday to give you as much time as possible to have fun with your child to learn the wee poems off by heart.  We will be reciting them in class on the 22/1/24, or before if pupils ask.  This should be something you enjoy doing with your child and not a stress.  The idea is that every learner does this each year so it’s for everyone and everyone can do it.  You can also record your child reciting their poem and pop it on SeeSaw if you wish.

Click here for a copy of the P1 poem choice

Thanks once again for all our lovely gifts at Christmas.

Mrs Beattie and Miss Waller

P1 Info 18.12.23

I can’t believe we are coming into our final week before the holidays! I am still trying to keep everything as routine as I possibly can, so please see below to any events/changes we have.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday. I will send home P.E kits on Wednesday to be washed over the holidays.

⭐Other info

Monday 18th December – Funbox concert in the morning.

🎄Tuesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party. Children can bring in party clothes in a named bag or their school bag, to change into in the afternoon. Please do not send your child to school in party clothes because children use glue, paint etc. throughout the day and they may end up very messy before the party!                   Parents are welcome at 2:30pm for a photo opportunity with a special visitor!

🎄Thursday 21st December – House Sing-off in the morning and a Christmas singing assembly in the afternoon.

🎄Friday 22nd December – whole school visit to church for Christmas service. Parents are welcome to walk with us and join us, please let myself or the school office know.

Please note, school finishes on Friday 22nd December at 12:25pm and children return on Tuesday 9th January at 8:50am. 

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and thank you so much for your support this term.

Thank you 🙂


P1 Info 11.12.23

🔤 Phonics – No new sounds will be learned from now until the holidays. Instead, we will be working on our blending and segmenting skills. The last set of sound flashcards with be sent home this week.

📖 Reading – Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. This is the last week of reading before the holidays! Please return any extra books etc by Friday. Book-bags will be kept in school for over the holidays.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday.

⭐Other info

🎶 Monday 11th December – P1 and P2 Nativity for P1 and P2 parents (2.30pm). Please note, it is a maximum of 2 adults per child for the performance. The Christmas card post box will be up and running! All cards need to have the child’s name and class on the front, so they can be delivered to the correct classes.

🎄Wednesday 13th December – School Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day.

Friday 15th December – P1 visit to the Library.

Monday 18th December – Funbox concert in the morning.

🎄Tuesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party. Children can bring in party clothes in a named bag or their school bag, to change into in the afternoon. Please do not send your child to school in party clothes because children use glue, paint etc. throughout the day and they may end up very messy before the party!                   Parents are welcome at 2:30pm for a photo opportunity with a special visitor!

🎄Friday 22nd December – whole school visit to church for Christmas service. Parents are welcome to walk with us and join us, please let myself or the school office know.

Thank you 🙂

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie

P1 Info 4.12.23

🔤 Phonics – This week we are learning the ‘ee’ and ‘or’ sounds. Please complete these sound sheets for Friday. These are the last sounds we are learning for this term.

📖 Reading – Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

Next week, will be the final week of reading homework before the holidays. I will also send home the latest set of sounds we have been learning.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday.

⭐Other info

📷 Remember you can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🎶 Monday 11th December – P1 and P2 Nativity for P1 and P2 parents (2.30pm). Please note, it is a maximum of 2 adults per child for the performance. 

🎄Wednesday 13th December – School Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day.

🎄Tuesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party. Children can bring in party clothes in a named bag or their school bag, to change into in the afternoon. Please do not send your child to school in party clothes because children use glue, paint etc. throughout the day and they may end up very messy before the party!                   Parents are welcome at 2:30pm for a photo opportunity with a special visitor!

🎄Friday 22nd December – whole school visit to church for Christmas service. Parents are welcome to walk with us and join us, please let myself or the school office know.

Thank you 🙂

P1 Info 20.11.23

🔤 Phonics – This week we are learning the ‘j’ and ‘ai’ sounds. Please complete these sound sheets for Friday.

📖 Reading – Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

🔟 Numeracy – We have been learning how to solve missing number calculations (e.g. 5 + ___ = 8) using counters and five/ten frames.

🎶 Nativity – If your child has a speaking part, please support your child with reading these lines with expression and volume. Letters re. any costumes/outfits will be issued in due course.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

⭐Other info

📷 Remember you can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🍫 Friday 24th November – Dress down day, please bring chocolate for the chocolate tombola. We are also going to the library, so please ensure your child has a warm jacket and suitable shoes!

🎄Friday 1st December – Christmas Fair (12:30pm – 2pm). Please see the post below re. donations for the fair.

🎶 Monday 11th December – P1 and P2 Nativity for P1 and P2 parents (2.30pm). 

🎄Wednesday 13th December – School Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day.

🎄Tuesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party. Children can bring in party clothes in a named bag or their school bag, to change into in the afternoon. Please do not send your child to school in party clothes because children use glue, paint etc. throughout the day and they may end up very messy before the party!

🎄Friday 22nd December – whole school visit to church for Christmas service.

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie

P1 Info 13.11.23

🔤 Phonics – We aren’t learning any new sounds this week because we have just finished another set. Please continue to support your child with reading and spelling CVC words using their sound flashcards.

📖 Reading – Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

🔟 Numeracy – We have been learning to add within 10. The children are learning to use lots of different strategies such as using part, part whole models, number lines and the count on method (putting the bigger number in your head and the smaller number on your fingers).

🎶 Nativity – Miss Aitken and I are well underway with Nativity preparation/practice. If your child has a speaking part, they will have brought home lines on Friday, please support your child with reading these lines with expression and volume.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

⭐Other info

📚 Scottish Book Week is this week and each pupil will bring home a BookBug Bag. We will also have Drop Everything And Read sessions daily.

📷 Remember you can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🍫 Friday 24th November – Dress down day, please bring chocolate for the chocolate tombola. We are also going to the library!

🎄Friday 1st December – Christmas Fair (12:30pm – 2pm). Please see the post below re. donations for the fair.

🎶 Monday 11th December – P1 and P2 Nativity for P1 and P2 parents (2.30pm)

🎄Wednesday 13th December – School Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day.

🎄Tuesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party. Children can bring in party clothes in a named bag or their school bag, to change into in the afternoon. Please do not send your child to school in party clothes because children use glue, paint etc. throughout the day and they may end up very messy before the party!

🎄Friday 22nd December – whole school visit to church for Christmas service.

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie