P1 Week Beginning 14.11.22


This week myself and Ms Hinton will be starting rehearsals for Nativity. Your child may came home with some lines to learn, please support them with learning them, using a loud and clear voice. We will be performing the Nativity for parents/carers on the afternoon of Monday 12th December at 2pm. This year P1/2 will be performing ‘Lights, Camel, Action’ and we are all very excited!

P1 Stay and Play 

Thank you so, so much to everyone who managed to attend our first stay and play on Friday. It left such an excitement amongst all the children and I hope you all enjoyed it too. I have emailed out a feedback form to get your opinions on the experience. I would be very grateful if you could take a minute to fill it out. We are hoping to do more dates in the future and I will list the dates on the website as soon as I know!


The children have all received their own iPad to use in Primary 1 and we first used them on Thursday morning. To say the children enjoyed it, would be an understatement! These will be staying in school for the time being and will be used for their learning in class.

Road Safety Week

To celebrate Road Safety Week, P1 and our P6 buddies will be going on a short walk around our community on Thursday afternoon, to practise crossing the road and discuss the importance of road safety!


Reading: Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record, please sign to evidence reading has been completed. The routine we follow for reading is Monday (p1-4), Tuesday (p4-8), Wednesday (whole book) and Thursday (worksheet). Please ensure your child sometimes starts the story at different pages or reads from the last page to the front page etc. This helps the children to read the words, rather than memorise.

Sounds: We are revising our sounds from the past two weeks and practising our CVC words. We are also looking at the tricky words: I, the, she, he and me. At some point this week/next week, the children will bring home a keyring with the tricky words we are learning in class. Every time we learn more, I will add them on.

A helpful website to use at home to support numeracy and phonics is https://www.topmarks.co.uk We really enjoy robot addition and phonics balloons!

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week,

Miss Lauren Waller


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