🎖️ Primary 2 Info 7/11/11 🌸

This week in Literacy we are continuing to look at vowels and using “a” or “an” correctly.  Our spelling words should be written in homework jotters 3 times and adults should help children to learn them throughout the week.

There is reading homework for all groups.  As well as fluency and expression, we are looking at asking questions from the text, trying to deeper our thoughts about the books and make connections.

In Numeracy we are continuing to make numbers using concrete materials to show Hundreds, Tens and Ones and adding these together.  Our student, Mr Aitken, is teaching each group Time – focussing on O’clock and half past times.

We are revisiting Dinosaurs topic after a break and are looking at Remembrance and The Poppy Story this week.  If the weather allows, we plan to walk to Loanhead Parish Church to see their poppy display and look at the war memorials.  Poppies are on sale this week, suggested donation is £1.  We will have a Remembrance assembly on Friday which will be led by P7.

We will also begin discussions about the P1/2 Nativity performance this week, look at roles and begin learning songs.

We are continuing Zones of Regulation and each child will revise their strategy toolkits.  We are also looking at Jealousy and how this makes us feel/behave and strategies to help.

As the weather gets cooler and wetter, please can children come to school with suitable footwear and coats.  They should also all have indoor shoes to change into that are kept in school.

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