✏️P1 News and information wk beg: 8/11/21📗

😃Home Learning

📗Some parents requested homework over the weekend so I am trialling TUES-MON homework.  Pupils should bring their yellow diary, book and book bag every day, especially Mondays.  Children should do 10-15 minutes each night to help consolidate learning in class and to enable them to progress.

Sample of activities:  But work this around your lifestyle.

Day 1 – Look at the pictures and discuss what is happening, help them to read the words for first half.  Play a 2 dice board game.

Day 2 – Reading whole book plus key words (It is important this is done as much as possible throughout the week)

Day 3 – Read book with pictures covered plus trying to make sentences with key words. Play dominoes.

Other: Read every night to your child, identify key words they spot in the story. Number bonds orally or apps like Teach your monster to read, phonics match or similar.”


SEESAW – I realise the letters home about the Seesaw class app never went home while I was off so I will send these out this week so children can complete tasks at home.

🌹Notes: Can bring £1 donation for a poppy to class.  In school we are designing atrium Tea towels, these are not Christmas themed but we hope for them to be ordered in time for Christmas.  Payment for these needs to be in by the £17th.

Maths: In class we have been learning to read numbers, count and add to 13.  E.g. in the sum 2+7 we are encouraging children to start at the bigger number and “jump up 2”

👮🏾‍♀️-We are beginning our topic “people who help us”  If you are available to visit us and talk about your job then please get in touch.

🍱-Next week we will begin eating in the dinner hall. Same menu as before, if you wish to make changes to the menu choice please let us know.

P5 Week Beginning 8/11/21

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week:

Poppies will be on sale this week, the suggested donation is £1 but please donate what you are comfortable with.  Poppies will be limited to one per person initially in order for everyone to be able to purchase one if they want to.

Reading – please see reading book for homework.

Spelling – please see spelling jotter for the pattern or sound they are learning.

P.E. is as usual on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

On Wednesday we may not have mandarin.

We have really enjoyed the two workshops we did this week related to COP26 and climate change, especially the art one on Friday using the tetrapaks.

This week we have a couple more workshops:

Monday: Exploring the Importance of Biodiversity.

Tuesday: How Can We Stop Climate Change?

It has been lovely to meet with parents in person for our Trio Meetings and I look forward to speaking with anyone who has a telephone consultation booked in.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming


P7 Info W/B Monday 8th November 2021

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Monday and Wednesday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🚴‍♀️ BikeabilityGroup 2 have their first session on Monday 8th November.

Parents Eve/Afternoon: It was lovely to see parents face to face again last week. This week, there are still phone calls to be made. Appointment slips were handed out last week. Please contact me if you haven’t received one.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

Research task – A task about purple poppies was issued last week on Google Classroom but children were telling me they had trouble getting onto this at home.

Remember – To access GC from home:

  • Do not go through GLOW anymore.
  • Search up GOOGLE CLASSROOM instead.
  • Type in your whole username eg. smithp37@midlothian.education
  • Put in your new password.

This should take you to our class page. Please let me know if there are any problems.

P7 will lead an assembly of Remembrance via Zoom on Thursday ( in school only).

📚Reading – We will be starting to read novels about WW2 very soon as this is our new topic. Can every child still have a personal reading text in school for such times when children may read quietly.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – In maths this week, we are revising time⏰ – telling the time, using 24 hr clock and working out time durations. In Numeracy, we are revising decimals – place value, rounding, ordering,  + – X ÷ and worded problems.

A homework sheet about decimals will be sent home on Wednesday ( due the following Wed). I will also post a Sumdog challenge starting 8.11.21 for one week.

💬 Modern Languages – There will be no Mandarin with Miss Sun  this week but children will start French lessons with Mrs Lynch on Tuesday afternoon.

My new email address :



That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P6 Week Beginning 8.11.21


The weather is getting a lot colder, so please ensure your child comes to school with a warm, waterproof jacket and suitable shoes. We still have to keep our windows open in class, so children can bring an extra jumper in to wear in class too. 

On Monday, we have our third workshop with Dunedin Consort. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

The children won’t have any Mandarin for the next two weeks.

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task will be adding and subtracting decimals, as this is our focus for the week. 

All Learning Trio targets from this week will be sent home with children on Monday.

We have our Remembrance assembly from P7 on Thursday, and poppies will be on sale this week. Initially, children can only buy one poppy and the suggested donation is £1, but please remember that this is only suggested. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lauren Waller 


P5 Times Tables

As discussed at many of the parent’s consultations I have put together a small list of some online resources to help your child learn their times tables.

Here are a few suggestions of online times tables games or websites:









https://ttrockstars.com/      This website is recommended but there is a subscription for the year of £7.20 for a family. It does also have a free trial.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

Primary 2 Homework 2/11/21


The spelling words for this week are:

up     man     crab     Friday    Saturday

Sunday     today     come     some     weekend

As there was less opportunity to read in class last week I have kept the groups on the same book, to allow for more time to practise together. This week I have also included a worksheet on coin recognition so that the children can consolidate some of their learning from primary one as we begin our money topic in maths.

I am looking forward to the learning trio appointments this week and next. To comply with covid guidelines please could just one parent/ guardian attend with their child for the face to face meetings and enter through the classroom door. Appointments are 15 minutes long. Please feel free to email myself or call the office with any queries regarding this.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

P3 Homework week beginning 1.11.21

Hi everyone,


Parents evening is this week on Wednesday and Friday. All appointment slips have been handed out today. I have tried to accommodate any requests where possible. If you find your parents night appointment isn’t suitable you can either contact the school office or contact me directly and we can try to facilitate an another meeting on a different day. Please also remember these are learning trios. The child must be present and should be accompanied by one adult only. I would recommend turning up as close to your appointment time as possible as families are being asked to wait for their appointment in the playground. We are having a bit of a cold snap so I don’t want anyone to freeze! I look forward to seeing everyone on this week.

On a similar note, can you please ensure all children come to school prepared for the weather. Warm coats and waterproof shoes are an essential right now.

Flu vaccinations were on Monday. All children who had one came home with a slip detailing what they had. If your child didn’t receive a vaccine you can also arrange this through your GP.



Spelling Words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences.


I have stuck a numeracy/maths grid the the back of your child’s homework jotter. The expectation is that only one brick (activity)  be completed per week. Can you colour the brick after your child has completed the activity AND is confident in doing so independently.


Apologies, I realise that today only the Kelpies and Dragons have brought home books. All children will bring home books on Tuesday and any missed reading from Monday reading will be covered in school.


Cool Clive

Tuesday -Chapter  Two

Wednesday- Chapter Three

Thursday– Chapter Four


Ask the children to reread all the notices on pages 14, 25 and 31, and to notice the jokes.
Encourage them to work with a partner to make up some more notices with similar jokes.


Captain Comet and The Dog Star

Tuesday -Chapter 2 & 3

Wednesday – Chapter 4

Thursday- Chapter 5


Encourage the children to use an art software programme to design a flag for the Stardust
Space Station.


Survival Adventure

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


The Lost Key

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Red Planet

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay
