P5 Week beginning 23/08/21

Dear Parents / Carers,

We have had a good start to the term in P5, I am certainly enjoying working with them, it is lovely to see how much they have grown and developed since P1!

A little bit of information for you, as from Monday 23rd August:

Tuesday afternoon P.E
Wednesday afternoon Mandarin
Thursday afternoon P.E.


On Tuesday and Thursday please make sure your child comes to school in clothes suitable for P.E. and with a rain jacket.

Reading books will come home this week, please support them to do their reading every night.

Homework will be given out on a Monday and returned by Friday.

Spelling homework should be worked on every night whenever possible….little and often! This is starting on Monday 23rd August please see their jotter for the word pattern they are learning and information to help them complete the homework and learn the spellings.

Please could you cover their homework jotter with wrapping paper or wallpaper – it protects their jotter and helps them to identify it quickly.

Date for your dairy: Meet the Teacher – Tuesday 31st August 3.20pm – 3.50pm

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming

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