This week’s homework (due Friday 6th March)

Hello everyone, I cannot believe March is upon us already!

This week’s homework is business as usual. Could your child please read half their book for Wednesday, then the whole book for Friday. Next week I am planning on sending non-fiction home for homework, so I am using this week as a chance to gauge what books would be appropriate. The spelling pattern is /ou/, which is as follows:

  1. snap
  2. swam
  3. loud
  4. cloud
  5. found
  6. now
  7. crowd
  8. sunflower
  9. seventy
  10. eighty

In class we are focusing on the difference between ‘ow’ and ‘ou’, which both make the same sound in this pattern. Finally, in Maths we are looking at calendars/dates, so if possible, can you try and have a look at any calendars around the home so that they are familiar with the format? We will be going over it all in class, but this extra activity would give your child the chance to make connections with dates in their own lives!

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

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