P2 Homework W/B 19.2.18

Hi all,

Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Hopefully we’ll start to see signs of Spring soon!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 25  ( ou as in out) . New spelling lists will be sent home.

Reading – continues as normal.

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge ‘P2 Money Challenge’.

If possible, can you give your child  some change to play with; 1ps, 2ps, 5ps, 10ps and 20ps.  Counting money and working out change  is a fantastic way to practise adding and subtracting in a real life context.

Thanks to all who completed the rugby problem solving task.  I’ll send home a little ‘solution’ slip with the marked homework.

Topic – Electricity /Winter Olympics

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Request – If you have any ‘junk’ spare, can you send this in please. Items such as cereal packets, kitchen roll tubes ( NOT toilet roll tubes please) small boxes, lids etc. P1 and P2 will have a ‘junk’ table to encourage construction/design/creativity and problem solving skills.

**Reminder** – Can you please check that snacks/lunches sent in, do not contain nuts or nut derivatives. We do have children in school with severe nut allergies. Thank you.

Learning Pit- 

We have been discussing the ‘Learning Pit’ concept and making our own display in class. As you can see, this concept encourages children to persevere through challenges and find ways to solve problems. If you hear your child talking about the Learning Pit, you’ll now know what they mean! This ‘Language of Learning’ will be a big focus across the school this term.

Finally, P2 will be working with our school gardener Paul on Friday morning.


Miss Brunt

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