Primary 3 Homework – Week from 6th February

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 6th February

It was great speaking to parents last week with the drop-in session and then assembly. If anyone couldn’t make it or would like to follow up on questions, please do let me know any time.

Our main topic for the term will be the North and South Poles. We will begin by thinking about Earth as a spinning globe with an axis and orbit round the Sun. This will explain why the Poles are such special places, and so chilly!

Thank you for sending in wedding pictures. Any more would still be very welcome.

Thanks also to those who can help on the Vogrie Park trip on 5th May. We now have the adult help Mrs Duncan was hoping for. (Mrs Duncan is our P.E. specialist and will be running this trip.)

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




This week we are continuing with subtraction. We will need a tiny bit more practice before starting on the columns method. Please have a go using empty number lines to solve:

25 – 14 =                     25 – 17 =                     43 – 24 =

43 – 29 =                     56 – 38 =                     132 – 66 =

An empty number line is just a line that you then write numbers and ‘jumps’ onto as a support to mental processing.

Thank you for your feedback about Sum Dog. I have set another subtraction challenge for this week. However, if you would like a break from Sum Dog, the following link will take you to a very useful game which allows you to set your own difficulty:



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



In class we have been thinking about when it is correct to use to, too or two. Confidence is growing on this, but a bit more practice will hopefully pin this down.

Use all three words (to, too and two) in sentences?



Please could we practise these words from our new topic using the look – say – cover – write – check technique. No need for sentences if you have had a go at to, too and two.

Earth                           sphere

orbit                            rotate

hemisphere                 equator


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