Apologises that the homework update is a little late in being posted this week.
For this week, the children will also have numeracy homework in their book bags – this has also to be completed for Friday and will be handed out today (Wednesday).
Reading: Please complete the pages written inside your child’s reading record.
Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ng’ sound, this should be the next list in your child’s jotter. Along with writing their spelling words in their jotter, children can also practise their words in bubbles, sand etc – to make learning them more fun and engaging! (In class, we like to use whiteboards and play dough!)
Numeracy – For homework, they have a worksheet that has various questions on it – e.g. half of 8 is. Please complete this for Friday!
On days when there is no homework please encourage your child to read something that they enjoy, so they are still gaining this reading practice.
Thank you,
Miss Lauren Waller