P2 Homework w.b 17/9/18

Apologises that the homework update is a little late in being posted this week.

For this week, the children will also have numeracy homework in their book bags – this has also to be completed for Friday and will be handed out today (Wednesday).

Reading: Please complete the pages written inside your child’s reading record.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ng’ sound, this should be the next list in your child’s jotter. Along with writing their spelling words in their jotter, children can also practise their words in bubbles, sand etc – to make learning them more fun and engaging! (In class, we like to use whiteboards and play dough!)

Numeracy – For homework, they have a worksheet that has various questions on it – e.g. half of 8 is. Please complete this for Friday! 

On days when there is no  homework please encourage your child to read something that they enjoy, so they are still gaining this reading practice.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller





P2 Homework w/c 3/9/18

Welcome back!

I hope everyone has had a lovely summer and is feeling ready for the new school year. Apologies, for not putting the P2 homework on the website last week, but from now on I will post it every Sunday evening in time for it being handed out on Tuesday.


Homework will be given out every Tuesday and should be handed in on Friday. Some weeks there may be tasks that will require more time, but I will ensure that I let you know this in advance. In your child’s book bag there is a reading record which I will write their reading homework in and a spelling jotter for them to complete their spelling homework in.

Reading – Reading homework will be every night (Tues, Wed and Thurs) and I will write the pages that have to be read in their records. Sometimes there may be activities and key words to go along with their books too.

Spelling – There will be a new spelling list every week and inside the spelling jotters I have added a list of the different ways that the children could practice their words (for example, look, cover, write, check or writing them in bubble writing). Do feel free to come up with your own ideas too! This week the spelling list will be  ‘ch’ words.

Primary 2 really enjoy reading comics/magazines so I was wondering if anyone had any pre-loved ones that they would be happy to donate to our class library. It would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your support,

Miss Waller