P2 Homework w.b. 13.5.19


Just a little reminder that Monday 20th May is a holiday for pupils and a training day for staff.

Homework for this week:

Reading: All groups will be reading non-fiction books, we will be looking at the difference between non-fiction and fiction in class. The pages to be read are written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: As the weeks are flying by we will be leaning two sounds each week until the end of the term. I will put the two lists that go with these sounds in your child’s spelling jotter but there is no obligation to do both. Your child can choose one, do a mixture of words from both or they can do both, if they would like. The sounds we are learning this week are ‘oi’ (boil, coin) and ‘oy’ (toy, boy).

Literacy: As we will be reading non-fiction books this week, I will send home a worksheet that is tailored to each book to complete. This doesn’t have to be handed in until Friday.


Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 6.5.19


Just a reminder that Monday (6th) is a holiday for staff and pupils, so school will resume on Tuesday 7th May. Also, Monday 20th May is a holiday for pupils and a training day for staff.

Apologies I did not send out the numeracy homework last week, was very busy with camp etc. I will send that out for next weeks homework instead!

Reading: Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record. All groups will be moving on to non-fiction books within the coming weeks.

Spelling: We are learning the sound ‘ow’ as in clown, brown and crown. This weeks spelling list will have words with this sound and tricky words.

The last topics we will be covering this term will be ‘Loanhead Local Study’, ‘MiniBeasts’ and ‘Electricity’. I am hoping to squeeze a week long dinosaur topic too as the children have requested this!

I hope you all have a fab bank holiday weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 29.4.19

Hi all,

I hope you all had a lovely break and got a chance to enjoy the weather while it lasted. It has been so lovely to hear what all the children have been up to, it sounded like everyone had a very busy Easter!

I didn’t send any homework last week as we had a revision week and I wanted to assess the children’s reading. I will be taking the class full time now, so I plan on sending homework out on Monday for it to be returned on Friday. I am aware that family life can be very busy during the week so if you would like your child to have their reading book home for the weekend,  then please just either catch me at the end of the day or note it in your child’s reading record and I will make sure the book goes home on a Friday.

I am going to camp with Primary 5 this week (Wednesday – Friday) so Mrs Wallace and Miss Ramsay will be covering the class while I am away.

Homework for this week:

Reading: The pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record. Please could you sign your child’s reading record every night when you do reading. We are working a lot on expression and fluency in our reading this term.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ou’ sound like in house, loud, flour. The children will have a list of words including this sound and some tricky words.

Numeracy: There will be a worksheet with a mix of different numeracy questions that we have covered this year (missing addend, doubles etc.). This is to be returned by Friday please.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller






P2 Homework w.b. 1/4/19

Just a reminder that the P1/2 assembly is on Monday at 9:30am for the parents and you can bring a maximum of 2 guests per child.

We have our last rugby session on Monday afternoon, the children have really enjoyed it and on Thursday morning we are taking part in the carrot hunt. This week, I will also be collecting in library books as they are due back before the holidays – if your child has lost their book then please just pop a note in their bag about it so I can let the lovely librarians know. I will also send P.E kits home for washing on Thursday.

This Monday is also the last day that Mrs Wallace will be teaching the class, after the Easter holidays, I will be teaching the class for the full week.

Homework will still be sent out this week but the first week back after the holidays, the children will not have any as I will be assessing their reading and sorting out new books. However, if you do wish to take some reading books home for your child to practise reading over the holidays then please let me know and I will get them to you. 

Reading: Check your child’s green reading records for the pages to be read this week. We are focusing on our expression and predicting this week.

Spelling: We will be learning the ‘ew’ sound and their spelling list will have words with this sound. Everyday we are working on our cursive handwriting, please encourage your child to write their spelling words in cursive. I have some sheets that show the cursive joins if anyone would like a copy to support their child with this then please just ask.

Literacy: The children did a fantastic job of fixing the sentences in their homework this week! We have been doing a lot of work on WOW words and using them to improve boring sentences, so I will be giving out an ‘improve the sentence’ worksheet. The children will rewrite the sentences and add in some WOW words to make the sentences amazing!

We are going to the church on Friday morning and finish at the usual time (12:25pm), everyone returns to school on Tuesday 23rd April. 

Thank you so much for all of your support this term. I wish you all a fun, restful and safe Easter!

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 25.3.19

We have a busy week planned this week!

The P1 and P2 class are going to be very busy getting themselves prepared for the assembly at the end of the week! There was a letter that went out on Thursday about this, apologises that those with speaking parts have not had their lines yet, these will be handed to them on Monday. If you have costumes for your child/any other items of clothing that would be suitable for the other characters, could you please hand them in from Monday onwards. This way Miss Maley and I have enough time to see what else we need to buy. The children will be performing their assembly to the parents on MONDAY 1st APRIL at 9:30am and you are allowed a maximum of 2 guests per child. 

The children are continuing with their rugby sessions on Monday afternoon and on Wednesday we are spending the afternoon with the nursery doing some gardening.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Check your child’s green reading record for the pages. Please sign or tick your child’s reading record to indicate that the homework has been done!

Spelling: We are learning the ‘ow’ sound which is found in words like snow, glow, pillow. This weeks list will contain words with this sound.

Literacy: The past couple of weeks we have been revisiting capital letters and full stops as I have noticed we need a bit more practise with this. This week I will be sending home a ‘fix the sentence’ worksheet. It will contain sentences that might be jumbled up as well as having no capital letters and full stops and the children have to fix the mistakes. This will be due back the following Monday.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller



P2 Homework w.b. 18.3.19

Hi all,

We had a lovely day on Friday seeing all of the children dressed up as Disney characters or in red for Comic relief!

On Friday 29th March, P1 and P2 will be doing a Fairyland assembly for the school, we are going to do this for the parents too. Next week we will be deciding the parts and begin practising! A letter detailing the date of the assembly for parents and the parts will go out at the beginning of next week too – it will be in your child’s book bag.

P2 will also begin their rugby sessions on Monday, they will be getting rugby every Monday afternoon for 3 weeks. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit so they can take part!

Homework for this week: 

Spelling: We are learning the ‘y’ sound so the the spelling list will contain words with this sound and tricky words.

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read that night. If possible, could you please sign or tick your child’s reading record for that night just so I can check that reading has been completed. It is so important that reading homework is completed every night, as the more children read the more fluent and confident they become. Again, children are more than welcome to bring in their own books for personal reading time or story time.

Numeracy: The last 2 weeks we have been focusing on missing addend and subtrahend sums. These are sums with missing numbers, for example, 13 – _ = 10. The children have been learning to use a number line to work out the answer. This week I will be sending out a mixed sheet with missing addend and subtrahend questions, it will be due back in on the following Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 11.3.19


Apologies that this post is being uploaded later than usual. As the phonics worksheet went out late last week, I have decided only to give the children reading and spelling homework this week. Next week we will go back to having an additional task for them to complete.

Please check that your child has indoor and outdoor shoes for everyday and a full PE kit. 

Homework for this week:

Reading: Pages to be read that night are written in your child’s green reading record. Please sign your name beside the pages to be read that night so I can check that reading has been done.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘igh’ sound, this is in words such as bright, light, fright etc. Spelling lists will contain words with this sound and tricky words.

Hope you are having a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 4.3.19

March already, can you believe it?!?

We are beginning our Fairyland topic this coming week which will be very, very exciting! The friendly dragon may have left something for the children on Monday…

This term we are also focusing on having a growth mindset! It is really important that children are able to value and learn from their mistakes as this will expand their learning and perseverance.

We begin our sessions of rugby tomorrow afternoon – please make sure that your child has indoor/gym shoes and a full p.e kit to take part.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading records for the pages to be read for that night. I can’t emphasise how important it is for the children to be doing their reading homework. The more children read the wider their vocabulary will become!

Spelling: This week is the “ea” sound, such as head, ready and instead. Please encourage your child to write these words in cursive handwriting if they feel ready.

Phonics: The children will have a phonics worksheet to complete, it has a mixture of sounds on it. As this is an additional task, it does not have to be handed in until the following Monday.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller