P2 Homework w.b. 23.9.19

Hi all,

Letters about the P1/2 Harvest assembly and collection will be put into book bags this week. Miss Ramsay and I will also be allocating parts this week, so children who have speaking parts will be given their lines to take home and practise.

Primary 2 are starting drumming on Tuesday 24th September, there will be a number of sessions leading up to a performance for the school before the end of the year.

Just a gentle reminder that learning trio appointments begin on Friday 27th September from 1pm.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read for that night have been written into your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside the date to evidence that reading homework has been completed for that night.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘qu’ sound this week (queen, quack), so the spelling list contains words with this sound.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 18.9.19

Hi all,

I hope you all had a lovely and restful long weekend.

Please remember that children must bring their bookbags to school everyday so they have their book for reading and I, or Mrs Tobyn, can sign their reading records when they complete reading in class. This is also where we put important letters etc. I keep bookbags in school over the weekend, so I can check homework and sort out the next weeks worth.

There will be a letter regarding the P1/2 Harvest assembly and collection in your child’s book bag within the next few days.

Learning Trio appointment slips will be in your child’s bookbag on Thursday (tomorrow), if you need to amend your appointment then please do so via the school office. These will take place on Friday 27th September and Thursday 10th October. Please ensure your child is also in attendance as we will be working together with parents/carers and the child to create targets for the term.

There is a curriculum evening regarding our new approach to reporting on Thursday 26th September, 6:30pm – 7:30pm – All are welcome!

Homework for the week:

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read on that date, and initial to evidence that reading has been completed at home.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘ng’ sound this week, the spelling list contains words with this sound and our new tricky words for the week (was, be). 

Thank you for all of your support,

Miss Lauren Waller



P2 Homework w.b. 2.9.19

Hi all,

It was so lovely to meet some of you at ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Wednesday!

Homework is being sent out this week and I will be sending it home on a Monday for it to be collected back in on a Friday. I understand family life can be very busy so if you require extra time some weeks, please just let me know. Homework this week will consist of reading and spelling.

Reading: Your child has been given a green reading record where I will write the pages to be read for that week in. Please sign/tick beside the date to show that reading has been done that night. If you have any questions/comments about reading, then please feel free to write them inside this.

Spelling: We are learning a sound a week and the children will have a new spelling list each week including words with this sound. This week we will be covering the ‘ch’ sound, so the list contains words with the ‘ch’ sound. They have been given a blue spelling jotter to practise their words in. Alongside writing their words, children could also write sentences including these words.

Please ensure your child brings their bookbag to school, if they have not brought it already. This week we have a very exciting surprise on Wednesday, we have a story teller coming in to read to the children.

The lower atrium love to get crafty and make many things so we would love if anyone has any clean and empty boxes/containers that the children could use for junk modelling. Please note for any packaging that may have contained nuts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 17.6.19

*************REMINDER FOR TRIP***************

We are going to Butterfly and Insect World on Thursday 20th June, please ensure your child has a packed lunch with them, if you opted out of a school packed lunch. Your child can bring money to spend in the gift shop but please put this in a clearly named purse/wallet with a maximum of £5. 

This will be the last week of homework and on Friday 21st June it will be ‘Meet The Teacher’ where pupils will meet their new teacher for the next term.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We are learning the last two sounds this week, which are ‘au’ (haul) and ‘aw’ (raw). As before I have put both spelling lists in their jotters but your child can choose to put one or both in their spelling jotter.

Tomorrow (Monday 17th June) I will send home the class photo order form in your child’s book bag, apologies that I did not send it out on Friday.

Thank you all so much for all of your support this year.

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 10.6.19

Hi all,

             ***********TRIP INFORMATION***********

As we are learning all about ‘Minibeasts’ this term we are going on a trip to Butterfly and Insect World on Thursday 20th June! The letter went out last week and please could all letters and payments be made/returned by Monday 17th June. Myself, Mrs Tobyn and Jenny Lavin will be on the trip with the children. There is a gift shop, so children can bring some money to spend in there, if they wish. Please ensure this is put in a clearly labelled purse/wallet and is no more than £5. 

Homework this week:

Reading: Most groups have moved up a stage in their books, so please ensure reading is completed every night to build confidence with new words. All pages have been written in your child’s green reading record. If it is easier for your child to do reading at the weekend, then please keep the book at home on Thursday evening and bring it back with your child on Monday. I understand family life is very busy and this may be the best time for some to do reading.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ir’ (dirt) and ‘ur’ (fur) sounds. I have sent home both spelling lists but please only complete one in the jotter and ensure your child practises reading both lists.

Maths: We are moving on to 2D and 3D shapes next week, so I will send home a worksheet in line with this. This will be due back in on Friday.

It was lovely to see some of you at the drop in on Thursday evening! Please never hesitate to email me or catch me at the end of the day if you have any questions!

Miss Lauren Waller



P2 Homework w.b. 3.6.19

Can you believe that it is June already?! Only four weeks of term left!

Class photos are being taken on Monday 3rd June, please ensure your child dresses in full school uniform.

Primary 2 had so much fun last week, massive thanks to Mrs Duncan for organising it all and to everyone who came in to deliver the taster sessions. Hopefully the children have found something new they would like to try!

We performed our assembly a week ago to the school but we are going to put a performance on for parents/family members on Wednesday 5th June. The assembly is around 10 minutes long and the performance will just be in the classroom. Please arrive for 2:50 and only 2 guests per child so we can squeeze everyone in! Once we are finished the performance you can collect your child for home.

I have arranged one final trip to Butterfly and Insect World on Thursday 20th June. This is to fit in with our ‘Minibeasts’ topic. I am awaiting confirmation from the bus company which should come through next week, once I have this I will send letters out ASAP.

Reports will be sent out on Wednesday 5th June and the parent drop in session is Thursday 6th June 3:30 – 5pm.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please ensure your child is reading their book every night, this supports them in building confidence and fluency. Pages to be read are written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: This week the list will contain words with the ‘er’ (herb, germ) sound.

Thank you for all your support this term,

Miss Lauren Waller







P2 Homework w.b. 27.5.19

Hi all,

It’s Health Week this week and Mrs Duncan has planned lots of fun activities for the children to take part in this week. Children can wear sports clothing all week but no football strips or team colours please. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle all week too.

Sports Day is Monday afternoon 1pm – 3:15pm and hopefully the weather stays nice so we can have it outside. If the weather permits, then spectators are more than welcome.

Every morning there is going to be a whole school warm up at 8:50am. 

Tuesday – We have taster sessions in Taekwondo, Dance, Movement to Music and Meditation.

Wednesday – We have a session in Karate, a Health Talk and then the whole school Fun Run (2pm – 3:15pm).

Thursday – There is the Bike Breakfast at 8:30am, children can bike or scoot to school and have breakfast.

Friday – Two pupils (EL/CF) will be showing their gymnastic and football skills at the Sports Showcase. Then the Summer Fair is at 11:30am.

It is going to be a very fun and busy week!!!

Homework for this week:

Reading: All the pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We didn’t get a chance to cover the ‘al’ (also) sound last week, so will be covering that sound this week. We will also be learning the ‘nk’ (ink) sound, so I will send home the spelling list for this.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 20.5.19

Hi all,

Hope you have all had a chance to enjoy the wonderful weather while it lasted!

P2 have started their new ‘Minibeasts’ topic for the next few weeks and will be doing an assembly on Friday for only the school. As we have learned about the butterfly life-cycle, we have decided to retell the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. Children who receive speaking parts will take their lines home on Tuesday. Please support your child in learning these lines with lots of expression and volume (our voices have to be heard all the way to the back of the hall!).

Just a reminder that homework is now Monday – Friday as I am in class on a Monday to distribute it.

Homework for this week:

Reading: All groups have finished with their non-fiction text and are back onto The Magic Key books. Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: As I mentioned last week, we will be learning two sounds each week until summer. This coming week we are learning ‘or’ (corn, born) and ‘al’ (also). The two spelling lists have been put into spelling jotters but please don’t feel like you have to do both. Make sure your child reads and becomes familiar with the words on both of the lists but they only have to do one in their jotter.

Maths: We have been learning time, focusing on o’clock and half past on digital and analogue clocks. I will send home a time worksheet to be completed for Friday.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller