P2 Homework w.b. 25.11.19

Hi all,

If your child does not have a speaking part for the Nativity (if they didn’t bring any lines home), could they please bring in a Christmas jumper/t-shirt and/or Christmas accessories to wear on the day. This is including the four Narrators. Children can begin to bring this in from next week so we have all the costumes ready! We have sourced and sorted out costumes for all of the speaking parts, so nothing is needed for them. Just a reminder that the Nativity for the parents is on Monday 9th December at 2pm in the large hall. There is a limit of two guests per child due to limited space in the hall. 

The Christmas Fair is on Friday (29th) at 12:30pm – 2pm. We are looking for toys in good condition, unwanted gifts, bottles for the bottle tombola and chocolate for the chocolate tombola. On the day and days leading up to this we will also be collecting your delicious home baking! The lower atrium (P1-4) are also creating a ‘Pamper Hamper’ that can be won on the day, we are collecting donations for this – bubble bath, face masks etc. 

The P1/2 Christmas party is on Tuesday 17th December – please remember that children can bring in a change of clothes for this and they can get changed after lunch. The party is £2 per child and this can be brought in from next week in a sealed envelope, cleared labelled with your child’s name. Santa will be coming to visit the children at 2:30pm, and you are more than welcome to join us for this!

Primary 2 were given ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags on Friday to take home and they are fabulous. They are filled with some wonderful resources and books that you can use with your children to promote literacy and numeracy skills. Here is a link to the website that explains it a little more and has some wonderful ideas for you: https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/topics/read-write-count


Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ss’ and ‘zz’ sound. Please ensure your child completes the full list in their jotter. We are also learning to write in cursive, so please encourage your child to do this with their words.

Numeracy: This week I am going to be sending out a worksheet on numbers to 100 before, after and between. We worked a lot on this at the start of the year, so this is just a revision task. This is also to be completed for Friday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)


P2 Homework w.b. 18.11.19


A letter regarding Nativity costumes will be put into bookbags later next week, so keep an eye out for this! I sorted out all the lines last week and every child, who has a speaking part, should have their lines. If they do not, please let me know and I will sort this ASAP. We are starting to make props next week and are looking for spare cardboard, we don’t mind what size it is! Any size and shape would be wonderful!!

Next week is Scottish Book Week and the children will be taking part in ‘Drop Everything and Read’. This is when a bell will ring and everyone has to stop what they are doing and read, no matter where they are!! Children are more than welcome to bring a book in from home for this.

Homework for the week:

Reading: As always the pages to be read are in your child’s green reading record. Please continue to practise the key words for each stage.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘ll’ sound this week (balloon, fill etc.), so this is the spelling list for the week.

Happy Friday!! I wish you all a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 11.11.19

Hi all,

I just wanted to start by saying how proud I am of the class the past few weeks. They have been working so hard and been completing some wonderful work, especially in their writing! They should be so proud of themselves and their progress so far in P2.

Christmas is approaching quicker than I like to admit, so I will post all the important dates for your diary in this post. Miss Ramsay and I have cast all the parts in the Nativity and we will be telling the children on Monday. Children with speaking parts will be given their lines on Monday to take home to learn. This year we are doing ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ and I can already tell it is going to be so much fun. We have started learning the songs in class and if you wish to practise them at home with your child, then please feel free. Here is the link with all the songs: http://dcsss1.weebly.com/year1/christmas-with-the-aliens-songs-lyrics

(We sing them all except Song 2 and 9)

Dates for your diary:

  • Friday 15th November: Children in Need – Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Donations greatly appreciated.
  • Friday 29th November: Christmas Fair, 12:30pm – 2pm. P1/2 are collecting ‘Nearly New Toys’ for the toy stall and the lower atrium are creating a ‘Pamper Hamper’ that can be won at the fair. We will be collecting for both of these things.
  • Monday 9th December: P1/2 Nativity for the parents at 1:3opm in the large hall.
  • Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day – we will  be collecting donations to continue the funding of schooling for two children in Africa.
  • Wednesday 11th December: Nursery – P4 have a Christmas show in school.
  • Friday 13th December: P2/3 will be going to the local care home to do carol singing. Please could your child bring in a Christmas jumper/Christmassy headpiece to wear over their school uniform for this.
  • Tuesday 17th December: P1/2 Christmas Party. Your child can bring in a change of clothes for this and get changed at lunchtime. Santa will also be visiting and parents are welcome to this as it is a great photo opportunity! I will keep you informed of times when I know.
  • Friday 20th December: Whole school visit to the church and school ends at 12:25pm.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read are written in your child’s green reading record. Please continue to revise your child’s key words with them. Once children can read these off by heart it improves their fluency and confidence greatly.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘ff’ sounds this week (cliff, sniff etc.). Please remember that instead of just writing the words in their jotters, children can write them in different colours, bubble writing, and silly sentences! You can even practise them however you like and just write about what you did.

As always if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me or catch me at the end of the day – L.Waller@mgfl.net

I hope you all have a fab weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 4.11.19

Hi all,

The weather is sadly getting horrible and wet as winter appears,  can I please remind everyone that children should come to school with a waterproof jacket.

A little late reminder but children had their flu jabs (nasal spray) this morning.

P7 will be doing the remembrance assembly this Friday and are selling poppies this week to all classes. A donation of 50p per poppy would be greatly appreciated.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We are continuing with short vowels this week, so the spelling list contains words with short vowels.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)

P2 Homework w.b. 28.10.19

Hi all,

The Halloween disco is on Thursday evening, 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Tickets are £2 and children can purchase these during school time. 


Reading: The pages to be read are in your child’s green reading record. Some groups have been sent home with a list of key words for their reading stage too. Please ensure that you help your child in learning these as it will improve their fluency and confidence when reading.

Spelling: We are learning the short vowel sounds this week (a,e,i,o,u) in words like bag, sun etc. The spelling list contains some words with these sounds and days of the week. We are learning cursive handwriting so it would be great to see the children practising this in their homework.

*******It has been super busy in school since the October holidays that Miss Waller’s forgetfulness has gotten a little worse! At the Learning Trio’s I spoke to many parents regarding sending resources/extra work home to support their child to achieve their targets. However, I have realised that I have not done this yet and some of the things I had discussed, I have lost the note of them. Please do email me or speak to me at the end of the day if you were meant to have received something from me and have not yet – L.Waller@mgfl.net ********

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller




P2 Homework w.b. 23.10.19

Hi all,

Sorry for posting this a day later than expected! I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are feeling refreshed for the new term. I LOVED hearing all of the children’s holiday news yesterday.

Christmas Cards that the children designed were sent home before the holidays in bookbags, if you wish to place an order for them, please fill in the form and bring in the exact amount money for that order. This must be brought into school by tomorrow (Friday 25th October). 

Friday is Dress down day and the children can bring in a tombola prize for the Halloween disco. Please note that there should be nothing containing nuts handed in, thank you. 

Homework: As it’s only a three day week, the children only have reading to complete. Pages have been written in their green reading record.

I have also made ‘Number Bond to 10’ flashcards for every child and these have been put into their bookbags. One of our main Learn-Its for this term is number bonds to 10, it is extremely important that children have quick recall of these as it supports their addition and subtraction. Please practise these with your children when you can. 

Thank you for all your support,

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 7.10.19

Hi all,

Just a reminder that P1/2 are collecting non-perishable food and toiletry items for the Harvest assembly. If you have any donations for this then please bring these in by Friday morning. Remember we are performing the assembly at 11am on Friday morning and there is a limit of two guests per child in the hall. 

Learning Trio appointments are on Thursday after school, please remember that children must be at the meeting too.

The ‘Teach your Monster to Read’ app is free until Tuesday on the app store. This is a fantastic app to help your child with reading and phonics! It usually costs £4.99 to download, so it’s worthwhile getting on your devices while it’s free!

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in green reading records.

Spelling: We are revising the sounds we have learned so far this term so there will be no spelling list in their jotters. Instead, children should write a few words with the following sounds in them – ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ar.

School finishes at the normal time of 12:25 on Friday for the October holiday and pupils resume on Wednesday 23rd October. 


Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 30.9.19

I can’t believe October is just around the corner, the weeks are flying in!

P1/2 are performing their Harvest assembly on Friday 11th October at 11am and we would love for you to be there, if you can! I popped a letter into all the P1/2 bags about this, please remember if you are joining us that there is a limit of two guests per child as we have limited space in the hall. If you also have any donations for our Harvest collection, please bring these in ASAP. All donations are going to Women’s Aid. 

A gentle reminder that all children should be coming to school with indoor and outdoor shoes, their bookbags every day, a full PE kit and water bottles should be filled with water only.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record. This week we are focusing on expression when we are reading!

Spelling: Our sound this week is ‘ar’ (star, far), please encourage your child to read their spelling words as well as write them in their jotter.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller