P3 Homework (18.01.16)


  1. Please write spelling words out three times in columns using look, say, cover, write, check.
  2. We have been learning how to use a dictionary. Look up each of your spelling words in the dictionary and write the word that comes after it.

For example soon-soot

Spelling 18


shape worksheet

If anybody would like to bring in some real items for our shape table it would be much appreciated. The shapes would be the same as the ones on the maths sheet.

All due for Friday!


P6 Reading Homework

All children in primary 6 are expected to read 20 minutes each night!

Reading homework will be issued each Thursday for the following Thursday. It will usually be a task about home reading books or a comprehension task following on from reading skills being focused on in class.

Homework due 21/01/16

Find five interesting words in your home reading book. Write down the meaning of each word then use each one in a sentence of your own.

Miss Prior 🙂

P3 Homework Week starting 11/01/16

Homework jotters will come home on Tuesday this week. Several children said the had left their jotters at home today.  Please could you remind them to bring them in, so we can include their homework.


1.Write words out 3 times using look ,say, cover, write, check. (Friday)

2. Spelling Activity card in homework jotter to complete.(Friday)

Spelling Words for Week starting 11


1.Coins Worksheet(Friday)

Topic Research(Mon 18/01/16)

Find out who Louis Braille was and write a few sentences about him.